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Dumping Malwarebytes, and here's why.

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Several weeks ago, I posted in the Malwarebytes 3.0 forum asking for advise on the continuous problems with protection being disabled, and the inability to re-enable. Over the next week or so I saw a multitude of additional posts from users with problems. I also have seen posts in other non-Malwarebytes forums and websites with similar issues.

About 2 weeks ago, I made a new post :

In my post I asked for comments from the Malwarebytes staff directed towards the subject of the obsolescence of there software since most major players in the anti-virus and endpoint protection business now have malware and ransomware protection built into their software. I asked about the reason for putting such a large memory hog on my system when my other software does the same function. I suggested that Malwarebytes take the high road, admit they screwed up, and recall the 3.0 version until it could be properly repaired. And most importantly,  I asked for some facts or independent lab tests that back up Malwarebytes claims that you now longer need your AV software.

Surprisingly or maybe unsurprisingly,  I received zero replies from anyone at Malwarebytes including Mr. Rubberducky himself, the boy wonder who started Malwarebytes in his basement.

So, meanwhile I did more research and found more and more reason to uninstall Malwarebytes from all of my systems and move on, while Malwarebytes continues to SELL a defective product, relying on YOU and me to do the trial and error testing. I also learned recently, that while Malwarebytes promotes it ransomware protection, they aren't even a member of the No More Ransom project. https://www.nomoreransom.org/partners.html

Until just recently, I had some sympathy and much respect for the company and it's product, but now looking back at how unprofessionally these issues are and have been handled, it's time to uninstall and file it in the closet with OS/2, BetaMAX, 8 Track tapes, and the Teletype machine. All good ideas that have been replaced with newer and better products.




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Hello @JohnGibel

Sorry to hear about your bad experience using our product.

We at Malwarebytes are continuously striving to make our products better/faster while providing the best Protection available.

One suggestion/recommendation I would like to make is to go ahead and install out latest Malwarebytes 3.0.6 CU4 update build.

This has been working really well for a lot of customers and it also has a lot of fixes around the real time protection not getting enabled/disabled.

Give it a go for a few days and let us know about your experience.

More details about the build can be found here:

Thank you,

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  • Root Admin

Hello @JohnGibel

I've reviewed many of your posts and I see that you're not happy, but I don't see any topics where you've opened your own topic and asked for help and then provided the requested logs.

Not here to argue or play number games with you. There are certainly computers that have issues and our program won't run correctly, but in all but 1 case so far that I've personally handled (obviously I can help every single user personally) the computers are screwed up beyond belief and once at least some of the issues are fixed our program runs the way it's supposed to. There are some that appear to have an odd hardware, software compatibility issue that also prevents using our program. I've only confirmed one of those and seen a couple others. If you want to compare "issues" do some real searching for all the other main security products. All of them have their own issues and in the thousands of reports as well, bar none. Again, though, that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to help you get our program working as it should, and or explain why it's not working and if you're really a skilled technician be able to fix the next one you see on your own if you so choose or ask us and we'll take a look at it for you too.

So, if you'd like for me to assist you in looking at what might be going on causing your issues please let me know and I'll be more than happy to take a look. We can do it in public or if you like I can help you via Private Messenger.

Thank you

Ron Lewis


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  • Root Admin

Since I've not heard back from you @JohnGibel I'll go ahead and lock this topic, so others don't post to it. If you do decide to change your mind and would like assistance though, please send me a Private Message, and I'll be happy to assist you.

Thank you again




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