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Gmail - Outlook


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  • Root Admin

Not that Outlook is squeaky clean but ran into this advertisement that does show at least some of the reasons I'm not a big fan of Google these days - in the beginning they were good but like many businesses over time they let money dictate policy instead of their original goals.


Don't get Scroogled



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Lemmings.  That's what Google users are, Lemmings.


They offer free services that are not free.  Oh, they are free of a monetary fee but there are downside "costs" to having their software and accounts.


Like any con man who stands up for his confidence ploy and states "its legal" Google's confidence ploy has to backed up by "Don't be evil".  A company who has a corporate slogan as "Don't be evil" is hiding the fact they are doing evil.


** WAKE UP ! **

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Was just reading a few articles about Google the other day where they stated that users should not expect a certain level of privacy. And with everything going on with the NSA (Prism), I believe it and am concerned.


I was thinking of possible ways to still use e-mail but with privacy and each method seemed to have its own flaws. Hosting my own mail server was one solution and using PGP on Gmail or any other free webmail service that supports it was another. The problem is that I have never setup a mail server before so I'm sure it would take awhile and then there's no guarantee that I would set it up correctly. With PGP, not everyone uses it so it only works if the person you are e-mailing participates.


What about you guys? Any suggestions for keeping our privacy safe?




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