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Posts posted by TempLost

  1. On 04/07/2017 at 9:36 PM, TheAceMan1 said:

    Howdy All,

    Would like to know of I can change the "location" where Malwarebytes saves reports? It is currently "C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\Logs".  Perhaps I can tweak a .ini or .reg file.

    The reason I ask is that I've inherited a gaming machine, with only enough space for the operating system on the C drive. There's a whopping 900GB on the D. Most of windows reporting and logging functions are turned off. However, there are enough applications stored on the C that make large enough files and will impact the system in another year (just a guess).

    My Idea is to move the location of the reports, until  I can find a way to extend the C to use more of the space on D.

    It would be nice if the location of the reports could be changed with a setting!

    Any help fully appreciated in advance.


    I've used this free software to successfully resize partitions - but I'd recommend a full system backup before you use it just in case https://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html

  2. 8 hours ago, nick-d said:

    Is it possible to show dates in the local format? The shot below shows it displaying what is meant to be July 1 but in Australia that looks  like Jan 7.

    Or, simply show dates as 1-Jul-2017 which is unambiguous to anyone looking at it.



    If you change the language settings to English UK, it will show the date format you expect. Note that when you perform a version upgrade, MB 3 doesn't retain the language setting and you have to reapply it, but I'm informed this irritating bug will be addressed in a future release. 

  3. I've been trying out various options for antivirus solutions since getting problems with the latest version of Avast Free and getting a less than helpful response from the Avast forums. I finally decided that MSE running alongside my other security software should give me sufficient protection with a lower overhead. That seems to have worked out well since installing MSE nearly a week ago but this afternoon on booting up,Malwarebytes gave me the warning that Malware Protection module was turned off and I could not restart it from the GUI. Restarting MB resolved the issue but I attach the mb-check-results.zip file in case you can suggest a remedy.

    Windows 7 SP1 x64
    CryptoPrevent 8
    Microsoft Security Essentials
    Malwarebytes component package version 1.0.141 update package version 1.0.2155


  4. Chrisso, 

    Remember that those who offer support on this forum are a mixture of Malwarebytes staff and volunteers. Also, your time zone may differ from that of the bulk of support staff. To ensure that you get the best help possible, follow the guidelines in the post below and post the logs requested - otherwise it will be difficult for experts to help you.

    I don't have the expertise to resolve your problems - if you follow the guidelines below you will get help from an expert. 

    If you have the Premium version of the software, you also have the option of raising a support request directly. 


  5. 32 minutes ago, Pendaws said:

    I have added the folder for avast but, the individual system32 files it does not see, will see what happens? The issue I have is with Avast. Thanks for putting this here. :)


    I found where the individual files from the system32/drivers is listed, people need to go into behaviour shield and they are listed in there as an exception. :)

    I've had exactly the same problem but I found I could copy and paste the file urls one by one from Porthos' list of exclusions into the exclusion box in Avast (using ctrl C, ctrl V) and they seemed to be accepted without difficulty. Hope this helps........... 

  6. 11 hours ago, lmacri said:

    That's something I'd like someone from Malwarebytes to clarify.  What difference does it make if I change my Settings | Application | Windows Security Center to Never register Malwarebytes in the Windows Security Center if I have Norton or some other non-Microsoft antivirus installed?  Does it actually change the behaviour of Malwarebytes or reduce potential conflicts with my Norton antivirus?

    The Malwarebytes 3 - Frequently Asked Questions seems to contradict itself on this point.  On one hand it says "We built Malwarebytes 3.0 to be compatible with all major anti-virus software, even Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials. In fact by default Malwarebytes 3.0 installs in compatible mode alongside Defender, MSE or third-party antivirus products."  In the next paragraph it says "...If there is only a Microsoft antivirus registered and active, we will not register in Windows Security Center in order to preserve the benefit of layered security. If desired, users will be able to go into Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium Settings and change this behavior to force Malwarebytes 3.0 Premium to either “always register” or “never register”. "

    Does that mean I have to "never register" Malwarebytes in Windows Security Center to "preserve the benefit of layered security" of Norton?  I'm not even sure what the phrases "compatibility mode" and "preserve the benefit of layered security" really mean in practical terms.
    32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.1.2 * NS Premium v22.9.4.8 * MBAM Premium v3.1.2

    Yes, I'd welcome some clarification of this as well - what exactly does "compatibility mode" mean?  

