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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. Thank you for the information, Wildman! This machine used to have to have it done a lot due to freezing that wouldn't go away w.o using the power button but thankfully not in a long time!
  2. I don't think it's very good for it, to use the power button to shut down, that's what I've always been told. I only do it if I absolutely have to.
  3. Hello and welcome! There is lots to read and learn about, and never hesitate to ask a question should you have any! Enjoy your stay here
  4. You're most welcome Wayne I am still confused if it's a person or an animal you are talking about but I see the location that they are at in Haider's post.
  5. Wow, great shot of that Bald eagle. Stinks he was being a bugger though He was just hungry like everyone else...
  6. Good grief Goldhound, don't you dare say that you aren't a good photographer again, that picture is STUNNING! Thank you for sharing What are you talking about though, a person or an animal??
  7. How so? I don't see anything weird, then again, haven't been to the site before.
  8. I've definitely tested Spycar with Mbam & Mbam definitely detects it
  9. Thanks Exile Yep, they are just for my personal use.
  10. Just chiming in here, mine is currently at 56 k. I think it depends on your OS as well as what you are doing on your machine at the moment as well as if its scanning or updating at the moment.
  11. I have less ram than most people, especially people with Vista/7 machines. I have seen my Mbam go almost as high as 65 (very rarely) but it usually does not stay there; it'll calm right down. Usually it hovers between 20 and 45 for me. Additionally, Mbam has never affected my system performance negatively whatsoever since running it in realtime for over a year now. This screen shot just taken:
  12. I wasn't sure if it was legal or not, taking a song or two from a few albums and making a mix for a friend. Thanks for letting us know, Exile. I haven't even done so; I was thinking about making making a couple mixes for a friend in the future but I haven't done that yet. All I've done in terms of making CD's is burning a copy of albums that I already have so I can play the copy in my car (and not risk damaging the copy should anything happen like really bumpy terrain or something) and making mixes for myself to listen to in my car or home stereo.
  13. Wait, I am not quite sure what you are asking here?
  14. Yeah, I agree its pretty ridiculous to me. It's a classic. I mean the first like 30 years or so I understand but like 75 years later? Ehhh
  15. If you don't have any more money, you could save up? Are you giving them as gifts or do you have several machines, if you don't mind my asking?
  16. Yw Aww lol have fuunnnn I want Photoshop... how much is like the basic one (not professional)? I won't get it with this computer, but when we finally get a new one, I think I might like Photoshop depending on the price and I will definitely be buying the Sims. I miss playing the Sims, hehe. They have an Xbox 360 version but I've heard that the game console version of computer games are never as good, and I can't imagine the Sims on Xbox would be nearly as good as it is playing it on the computer. Plus I think you'd be much more limited by what you can do. So I'll wait....
  17. I think it means that if you are singing it and making money by singing it, then you apparently owe royalties for singing the Happy Birthday song. For example, if you hired an entertainer for the birthday party and he or she sings Happy Birthday, he or she is earning money, therefore is singing it for profit & owes a royalty.
  18. I think most (but not all) mods are employed by Malwarebytes, and most Experts are not (as far as I know) employed by Malwarebytes. Exile is an expert though and he works for Malwarebytes .
  19. I would check out the Toshiba website and do a some research on there. Also if they have forums you can ask and search on there as well. It is also a good idea to do some research before making major changes to your computer, such as uninstalling things like you want to do. I agree with Goldhound, best to just disable items from startup, that way if it turns out you do need them, you didn't get rid of them. Good luck!
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