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Can't restore files

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Yesterday, I installed and used Malwarebytes for the first time. It flagged and quarantined a lot of PUPs. Now one of my programs will not load. When I try to restore the files from quarantine, I get a notice that files marked for deletion on reboot can not be restored. I have rebooted the computer, but still get the same messages. Is there a way to restore the files?

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Hello and Welcome!

Try turning off your computer for a few minutes and then turning it on once again and trying the restore...

I am assuming your talking about Malwarebytes Antimalware right?  Can you post a copy of the scan log where the items were detected so we can see what was removed, and let us know what item your trying to restore?  Along with the scan log can you also post the requested logs below?

We would need more info on the system....

Please read the following and in your next reply ATTACH the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs
(the three files should be CheckResults.txt, FRST.txt and Addition.txt)

Thank You,


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I have tried to repair it, but I get the message that it needs 3.5 or higher version of .NET Framework installed. This is already installed. 

Even if I could get the software fixed, I still would like the capability to restore files from quarantine.

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There are a couple of things you can try first to eliminate the prompt and get the files restored.

First, please try restarting your system one more time, but this time log into an administrative user account (you are currently logged into a limited user account).  Then try restoring the files from quarantine.

If that does not work, then delete the following files and then try restoring the files from quarantine:

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\cleanup.old
C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamdor.old

If that does not work then you should proceed with reinstalling the program as suggested above by Porthos.

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