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Another Database not updating

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Running MBAM Pro v2 on a Windows 7 machine. It was originally v1.


It hasn't updated the database since Apr 18. There's a pop-up in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click to update, nothing happen.


I start the scanner and try to update from the Fix Now button. Nothing happens.


It's been working fine for that last few months.  Do I have to uninstall  MBAM and then reinstall it? Maybe there's a cache file or something I can delete instead.


If I delete MBAM how would I reinstall it? I have the v1 license.




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Sorry your having issues.

Please try the following and let us know if that corrects it or not.

MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

If that does not correct the issue then please read the following and post back the requested logs.

Diagnostic Logs

Thank you

NOTE: There is an FAQ section with valuable information located here:

Common Questions, Issues, and their Solutions

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Thank you,


Before proceeding, I have a question.  The link you sent says I have to uninstall MBAM and then reinstall it.


After the computer restarts, ... download the latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from here ...... 


When I download the latest version, I assume it will download v2. My license is for v1.  Will the v2 download recognize my v1 license? If so, am I still grandfathered in with the lifetime v1 license or does it switch to the $25/yr subscription?




Thank you

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  • Root Admin

It will recognize your license but please make sure you have it or copy it if needed BEFORE running MBAM-CLEAN as it will be removed using the tool and MBAM 2 does not use the Registry anymore to store it.  The process is explained in more detail in the link provided but yes all 1.x Consumer licenses are lifetime licenses and will work with 2.x


I might suggest though that you use the latest beta here when you reinstall as it has corrected some previously reported issues..


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.2 Public Beta



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OK, Thank you. I understand now about the license.  I'm a tech and this post is for one of my customer's computers. I can't do the re-install right now. Hope to get over there by Wednesday.  I understand where the v1 license is stored in the registry and have had to retrieve it before when doing wipe/load.


I know this is off-topic, but with v2, is there any way to recover the license?  If a machine comes in here and requires a wipe/load, can a tech retrieve the license for v2?  I think the link you sent said that the license can't be recovered. I just wanted to check.


Thank you,


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  • Root Admin

Unfortunately no there currently is not.  I've expressed my concerns to the product management group and developers about this so hopefully they'll reconsider and make some tool available for those such as yourself but at this time the user would need to have it (as they should anyways... even if they bought from you).


Thanks td

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I can retrieve Windows, Office, etc keys.  The problem is that they're in some weird base 20 or something format and some digits are not used. You can use a key finder program to sort out the keys. Maybe that will work with the new MBAM also.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I have some more information on this. I was called back to my customer's office because MBAM was still not updating. This was after I ran the MBAM Clean and reinstalled the Consumer beta as suggested. A message comes up in the bottom right corner saying it needs to be updated. You really can't get rid of the message. On the MBAM Dashboard, the Update now is disabled (grayed out). Update now was also disabled in the SysTray.


I noted, in the MBAM log, that the last time MBAM started was May 10.   That was also the time of the last database update (2014.05.10.03). That was probably the last time the computer was restarted. So I restarted the computer and MBAM updated as it should. This was a Windows 7 machine.


Now, in the back office on the XP machine, I was seeing the same issue. MBAM wouldn't update. Again, I noted the date of the last update and also noted that same date was the last time MBAM was started. I restarted the machine and it was good.


Bottom line here is that for some reason, if the machine isn't rebooted occasionally, MBAM won't update.

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  • Root Admin

Please post a JPG or PNG image for review if you're going to show one. Using Word or  RTF (Rich Text Format) files is not recommended.


We would need to get logs from the computer having an issue so that we can see what's going on.


Please read the following and post back the requested logs.
Diagnostic Logs
Thank you

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TonyDee, I see that on the Windows 7 computer you are running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware: and on the Windows XP computer you are running Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

Perhaps updating them to the latest beta will fix both of them... the latest beta version is I know they have fixed some bugs in the version.

Ron may see other issues once he reviews the logs, but it may be worth a try to see if it fixes your solution.

NOTE: You might also want to try installing the new beta which has corrected some issues found in the previous release.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.2 Public Beta


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Thanks for the reply,


Yes - on the W7 machine, I installed the beta that was sent to me at the time.

On the XP machine, my customer purchased MBAM from the web site.


At this point, I don't want to have to go back to this customer's office for another day or so as I have other customers to attend to. So I can wait for Ron's reply.


Please note, I found that restarting each of the two machines resolved the issue.  For how long .... I don't know yet.

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  • 1 month later...

i have the same issue with ts since the pc i installed malwarebyte is never turned off.


once every few days i will see the same warning message the database are out of date.


clicking the button fix it wont do anything


i found out just exiting malwarebyte and then opening it again will fix the button and it will update normally

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Hello rizashahril and :welcome:

We are disappointed to read your system is having issues. Each computer is unique. Problems that seem "the same" most often are not.

The same is true for solutions. They most often need to be individualized.

It is less confusing for everyone if we adhere to the "one user per topic" forum policy.

Please start a NEW, SEPARATE topic using the cjfj.png button.

Staffers, experts and helpers will be able to more easily provide both you, and the OP, with individualized assistance to get you both up and running.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. :)

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