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Posts posted by TempLost

  1. Just carried out a reboot and the problems persist. Still getting "Unable To Connect To Licence Server" popups and a very truncated Hyper Scan without scan of Startup.

    I will run MB Clean when I'm next back on this laptop and see how MB 3.3.1 runs then.

    I'm not absolutely certain that my problems are due to the latest release as I had been experiencing one or two anomalies over the last few days when running 3.2.2, which is why I tried 3.3.0 Beta

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    MB Premium 3.3.1
    CryptoPrevent Premium

  2. Just installed MB 3.3.1 over 3.3.0 Beta by clicking on Install Application Updates on the Application Tab. Got the message Unable To Contact Licence Server after installation, but everything seems to have installed correctly. In the first few minutes of playing around with the new release, I could invoke the message again by clicking on the My Account tab but the message seems to have been suppressed now.

    Ran a manual Hyper Scan which seemed to finish very quickly - I looked at the report (see attached) and was interested to see that it reported:-

    -Scan Options-
    Memory: Enabled
    Startup: Disabled
    Filesystem: Disabled
    Archives: Enabled
    Rootkits: Disabled
    Heuristics: Disabled
    PUP: Detect
    PUM: Detect

    That seems a little odd, as Hyper Scan is supposed to check Memory and Startup Objects.

    I have not yet rebooted after the installation - will be shutting down shortly and probably won't have the opportunity to get back on this computer for a couple of days, but will add further details as I can.

    I ran FRST64 and MB-Check and attach the results below......

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    MB Premium 3.3.1
    CryptoPrevent Premium



  3. @Jekko Hi Jon - just to add to the above, the message about being unable to contact the licence server just popped up again. This is not something I've seen for a long time until it happened shortly before I installed the beta version - so I don't think it's a beta problem. It happened shortly after I opened Tweaking.com's All In One Windows Repair to make some adjustments to its registry backup settings - coincidence or not, I don't know. I've attach a new set of logs in case they help.



  4. @Jekko Hi Jon - sorry, was quite tired when I got the message about the rootkit driver and wasn't alert enough to note everything I should have, but I don't think I was doing anything other than rebooting the machine after the first installation of the Beta. I attach the mb-clean-results.txt as well as mb-check-results.zip. The beta is still performing well with no problems as far as I can see.




  5. Installed Beta in place over the latest previous release version of Malwarebytes - got repeated messages about not being able to contact server (see image). A reboot seemed to have eliminated the messages and MB seemed to be running correctly  - update and scans OK. Only other thing I noticed is that it yet again wants me to speak American rather than my choice of The Queen's English (English UK to you!) that I'd previously selected.

    On a later reboot, I got a message about an anti-rootkit driver being unable to load (sorry, I neglected to retain the message details).and Malwarebytes then ran a full scan on reboot and reported no problems - I'm as sure as I can be that this laptop is clean of any malware anyway.

    As I'd had the odd difficulty with the previous MB release not loading a Protection Module or the System Tray icon not loading, I decided to run the latest version of MB Clean and thereby reinstall MB I then activated the Beta Candidate Update switch in MB and let the program install Beta again. Everything has run flawlessly since.

    If any logs would be helpful, please let me know and I'll post them.

    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit SP1
    Malwarebytes 3.3.0 Beta
    CryptoPrevent Premium

    Cannot contact Licence Server.JPG

  6. njamison22 - I'm not suggesting you go somewhere else, merely start your own thread, where you stand a better chance of getting your problems resolved.

    Vauxalm - it could be a general problem, I also updated Windows 7 yesterday. But starting your own thread with appropriate data as requested in my post above is likely to help the techies solve the problem sooner for everybody - if there is indeed a widespread problem.

    I also live in France, but speak French "comme une vache espagnole". Bon courage!

  7. Vauxalm, chascode & njamison22

    Thanks for following my thread but you might be best to start your own threads and post the information requested here - you'll then get help tailored to your situation. Your systems aren't going to be the same as mine (at least one of you is using Windows 8.1) and the other software that you're using is unlikely to match mine - the number of permutations possible is huge.


