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Can't activate license

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Hope someone can help, contacted support nearly a week ago about an issue I'm having with trying to register Malwarebytes but all I've had is an automated reply. This is what I sent,

I've been having ongoing problems with my computer among them several hard disk failures. I received a message about upgrading to the latest version of Malwarebytes, after upgrading and restarting my computer Malwarebytes failed to load at startup. On checking in actual fact Malwarebytes seemed to have NOT been installed at all after the upgrade. I downloaded the latest version from your website an re-installed Malwarebytes and when I tried to activate the license it said the usage level had exceeded the max volume allowed, this may be something to do with the problems I've been having.

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3 hours ago, ReDeamer said:

Not sure if someone from Malwarebytes has looked at this but I tried again to activate my license and this time it has worked! Thanks Guys.

More than likely someone worked your ticket cause the usage exceeded can only be fixed by support... glad its working for you again...


On ‎9‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 8:19 AM, ReDeamer said:

after upgrading and restarting my computer Malwarebytes failed to load at startup. On checking in actual fact Malwarebytes seemed to have NOT been installed at all after the upgrade.

This is a bug on some systems where the upgrade does not go smoothly. Usually a re-install over the top works and no need to re-enter you key.  In your case it did not work.  For future reference, if you ever have to replace your hard drive again, or format your computer its best to deactivate your copy of Malwarebytes.

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