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Malwarebytes became nagging malware itself :(

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My favorite program malwarebytes pro which I always recommend to everyone became nagging malware itself :(.  I always disable Malicious Website Protection because it just simply doesn't work due to blocking a lot of websites which I visit.  It never worked for me and I don't need that feature, that's why we have an option to disable that feature.  Everytime we boot up the system we get a nagging popup telling us "Protection Disabled.... Fix Now".  What happened to Malwarebytes Pro?  The best app for PC going downhill.  What options do we have besides simple UNINSTALL?

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Hello and :welcome: :


Unfortunately, under the current build (2.0.3) you cannot disable that specific notification.

Notifications are currently "all or none" (enabled or disabled).

And, since Malicious Website protection is one of the key, critical components of MBAM Premium's real-time protection, AFAIK there are no plans to change the behavior of notifying the user when it is disabled.


For more information, please see these very recent posts by the MBAM Program manager, exile360:





Having said that, there are plans to enable more granular user control of certain notifications with a future version.


Thank you,

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oh, well.  The company I work for, were thinking to buy a couple of hundreds of licenses for our workstations.  I guess Malwarebytes is out of the game now and can't be suggested anymore.  I hope you'll improve the app in the future because I lot of people like me will start looking for other alternatives.  

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Sorry, I am just a home user trying to help.


Did you have a chance to read any of the posts by the product manager for which I provided the links in the earlier reply?


For example:


As for the Dashboard, it is unlikely that we will change this behavior as I have never seen any security product which allowed the user to disable any core component of protection without continuing to indicate that there was a problem. For example, if I turn off the web filter or virus protection in my antivirus, its UI and tray continue to display warning indicators for as long as either of those components is turned off. This is for several reasons, not the least of which is that a user might disable one component temporarily and then forget that they turned it off and continue to use their PC believing that they are fully protected when in fact they are not.


And here:


We will provide a way to disable the notification from the tray though, so you won't have to deal with the pop-up any more when we re-work all of our notification settings to make them all granular as I said earlier.


If you have product suggestions, there's a dedicated forum area for that sort of thing here: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/forum/12-malwarebytes-anti-malware/


EDIT: ALSO, if your company is looking to purchase the Business version of the program, it may offer features and options that are not available in the Consumer version for home users.

If you have questions about the Business version, there is a special area of the forum >>here<< and there is a dedicated Business help desk >>here<<.

They can better answer your specific questions about the Business version of the software. :)



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Thank you for pointing that out because I didn't read the links you provided.  As of today the option is not implemented and not ready for corporate use.  Maybe in the future once the option will be available we might reconsider but it already frightens me something like that was even implemented in the first place.  Who knows what might happen in the future because something like that might cause a disaster for end users with a notification like that in corporate world.  

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I for one work in a business environment, and I do not see any real valid reason to turn of the web blocker in a business. In a business, one wants the best security possible and I do not want my users going to websites that are being blocked by Malwarebytes or any other security application. They are blocked for a reason.

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Surely the issue here is around who is determining the policy for switching it off. I support the view that businesses need a common policy and that shouldn't be tweakable by their users. However whoever is responsible for the policy at that business (like me for my small business) should be able to decide the settings and Malwarebytes should respect that choice (us having paid for it) and stop nagging them.


I wouldn't mind if I got the occassional reminder but it nags too often. I have real time protection switched off, website protection switched on and do scheduled full scans. I only have real-time protection switched off because it slows down my system too much which has been the case over the last two months. I use a Quad Core AMD Phenom with 8GB and it's clear from other posts that this issue isn't taken seriously hence me switching certain bits of Malwarebytes off for practical reasons. I run AVG real time protection by the way and that seems to have negligable effect.

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The only reason I kept Malwarebytes to keep away from nagging malwares.  Since malwarebytes became a malware itself, it's a simple solution Uninstall and get rid of the nagging problem.  So far, over 15 copies of malwarebytes were uninstalled from family and friends PC's.  We've decided to steer away from the product and I'll continue uninstalling the product. 

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  • Root Admin

 What options do we have besides simple UNINSTALL?


Add said sites to the ignore list and it won't alert you. Pretty simple really. You're certainly welcome to do as you wish but you are also doing a disservice to anyone you think you're helping by disabling it simply because you visit questionable sites. I have probably a dozen of my own and friends systems running it with all protection enabled and not a single complaint from any of them. I also have many running on business systems and the same thing not a single complaint about blocked websites. But if you think you're helping your "friends" by removing then that is a decision between you and them.