  8. Reinstalled with a fresh download - mb3-setup-consumer- - over the top of the existing installation and enabled  Event Log Data. Rebooted and no issues for the moment, except I re-tried Farbar and it stalled at the same application error - had to shut it down from Task Manager.  I'll try it from Safe Mode  - also run some diagnostics to see if there are any obvious Windows or disk errors.

  9. Ransomware Protection Module off again this morning when I fired up the laptop, and cannot re-enable.

    Tried to run Farbar (twice) as Administrator which has always performed successfully before, but it stalled twice when scanning Application Error 156603.

    Closed MB from the System Tray and restarted from the Desktop shortcut - all Protection Modules now enabled

    I'm going to reinstall the latest version over the current installation to see if that makes any difference, and I'll re-enable Event Log Data so I can provide more data if it happens again - this is getting a little frustrating!


  10. Well, just rebooted and this time it's the Web Protection Module that's failed to initialise. See attached new FRST64 and mb-check results attached. Quit MB from the System Tray and restart from the Desktop shortcut and all modules active..........

    I'll reinstall over the current version later on when I have a chance, but I've had to do this more than once before.

    Great product apart from these annoying glitches.

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64
    MB Premium (info in clip below)
    Microsoft Security Essentials


    Latest MB Info 2.JPG

  11. After the fact can be too late. And whatever protection you use, you massively increase the chances of infection if you knowingly visit "risky" sites - no Antivirus or Anti-Malware is 100% reliable. And if Ransomware takes hold, you probably won't get a chance to eradicate it before all your data gets encrypted. 

    Edit: you beat me to it, Devin! 

  12. Booted up the laptop this morning and the tray icon reported that RealTime Ransomware Protection was off. This seems to happen occasionally .Ran FRST64 and then MB-Check - results attached. Then turned off MB3 from the tray icon and restarted from the Desktop shortcut. Ransomware protection back on. Any ideas why this might happen?

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64
    MB up to date (see clip)
    Microsoft Security Essentials



  13. After booting my Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64 laptop this morning, I opened MB3 and clicked on "Install Application Updates" under the Applications Tab in MB 3 and it updated to Malwarebytes Version:, Component Package Version 1.0.207, Update Package Version 1.0.2940. All looked fine..........

    I shut down the laptop and rebooted it some time later. When I did, the MB System Tray Icon did not load, although MB3 itself was loaded and came up quickly when I clicked on the MB3 desktop icon. I ran FRST64 and mb-check and attach mb-check results. I shut down and rebooted - this time the MB Tray Icon loaded.

    I'm posting this in case it helps you identify why the tray icon didn't load on first reboot - I've had this happen before with earlier updates.

    Latest MB Info.JPG


  14. 9 hours ago, prombamuser said:

    I contacted them and told them the problem. They told me to contact Malwarebytes. I sent them another email and told them that you guys told me to contact them (Cleverbridege). That is where I am at now. I guess we are at the stage where no one knows who can resolved the problem. The only reason I want to create the account is just in case I to deactivate my lifetime license. I know I can do this in the program, but what if I don't have access; due to crash or reformat.

    Not wishing to hijack this thread, but you might want to to try something like the technique I use to record passwords. I use KeePass 2 to save all my passwords in an encrypted database file which I store in a Dropbox folder. I create different groups within the KeePass database (banking, Internet, software, network etc) and store my software user and password info in the appropriate group. This is then accessible from pretty well anywhere with the appropriate master password - there are apps for Android and, I guess, other operating systems as well.  Has worked very well for me for a number of years........ 

  15. Hi Devin,

    The first time I ran the mb-clean routine, there was a problem with downloading the latest MB3 version - I suspect a Chrome problem, as I experience the occasional difficulty with .exe downloads with it. I changed the default browser to IE 11 and this time the routine ran without hitch. I attach the mb-check-results.zip file along with mb-clean-results.txt. All seems OK at the moment.



  16. Still getting occasional instances of MB3 Premium System Tray Icon not loading and some real-time Protection Modules not working at startup. Clicking on failed Protection Module doesn't start it. Shutting down and restarting usually brings things back to normal. See attached Dashboard screen snip & MB Check results. 

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64
    Microsoft Security Essentials
    CryptoPrevent 8

    MB Premium
    Component Package 1.0.188
    Update Package 1.0.2882


    MB3 Dashboard.JPG

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