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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. @ Shy Writer

    Oh how maddening! Still, it sounds like you've got it sorted now, which is good news. :)


    Just like I said in a recent thread about AV preferences: each to their own. :) For many reasons Firefox is my favourite browser by a country mile, for other's it's IE, Opera, or another one. Whatever works best for the person using it eh?

  2. What an ordeal Buttons! Glad it's all sorted now. :)

    Your encounter with this organisation reminds me of the frustrating encounters I've had with my ISP whenever I've had broadband or phone issues - still unresolved I might add.

  3. I can't uninstall AVG 8.5 IT KEEPS COMING UP SAYING THIS!!!

    Error: @AvgErrorCode_0x0253 %FILE% = "C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8"


    So I may be a bit late with this as it appears as though you have removed AVG and are considering another AV? In which case please disregard the following. The below is information about your error number and the possible solution if you are still keen to use AVG:

    Please see http://forums.avg.com/ww-en/avg-free-forum...how&id=3161 from the AVG free forum - it is about common installation problems . Scroll down to number 14 where I believe the error number is the same as yours. This is what they say:

    Installer initialization failed due to following error:

    Error: @AvgErrorCode_0x0253 %FILE% = "C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8"


    => This installation error is mostly caused by upgrade to AVG9 and system restore back to AVG8. Side effect is impossibility to download any file. Please remove this file from AVG program folder:

    "C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8\avgoff2k.dll" (for 64bit systems "C:\Program Files (x86)\AVG\AVG8\avgoff2k.dll")

    And follow AVG reinstall procedure on this threads:

    - AVG 8.5

    - AVG 9.0

    (You'll need to go the website I have linked to above to see the live links for instructions for reinstalling versions 8.5 and 9.0 - I don't think I can make them live links in the quote box above).

    If you cannot find the file it tells you to remove in the instructions for this error, you may have to "enable hidden folders to be seen". (Post back if you need instructions for this)

    Is this AVG free you are trying to download? If you are a freeware customer the AVG free forum users may also be able to assist: http://forums.avg.com/au-en/avg-free-forum

    If you are trying to install a paid product (which includes a 30 day trial) you may contact AVG support for help with this problem. Go to avg.com and click on support > contact technical support.

  4. Oooh it's brilliant! I like it! Nice job MBAM team . :blink:

    Just one thing - on the old website there was a link to a great big list of malware that MBAM detected. I forget the name of the list and what the link was called, but you probably know what I mean. Wherebaouts can we find that now? I looked, but perhaps not hard enough.

  5. I agree with you Buttons, on all points.

    EDIT - Kenny94 - Yes high numbers of (slow to be corrected) FPs are another gripe I have about AVG (without wanting to turn this into an AVG bashing thread because it is each to their own at the end of the day). There is currently an issue on the AVG forum with some legitimate Hewlett Packard files being falsely detected too.

  6. From what I understand AVG Technologies has not added rootkit scanning to it's freeware - according to a mod on the AVG Free forum versions 8, 8.x and the new version 9 detect some basic rootkits, but you need to buy one of the paid products for proper rootkit protection. This chart nicely shows the differences between the three products they offer: hxxp://www.avg.com.au/products/avg-anti-virus-free/

    Personally I'm not very stuck on AVG. It does not have overly wonderful detection or removal IMO, and it is a bit of a resource hog. Each to their own though - my father swears by it!

  7. I have just finished work and am doing the unwind thing right this very minute :lol:

    I have a coffee, WMP is playing a spot of Tori Amos, and I'm catching up on news websites and forums I frequent. After my coffee I'm going to go and read or go for a walk. That's my usual way to unwind after work - which involves fighting infections of the human rather than machine variety. :lol:

  8. I have a Canon MP970 which I am very happy with. Prints, scans & copies & super easy to use. (I use it with a HP laptop).

    EDIT - also it has never once broken down (touches wood immediately), the quality of all functions is superb, and it comes with very good offline help & support pages. It is quite short but it is only slightly wider and deeper than a regular printer. Hope that helps.

  9. Do you have Yahoo Messenger installed? As someone else has said that is the classic default noise it makes when someone comes online & then signs off. If you do have Yahoo IM installed and it's set to sign in automatically then it's quite possibly that you're hearing. I used to have Yahoo IM & that door noise and the female voice with the American accent announcing I have Yahoo mail used to make me jump out of my skin. :)

  10. Buttons you are my new best friend! I had no idea there was such a thing as an adblock for IE. Thanks so much for the link to that. I rarely use IE these days but it's so nice being able to block the ads when I do. I've just installed it. :)

    Now... if only someone would make something along the lines of NoScript for IE.

  11. Yeah that I suspect that old computer of mine had had a hard life before I got it when it was 18mths old, and I would not be surprised if the reason it did this complete freeze thing fairly often had absolutely nothing to do with the Dell sticker on it's butt (even though that is the thing in common in this thread). It had a TINY hard drive, was as slow as a coach and I discovered some software on it that was not cool at all. It could have been infected even.

    I'm glad my new computer doesn't do it anyway.

  12. My first computer was a Dell (with XP Pro) and it used to do exactly the same thing as you have described Mountaintree! I've had this HP for a year and a half now, and I don't think it has ever had this issue. I'd quite forgotten about that little 'quirk' of my first computer until I read this thread. It would do it randomly; I don't think it was only when left for an extended period though. I used to have to hold the off button down to force a shut down as it was the only thing I could do.

    Glad you got your new computer now Te Merc. ;) The experience with Dell Online sounded dreadful!

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