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Everything posted by mountaintree16

  1. @ Marcin Er, may I ask what a favicon is? Is it that little icon that shows up in the address bar before http does?
  2. Here are my answers: * From a friend (from a girl in another forum that I use alot) * I think my current product is not doing the job (that was the reason at first), and now its I need to do whatever I can to avoid an infection. Also, all-around amazing product and I would never go without it now! I also recommend it to everyone that I possibly can!! * Yes
  3. You're welcome! Let me know if I can be of any more help, I try to help the best that I can
  4. RandomTaskMan, lsass is normal as far as I know, I have it too. I have spoolssv, csrss, smss also. I believe these are also normal. I have no idea what cih or m9m8tgpttdfr are, though. I PMed a Moderator about your Registry question
  5. @RandomTaskMan Yes, utorrent could definitely be the or at least part of the cause of the constant pop ups. I would STRONGLY recommend uninstalling it. If you choose to do this, restart your computer afterwards Facebook has never thrown an IP block at me, at least not yet. I'm glad that you found the IP registry tweak page, I was just going to direct you to it, actually. Hmm I am actually not too good with registry editing either, I've only looked at it before (once or twice) and have never edited... I'll send along a message to someone who knows better and see if they can jump in here and help you
  6. @ RandomTaskMan Welcome to the forums! Are the pop ups happening constantly, or only at certain webpages? Do you have any P2P programs, such as BitTorrent or LimeWire? Also, just as a side note, when replying, please erase what the person said and just address them @username or username:, as this makes the forum easier to read
  7. @ catscomputer ohh okay. I think you're right! I don't really computer game either - just Solitaire and Minesweeper and such that come with the computer. Lots of time has been spent by me playing Solitaire, hehe.
  8. @ catscomputer Thanks for explaining that to me! I noticed in some Java updates, it advertises openoffice.org :/ isn't WildTangent kinda considered spyware or something? I didn't know that AIM came with some computers. I used to use it, but now I use Pidgin as my instant messaging software ( http://pidgin.im/ ) great little program, I love it That's really crappy that computers come with all this crud I didn't even realize that until I came to this forum Good luck upgrading, and I hope it goes smoothly and crapware free
  9. @ catscomputer Excuse me for butting in, but, what do you mean by crapware? I was trying to think of what you mean but I am not quite sure.
  10. Hola Hec2002 I know a little bit of Spanish, but not really enough to communicate very well I'm afraid. I can try my best though, maybe over in the general chat area?
  11. @ brianh654 Please post your logs here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 As logs are not worked on in the General forum, only the HijackThis forum. Someone will be along to help you as soon as possible. Just so you know, they are currently swamped with requests for help, so it could be a while, possibly up to five days or so, before someone will be able to take a look at your log. If no one replies within 48 hours, however, feel free to reply to your post with a request for review.
  12. @ Russell2005 Hmm. That might have something to do with it, but I have no idea. Hopefully someone else who might know steps in here - that was the only thing I could think of that could possibly have anything to do with it.
  13. You're very welcome! I'm glad that you found the forum too
  14. @ Russell2005 Hello and welcome to the forums! Have you cleaned out your temp files? This might be a cause. Take a look here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...st&p=133254 and read about the different temp cleaners available for free. Keep scrolling down the page and reading, there's about a page of replies, won't take too long to read If this is not your problem, I am not sure what it could be, someone else should be able to step in here and help you figure this out as soon as someone is available. Also, just as a side note, when replying, please use the "Add reply" button at the bottom of the page or erase what the person you are replying to said, as this makes the forum easier to read.
  15. hello and welcome to the forums GringoCA! I think you should try posting that here (just copy and paste everything you just wrote into the new post): http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...w_post&f=30 This looks like a similar problem that many others have been having since the pathfile looks very similar. Also, just as a side note, when replying to a post in the forum please either hit "add reply" at the bottom of the page, or erase what the person you are replying to you said, as this makes the forum easier to read.
  16. @ Firefox You're welcome! Glad you're all clean now
  17. @brian Take a look at the thread here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...=26416&st=0 And see if this might be your issue. (It is a bit long, but shouldn't take too long to read). Edit: If it indeed is not a FP, then you may need to be concerned about your website, yes. If the link I gave you is not your problem, follow Maniac's instructions below my post.
  18. @ silkmx10 You're welcome Registry cleaners are also mostly unnecessary, there's really no need to use them. I found out this the hard way, after I used RegistryMechanic or something from PC Tools with a registry cleaner (it claimed to speed up performance... yeahhh right) and then a bunch of "windows installer" boxes came up, staying I needed to reinstall several programs, so I ended up uninstalling them (since I didn't have the installation CD's), and it kept happening with more programs every restart. I was so fed up! I ended up downloading the Windows Installer Clean-Up tool, and that seemed to have taken care of the problem. As for what a rogue is, a rogue is generally described as a program that does one or more of the following (if anyone has anything else to add or correct me on, please feel free to jump in here)!: * Produce false positives/lots of entries that don't need attention in order to get the user to think that there is something wrong with their system * Prompt the user to purchase the software before removing any detections (note: not all programs that do this are rogues, but when a program asks you to purchase it before removing anything, generally that's a red flag. For example, Spyware Doctor from PC Tools is legitimate, but it asks you to buy it before removing any detections, which isn't a good thing, why put sensitive personal information into a potentially compromised system)? * Program pops up on the screen after surfing the web, or randomly, without any user interaction (user didn't install the program, didn't know it was on his or her computer... etc) * Lots of annoying pop ups telling user to purchase program or remain infected, telling user that their system isn't clean, etc... As for the company behind RegTool, I am not sure. Maybe one of our staff members or experts will know the answer to that
  19. @ Firefox Are you at the most updated version of MBAM? I was reading a FP thread in the FP forum, and there was an issue that many users were having, about a Trojan.Agent issue. Update, remove anything that was just found from quarantine (for now), rescan, and see if they still come up. Also, take a look at the thread I was talking about in the FP forum: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...=26416&st=0
  20. @ silkmx10 Welcome to the forums! It is generally recommended that you do not use registry editors or registry cleaners unless you know exactly what you are doing. Additionally, they do very, very little, if anything, to speed up computer performance, boot-up time, etc... I wouldn't use RegCure, either. I made a post about it a while back, and while I was told it was not rogue, it is not a recommended software to use, either. As for RegTool, if MBAM reported it as rogue, it more likely than not is rogue. If you aren't sure, you are welcome to report it to the False Positives forum, to have a staff member check on it to see if it is indeed rogue or not. I've used RegistryMechanic before, and it is legitimate, but again, unless you know what you are doing (and I did not know what I was doing, and I wish I had known sooner that I shouldn't mess with the registry!) it is not recommended that you use any registry cleaners or editors. Also, just as a side note, when replying on the forum, please erase what the person before you wrote, or just hit "add reply" at the bottom of the page, as this makes the forum easier to read.
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