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Can MBAM be set to check every User Account in Win10?

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Hello. I'm one of the many whose PC has been screwed-up by the flawed MS Free Upgrade to Win10 (from Win7). In trying to sort out problems I realised that MBAM has only been scanning the User Account in which the scan was started.


Is there any way in which I can change the settings so that it will scan every UA please?


I'm using the Free version, if that's relevant.




PS I did search before posting but couldn't find an existing thread. However I'm brain-dead at the moment as I'm having to spend up to 12 hours a day trying to resolve all the MS problems.

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Hello and Welcome!


Staff will correct me if I am wrong, but if I am not mistaken, Malwarebytes already scans all user accounts in all versions of Windows that Malwarebytes supports.


What makes you think its not scanning the other user accounts?  Are you performing the scans under an admin account or a limited account?


If you are using the Premium version the scheduled scan needs to be setup in an administrative account and then it will perform the scans as scheduled, but in your case you are using the free version, so when you do a scan make sure your performing it under and admin account.


That being said, you mentioned that you upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10.  Sometimes the Malwarebytes program gets messed up during that upgrade, so maybe performing a clean reinstall will help in your case.  (see below)

Let's try this first....

Please let us know how it goes.

Thank You,


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Hi All.


A couple of things caught my curiousity.   A) What is this about "the flawed MS Free Upgrade to Win10 (from Win7)" ?

Perhaps you can describe that a bit.    and how it comes into the overall situation here.   Is there an inference of some kind of a infection or what ?


b) What are you needing to scan that you think may not have been scanned?   what does "scan every UA" mean to you?


My own first instinct would have been to suggest a Custom Scan of the C drive.

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Thank you Firefox. Sorry for the delay but I seem to be 24/4/12 hours a day sorting out MS failures.

I'll get back soon.

Hello Maurice. A year ago Microsoft announced at a Press Conference that they'd sorted out all the Windows 10 problems including the Critical Failure of the missing Start icon.

Wall Street Journal report: http://www.wsj.com/articles/windows-10-a-fresh-start-in-our-relationship-with-microsoft-1421885030

They were not telling the truth, in my own opinion of course. There are a huge number of problems: this one was started by a Moderator around the time of the Press Conference: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_search/start-menu-doesnt-appear/a7c56613-277c-4993-bb74-08650dce7b21

This one on the same topic is only six months old: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-win_cortana/critical-error-start-menu-and-cortana-arent/84860df1-9b74-411f-a1ba-c4d6df0544ac

There have been a huge number of views and posts on these two threads and there are also other problems which are swamping the Microsoft Community.

I created this thread because another program like MBAM only scans the User Account of the person who has requested it. I'm so relieved to hear that a properly-requested MBAM scan will scan every User Profile.

Hoping this makes sense. By the way, all the posting options are greyed out. Presumably I have to post here a certain number of times before I can use them? That's why my links are in full.

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Yes, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.x scans all user profiles including all local user registry hives (the HKCU registry keys) for all user accounts on the system as well as all of the same data storage and temp locations it checks for the current user account (user folders, AppData, the Temp folders etc.).

With regards to the posting issue, try clicking on the small button at the top of the post control area that looks like a light switch on the upper left. That should turn on the buttons for auto-insertion of BBCode functions (I believe it's off by default for the sake of users who write out the BBCode manually).

Please let us know if there's anything else we can assist you with or any more questions we can answer.

Thanks :)

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