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Firefox and Thunderbird problems with new on Windows XP

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I updated successfully to the new Malwarebytes consumer (premium) on M$-Windows XP SP3 32-bit, but Firefox ESR 45.9.0 and Thunderbird 52.3.0 would each fail to start, presenting the window offering to submit a crash report (to Mozilla).  Google Chrome 49.0.2623.112 and SAS 9.3 both started and ran fine.  I tried turning off Malwarebytes protection features, one-by-one, even turning off protection specifically for Firefox.  The only way I could restore functionality for Firefox and Thunderbird was to remove Malwarebytes  and reinstall Malwarebytes (premium).  I upgraded Malwarebytes to the latest version on a Windows 7 laptop.  It works fine, but does not have Thunderbird. 

Thanks for any suggestions

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Greetings and welcome.

I'm sorry that you're having trouble with Malwarebytes on your system.  I believe this is the result of a known issue which we are currently working on correcting which has to do with our self-protection driver.  You should be able to get your Mozilla software to work if you disable the Self-Protection feature in Malwarebytes and reboot your computer.  If that does not resolve the problem for you please let us know and we'll proceed with additional steps to troubleshoot the issue.

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Excellent, I'm glad to hear that.  Thank you for letting us know.  Hopefully we will have this compatibility issue resolved in one of our upcoming releases so that you may enable it again, but in the meantime I am glad that we found a viable workaround.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any further issues or need assistance with anything else.

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 image.png.86e46ddcbf35dcf42cbfc54bf5c0f9ab.png  As I wrote before, I could run Thunderbird and Firefox after I turned off the Malwarebytes self-protection module.  Today, I updated to this version displayed in the figure.  Then, I could run Thunderbird and Firefox even with the self-protection module turned on, but I could not run MS-Word 2003, Adobe Reader XI, Adobe Acrobat X Pro.  After I turned off the self-protection module, now with the versions in the figure, I could run Thunderbird, Firefox, MS-Word 2003, Adobe Reader XI, Adobe Acrobat X Pro.  SAS 9.3 ran fine throughout all versions. 

image.png.28c77547972a53218ad5ed36a94d58a4.png I also run Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.6 as indicated in this figure. 



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image.png.6d8f1d703852f93a44e1b5de1ba496e0.png I still have this version of Malwarebytes.  I turned on my two SCSI scanners and rebooted.  The scanners and vuescan (www.hamrick.com) work fine.  But, now Adobe Reader XI and MS-Word will no longer start even with the Malwarebytes self-protection module turned off (maybe due to loading drivers for the SCSI scanners).  I regenerated new log files using FRST with the SCSI scanners loaded and Malwarebytes turned on (self-protection off).  Thanks.



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To clarify:  I can use MS-Word 2003 and Adobe Reader XI with Malwarebytes running (self-protection off), if the SCSI scanners are not running.  If I turn on the SCSI scanners and reboot, then I can only run MS-Word 2003 and Adobe Reader XI if I set Malwarebytes not to load at start. 

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Today, I reinstalled mb3-setup-consumer- and allowed it to update thoroughly and caused it to install application updates.  I rebooted a few times, then set it not to load at startup, and rebooted to the normal user.  Thunderbird crashed and would not start.  At this point, malwarebytes was installed, but not loaded.  I uninstalled malwarebytes, and Thunderbird loaded again just fine.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I installed Malwarebytes

component package version:  1.0.236

update package version:  1.0.3179

I'm continuing my previous thread (Windows XP).  The Malwarebytes 3.3.1 update solved a lot of problems (even problems that persisted after I completely uninstalled Malwarebytes).  Most everything seems to work now and I no longer have the 100% CPU usage that existed after I uninstalled Malwarebytes.  (New version solved this problem.)  Thanks much.

Internet browsers are still a problem.  Mozilla-Firefox is unreliable with default.  Google Chrome doesn't work with default.  Neither crashes, but they pretend to start and then hang with just a tiny stub in the task manager with 0% CPU.  I solved these problems for Firefox and Chrome by using the "Manage Protected Applications" settings to disable protection for Firefox, Chome, and Internet Explorer. 

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