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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. That adding up to 111 thing is actually kind of spooky.

    Someone I was close to passed away some years ago on the 11th November, at 11.11am, in room 11 of ward 11 of the hospital. Since then I OFTEN look at the clock and see the time is 1.11 or 11.11 (am or pm). It gives me the shivers.

  2. Actually both are healthy, but in different ways. Peanuts are an excellent source of protein, and while they are high in fat and energy - peanut oil is actually a healthy kind of oil - one that is protective of the heart. There isn't much in jam other than sugar and fruit - but the goodness in the fruit is largely destroyed by boiling it to flinders when you make it. I only add the jam for the taste. :D Marmite and vegemite are healthy because they are fortified with a lot of extra vitamins and minerals, and you get a lot of goodness for the the serving size you have. It is naturally high in B vitamins as it is made from yeast. It is not a source of protein though - that's why cheese is perfect with it!

    A little of everything in moderation is the key. :D

    I know re spreading vegemite thinly noknojon. I'm a kiwi. :D We all grew up on marmite/vegemite on toast. There is a difference in taste for sure. My mother used to try and trick me but it never worked. I find vegemite a bit sour but marmite is goooooood.

    Jelly is wobbly stuff you have with icecream at kids parties where I'm from. I think Americans call what we call jelly "jello", but I'm not 100% on that. It wouldn't go nicely in a PB sandwich though! :D

  3. Noknojon I eat Peanutbutter and jam sandwiches. It's not just those in the USA. :lol: They're yum. If I don't have any jam in the cupboard then I will have something other than PB in my sandwich. Canned sandwiches aren't likely to take off here though.

    I think vegemite is icky. Marmite is wonderful though!

  4. Firefox Users

    In the address bar go to about:config

    In the Filter: browser.frames.enabled

    Double click the value to toggle from true to false.


    As AdvancedSetup says - that's going to block them all incl ones you want.

    A better option may be to use NoScript and disable i-frames in the settings - then you can allow them temporarily on other sites as needed on an individual site AND individual i-frame basis. I don't use Facebook but I do block all i-frames and all objects normally (including on trusted sites) and just allow what I need/trust. That works really well for me.

  5. Wide Glide Firefox 3.5.x is still supported for anyone who does not wish to update to Firefox 3.6.x just yet. I'm just adding this for anyone who hasn't upgraded so they know that the previous version is still supported with updates. Anyone still running 3.5 should have the latest update which is 3.5.9.

    EDIT - Ibrad in the time it took me to reply (I got distracted) I see you've resolved it. Yay! Very strange indeed! I've removed what I wrote since it isn't relevant anymore.

  6. Are you sure about that Kangaroo? As far as I understand Malwarebytes doesn't detect or remove tracking cookies because they are not malicious. They prefer to concentrate on 'real' malware. Did you mean another utility, or a different type of detection?

    (I'm sure a staff member will correct me about this if I'm wrong about that?)

  7. Are you still having this problem Ibrad? I've just seen this post and tested Firefox 3.5.9 - I can login to Windlows live and use hotmail with no problems as usual. I use Adblock + & NoScript and do not allow anything more than what NoScript whitelists by default, btw.

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