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Posts posted by TempLost

  1. @FoolishIT


    Thanks to both of you for your help. Just to confirm, I am using default setting in CryptoPrevent with no additional rules. I've recently carried out a clean uninstall /reinstall of MB as I still have occasional problems of the System Tray icon not launching or Protection Modules not loading, but the issues have generally been resolved by relaunching MB. 

  2. I've been a Malwarebytes Premium user for some time now. Mostly, it behaves itself but lately I have had a couple of problems, as follows:-

    Infrequent warnings that Web Protection or Malware Protection were off. I've generally been able to repair that by turning the module back on in the program's settings.

    Twice, Malwarebytes has been unable to load the Anti-Rootkit DDA Driver (see attachment) and warns that it may be due to rootkit activity. On the recommended reboot, MB runs a scan but finds nothing. This last happened on booting up this morning.

    When I've had problems with MB in the past I've generally solved them by reinstalling the latest version or using the Clean tool, but the latter is a nuisance because of the necessity to manually reapply settings like language and scan schedule. From memory, the last time I did this was when I tried the latest BETA but reinstalled the current version because of problems with domain names being blocked.

    I've run the FarBar Tool and MB-Check, and files are attached.

    I'm as sure as I can be that I don't have any malware on this laptop. I'm the only user on this machine and computer savvy enough generally to stay out of harm's way, although no expert.

    Any suggestions apart from another clean and install?

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    Malwarebytes Premium 3.3.1
    Microsoft Security Essentials
    CryptoPrevent Premium
    Casper 10.1 Backup




  3. 4 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Not going to argue with you @lock you can do as you wish but you and Neil as well as many others are doing a disservice to any viewers that watch your testing. Yes, we did better than the others in your test, but it's still not even close to an accurate test for any of the products.

    If you'd actually be interested in learning how to test I can have someone contact you to discuss further.






    Hear, hear ! 

  4. Some new quirks cropping up now. Malwarebytes displayed repeated messages about an outgoing threat being blocked:-


    -Log Details-
    Protection Event Date: 20/11/2017
    Protection Event Time: 21:23
    Log File: 9b59ccb0-ce30-11e7-84d1-88ae1dd686ce.json
    Administrator: Yes

    -Software Information-
    Components Version: 1.0.236
    Update Package Version: 1.0.3304
    Licence: Premium

    -System Information-
    OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
    CPU: x64
    File System: NTFS
    User: System

    -Blocked Website Details-
    Malicious Website: 1
    , , Blocked, [-1], [-1],0.0.0

    -Website Data-
    IP Address:
    Port: [17500]
    Type: Outbound
    File: C:\Users\xxxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe


    Is this a false positive?

    I rebooted and the warnings continue but I also got a message that Ransomware Protection was switched off. Stopping and re-starting Malwarebytes solved the latter problem.

    I am now running FRST64 and MB-Check yet again and will attach the results below. 


    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    MB Premium 3.3.1
    CryptoPrevent Premium
    Casper 10 Backup


  5. @AdvancedSetup

    Well, I spoke too soon - should have known I'd jinx it!

    Everything loaded as expected this morning when I booted up the laptop to do a little work. This evening, I booted up the computer and there was no sign of the MB System Tray Icon. Looking at Task Manager, I can see no sign of any MB processes running. I'm just going to run FRST64 and MB-Check and attach the results below., then I'll reboot the computer and see if things are back to normal.

    Rebooted, and MB System Tray Icon then loaded and MB services are running


    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    MB Premium 3.3.1
    CryptoPrevent Premium
    Casper 10 Backup


  6. @AdvancedSetup

    Hi Ron, 

    Yes, I'm really pleased it's running well now. I appreciate how complex it must be to develop a product that spends a great deal of its time stopping things happening rather than the converse, and has to do that with minimum fuss across an enormous range of hardware, operating system and installed software combinations. There are still minor niggles like the language reverting to the default on upgrade, but I understand these will get sorted down the line. Great product! 



    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    MB Premium 3.3.1
    CryptoPrevent Premium

    Casper 10 Backup 

  7. Just to add to my original post - since running 3.3.1 after a clean uninstall / install 4 days ago, I've had no further problems. The only sad thing is that it seems I've eventually had to use the mb-clean process on every recent version of Malwarebytes I've installed to end up with a stable installation.

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64x
    MB Premium 3.3.1
    CryptoPrevent Premium

  8. Hi Jon,

    Thanks for coming back - I've clean uninstalled beta / installed 3.3.1 release version and it's working well. My laptop is connected to the router wirelessly and always takes a long time make a connection from computer boot up, which may be why the error occurs. I suspect it's the TP-Link router that's at fault but it's on the most up to date driver and I've never managed to solve the problem. No big deal - when it finally connects, it's stable.


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