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I like Malwarebytes but putting sites into ignore list is just a big No, No.  Every person I installed the malwarebytes were complaining about blocking some sites for them.  Putting a site in ignore list, just doesn't work.  Malwarebytes is a great software except it's being way too controlling about blocking legitimate websites.  I understand every virus / malware protection have false positive but not as many as it is in malwarebytes blocking legitimate sites.  Most people are using adblock and custom hosts files which does the job 300 times better.  I can bet that a lot of people just want malwarebytes what it used to be in the old days v1.75.  It just simply worked with enough options for us to do what we want as paying customers.  I guess, I'll check out malwarebytes in a year or so and see if it'll get improved but in the mean time I just don't see any other options besides uninstalling it from every single computer I'll see it again.  Please lock the thread, the problem have been solved.

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  • Root Admin

Please show us log proof of a legitimate site we are blocking. We have multiple millions of users running the Web blocker and we have very few complaints about blocking "too many" sites. We get complaints often from people upset that we're blocking their site but when reviewed it's typically being blocked because they're trying to deceive or dupe someone into installing something without their knowledge.


I love NoScript and Adblock but neither product is doing the same thing. 


Without proof of what you're saying we really can't help you because the preponderance of evidence to the contrary disputes what you say as does my own personal experience.

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I'm not trying to figure it out why the site was blocked in the first place.  The whole point of this thread was, why malwarebytes started nagging us when we don't want to use that feature.  Simple as that.  Since the option was taken away, it means that we can't use the software.  It's not what we paid for.  It used to be something and now it's something else.  In my eyes malwarebytes went one step forward and 2 steps back.  

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Also don't forget in corporate world we would never rely on malwarebytes blocking sites.  In most companies we control DNS, proxy, etc.  Why would we want something else to control us?  We don't need multiple layers of blocking mechanism in the company.  Simplicity and configurable mechanism is a key for any IT department.  We always look for a single product to do a specific job.  All it does just putting more problems on the table.  Like I said malwarebytes is not what it used to be and can't be used in corporate world anymore. 

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  • Root Admin

I've worked as as a senior network security analyst for a network with 130,000 desktops and over 4,000 servers and we certainly used layered protection. I currently work another day job with over a thousand systems and we use layered security there as well. Not sure what company you're working for but if they need an actual security expert I have friends from other large corporates that work as security experts that can help them out. I would but already work too much between two jobs but I'm sure one of them would be glad to do some contract work.


If you  don't like the product because it currently does not split the two protection modules into different features as the old product did (and we've said we will be bringing that granularity back) that's fine but please stop posting misinformation as that is not helping you or anyone else.


Thank you

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So we conclude that the only way we can stop the Malwarebytes Premium popup nags is to stop paying for Malwarebytes and do the manual free scans? This is totally bizarre to give the user a choice of whether to run modules or not but then endlessly nag them for 'getting it wrong'. If Malware Protection didn't flatten my processors when it runs I'd love to be running it but I actually want to use my computer and not have it as a squeeky clean ornament so I've no option not to. Come on Malwarebytes see a bit of sense here and tone down the nags please!

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  • Root Admin

Please read the entire topic and the post back proof of this nagging you speak of. I do not have a single system of many installed that produces this so called nag. There is no way we can assist you without real proof of what you're talking about.

If we are blocking a site you don't want blocked then submit it as a false positive and we'll double check it.

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I wouldn't mind if I got the occassional reminder but it nags too often. I have real time protection switched off, website protection switched on and do scheduled full scans. I only have real-time protection switched off because it slows down my system too much which has been the case over the last two months. I use a Quad Core AMD Phenom with 8GB and it's clear from other posts that this issue isn't taken seriously hence me switching certain bits of Malwarebytes off for practical reasons. I run AVG real time protection by the way and that seems to have negligable effect.

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  • Root Admin

We want to help but simply saying you're having an issue and providing no logs or proof there is no way to help you. Please post back your protection logs from the past couple of days and we'll take a look at it but without logs there is nothing we can do to help you.

Thank you again

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  • Root Admin

Exactly. You as well as the previous poster both refuse to post evidence to show this is happening, thus wasting my time and your time.

If you do not wish to get real help then I'll close the topic as you're simply wasting everyone's time and not really looking for real help otherwise you would post logs as requested so that we can help you.

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I guess you are just refusing to help at all.  The complaint has been stated in the first post and so far nothing has been done.  All we can hear just an excuses when people don't want a nagging warning.  




Exactly. You as well as the previous poster both refuse to post evidence to show this is happening, thus wasting my time and your time.

If you do not wish to get real help then I'll close the topic as you're simply wasting everyone's time and not really looking for real help otherwise you would post logs as requested so that we can help you.

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