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Mbam 3 and Macrium Reflex.

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I am also using Macrium Reflect with MWB, but thankfully I don't have any issues so far. I tried to check the files inside a SVI folder but couldn't find such folder. (OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit)

Maybe someone point me to the exact location of the "System Volume Information" folder, so I could check?

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Hi Sig,

It is located directly under C (you have to unhide hidden folders AND unmask protected system folders to see it). To look inside this folder you have to take ownership or (much easier) use a program like TreeSize Free.

Hope this helps ...   :)

Edited by throkr
added : "protected"
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On 28/01/2017 at 2:24 AM, bdubrow said:

Hi Telos--

This update is intended to address the problem with any imaging software that uses VSS, so not limited to Macrium.

But we haven't specifically tested with PriVazer, so I can't say for sure.  I'll see if I can find out though.

The two pieces of software that I run which use VSS and I believe may be affected by the VSS bloating bug are Tweaking.com's Registry Backup and Future Systems Solutions Casper 10. They're both widely used (I've used Casper for going on 20 years) and I wonder whether they will figure in your testing of any resolution to this problem? 

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7 hours ago, TempLost said:

The two pieces of software that I run which use VSS and I believe may be affected by the VSS bloating bug are Tweaking.com's Registry Backup and Future Systems Solutions Casper 10. 

Hi TempLost--

The soon-to-come fix is a generic solution that should apply to all apps that clean VSS, so the two you mention should be covered.  :)

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Thank you throkr!
Forgot to unmask "protected system folders" :P

...and yes, unfortunately I do have a few GB-sized files in the "SVI" folder.
Some of them are most likely related to Macrium Reflect, as I compared the timestamp of the files in the "SVI" folder and those on the backup drive.
Strangely enough not all of my backups (only a few backups from January) had resulted in "leftovers".
Oh well, going to keep an eye on it and wait for the fix.

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18 minutes ago, Sig said:

Thank you throkr!
Forgot to unmask "protected system folders" :P

...and yes, unfortunately I do have a few GB-sized files in the "SVI" folder.
Some of them are most likely related to Macrium Reflect, as I compared the timestamp of the files in the "SVI" folder and those on the backup drive.
Strangely enough not all of my backups (only a few backups from January) had resulted in "leftovers".
Oh well, going to keep an eye on it and wait for the fix.

Hi Sig,

You're welcome ! As an additional info, you could have a look at this thread (discussing the same subject) : "VSS snapshots filling "C-drive"

As for the leftovers : simply make your next MR image with Ransomware Protection deactivated in MB and this will clean up all the remnants in the "SVI" folder ...

Hope this helps.   :P

Edited by throkr
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I have a slightly different issue but would like to know if this future update to Malwarebytes 3.0.6 will fix it. I also have Macrium Reflect. When I do a scan without checking for rootkits everything runs fine. When I do a scan checking for rootkits, progression stops consistently after a bit. I have to quit Malwarebytes and do a forced reboot (hangs during shutdown). I disabled Malwarebytes, downloaded and ran Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit Beta. The scan runs with no issues. So based on this message thread, I assume whatever fix is in Anti-Rootkit will also fix Malwarebytes 3.0.6.  What do you think?

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36 minutes ago, Gary999 said:

I have a slightly different issue but would like to know if this future update to Malwarebytes 3.0.6 will fix it. I also have Macrium Reflect. When I do a scan without checking for rootkits everything runs fine. When I do a scan checking for rootkits, progression stops consistently after a bit. I have to quit Malwarebytes and do a forced reboot (hangs during shutdown). I disabled Malwarebytes, downloaded and ran Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit Beta. The scan runs with no issues. So based on this message thread, I assume whatever fix is in Anti-Rootkit will also fix Malwarebytes 3.0.6.  What do you think?


Unless you can demonstrate this is related in some way to Macrium Reflect imaging, you should begin a new thread with new topic.

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On 31.1.2017 at 5:35 PM, throkr said:

Hi Sig,

You're welcome ! As an additional info, you could have a look at this thread (discussing the same subject) : "VSS snapshots filling "C-drive"

As for the leftovers : simply make your next MR image with Ransomware Protection deactivated in MB and this will clean up all the remnants in the "SVI" folder ...

Hope this helps.   :P


thank you for the hint. After reading the whole thread, I think, I'll wait until a fix will be available, Then, before applying the fix, I deactivate "Ransomeware Protection" right before the next backup to get rid of the remnants. If the folder is somehow "clean", I will apply the fix.

I prefer this approach, 'cause as somebody mentioned in that thread, this workaround only worked once for him. So, I don't want to waste that opportunity. You know, if I do it now and the workaround wouldn't work again, the folder gets filled up again before a fix arrives.

Anyhow, this isn't a huge problem for me, as I have enough space left on that specific drive and the backups don't get bloated anyway.



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