  7. I'd never heard of the site before but a quick Google search found this article - https://steemit.com/scam/@thegrinder/the-bitconnect-scam-exposed

    They may be a reputable company but I would suggest the Malwarebytes has blocked the site not because it's virus riddled but because there may be questions over the business model. From a quick look at the site, I'd rather keep my money under the mattress.

  8. 3 minutes ago, lock said:

    Your confidence is based on what?

    MBAM has never been tested by a third party organization.

    I think that's an incorrect statement but I'm not going to debate it with you. I've enough empirical evidence to be satisfied that Malwarebytes is a valuable security tool and I've read enough published "independent" test results and analyses over the years to come to the conclusion that most of them do not reflect what happens in the real world. It's like scholastic tests - I've worked with plenty of people who could pass exams but didn't perform well when coming up against real-life tasks.

    Goodbye, good luck, have a happy life................ 

  9. 33 minutes ago, lock said:

    Out of curiosity, did you get any significant detection from MBAM , before Avast?

    I used Avast before Malwarebytes 3 - if you mean, has Malwarebytes ever detected any significant threat while I've been running it, then no - and I wouldn't expect it to, because I don't go to dodgy sites, don't use file sharing software, take great care handling emails and avoid social media like the plague. I think I've only had a few minor pups and a couple of irritating viruses from the early days, when CDs were attached to the fronts of computer magazines, in all the time that I've been using computers, since my first, a ZX81. But I've got plenty of friends out of the mire by detecting and removing malware with Malwarebytes.

    So my security software programs have never really had to prove themselves - but I'm confident that I've made good choices of software that will probably save my bacon if I do something stupid. But I also run a paid for backup solution, Casper, which I have used for many years and in which I have every confidence - so I should be able to recover from most disasters.

  10. Just to report that I've been running MB Premium for some while now on Windows 7 Home Premium x64, currently alongside Avast Free 17.4.2294 and CryptoPrevent Premium without any observable problems anywhere. All seems to run sweetly, and MB is performing a low priority manual scan as I complete this post without too much load on my very basic laptop processor.

    So thanks again to the Malwarebytes team.............

  11. 7 minutes ago, tommybio said:


    Sorry my mistake - thank you for your reply.

    Users have been burned with windows updates.


    That's a bit like saying that I won't wear my seat belt because, if I get into a serious accident, I might get trapped in the car and burnt alive. You might, but you're far more likely to die of impact injuries from not wearing the restraint. 


  12. I'm currently running Malwarebytes Premium alongside Avast Free, currently at v. 17.4.2294 (build 3482.0). The two seemed to coexist happily and I've added exclusions to both programs - see this post for Porthos' excellent guide

    However, another problem has just surfaced for me - I carried out a repair install to Avast in the Add/Remove programs options to try to resolve some problems with the Software Updater Module and, when the repair had finished, got a message on the screen saying something like "Incompatible antivirus detected - Malwarebytes - we strongly recommend uninstalling"

    The two programs seem to run together nevertheless - is it perhaps best to change settings in Malwarebytes to "Never register Malwarebytes in the Windows Action Centre"?


  13. Have been running Malwarebytes Premium 3.1.2 since it was released and all seems fine so far - installed it over the top of the beta version. Haven't tried to break it yet, but seems it's nearly there. As I've posted elsewhere, no version of Malwarebytes 3 yet seems able to retain the language settings when installed over a previous version. 

    Otherwise, well done Malwarebytes team! 

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 x64, Avast Free latest version

  14. 6 hours ago, Krusty said:

    For some reason I can't navigate to the drivers shown in the 5th screenshot with Avast but I can in Windows Explorer.  I can navigate to Drivers but no drivers are showing up.


    I can't see the individual drivers either - I was able to navigate to, and exclude, the drivers in an earlier (and quite recent, but can't be sure of which one) version of Avast Free but cannot do it in the latest version. Windows 7 64 bit........ 

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