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Lifetime Licenses on Amazon, Legit?

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Should I be skeptical of any available lifetime licenses for MBAM Pro that are available on Amazon? ( Example : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H9023OK/ )


Does anyone have any direct experience with purchasing these licenses through Amazon? A lot of the actual reviews on the Amazon page are... a little questionable in the issues they seem to address.


A lifetime license would make my life a lot easier right now, but not if it doesn't work!


Is there a way to check the validity of a license post-purchase before inserting it into MBAM?


Thanks all!

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Anyway that webpage states "This item is currently unavailable."


Most legitimate sellers exhausted their stock years ago sometime after Malwarebytes Corp. announced the end of the MBAM lifetime license.


If it seems too good to be true...

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Hello Starfeces,


There are, unfortunately, some illegitimate resellers on amazon that provide counterfeit licenses. However there is also our product available at Amazon Software Store that is a legitimate reseller.


If you could send me the license details (using Personal Message) I could verify if the license is vaild or not.

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What every one asks about is Lifetime ones and the legit ones are not Lifetime. ;)


That is true. We do not sell lifetime licenses since March 2014.


There might be some licenses issued before this time in retail, however anything sold and downloaded digitally currently, claiming it's a lifetime one, most probably won't be legit.

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That is true. We do not sell lifetime licenses since March 2014.


There might be some licenses issued before this time in retail, however anything sold and downloaded digitally currently, claiming it's a lifetime one, most probably won't be legit.

You know that, I know that (am reseller) but the consumer does not know or care until they try to activate and "bam" they get duped and wind up here complaining and badmouthing MBAM in the process. 


Recently turned in a site that is pretty popular with technicians selling "lifetime" licenses. Last time I looked the page is still up. :o  

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Thank you, all, for your kind responses. I am surprised by the friendliness of this community, pleasantly so!


Naathim, I really appreciate your help, but unless you use a process different from that which the MBAM Customer Advocacy Specialists use to check key validity, I might not require your generously offered assistance!


To clarify, I had purchased two lifetime licenses on Amazon a while ago, and created this forum post to try to feel out if I had been ripped-off or not, etc. before I tried using them. I had done a fair amount of reading, and found a lot of unhappy customers mentioning that their keys were invalid, among other things.


I called MBAM support, and an EXTREMELY kind and patient Customer Advocate Specialist checked both licenses, and to my surprise and elation, they were both valid, according to him! This made my day, and removed a lot of stress from an otherwise stressful week.


Thank you all, again. Hope you're all having a splendid day :).

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To add to your last post, I read the Amazon offer after you posted it.  There are a lot of comments on that, and I only read the first 3-4 pages.  Two people had bad keys, and most were happy.  There are good sellers and there are bad sellers.  Most buyers do not take the time to read all the comments.  The one you referred to appears to be legitimate and have a lot of happy customers.  Some resellers bought large quantities of lifetime licenses when word came out about the change in subscription model.  This was probably one of those.  When it comes to online purchases, it is always a case of "buyer beware."  Due diligence is always a good thing.

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