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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. No, not necessarily zak - what I am saying is when I have got that message it has always been when my internet has gone offline in the middle of my conversation. I happen to have an unstable internet connection, so I get that message a lot because I get knocked off the internet on a very regular basis (why is a long story - something to do with dodgy house wiring I'm told). I'm not saying you have an unstable internet connection yourself necessarily. :)

    You don't say how often this is happening. I am assuming you can successfully msn sometimes/most of the time? Is it only ever with one contact? Next time you get the message, have a look at your modem and see if your internet light is lit up and your DSL light is on solid (as opposed to slowly blinking - which means it is lost connection). Also when it happens, open up the MSN user interface and you'll probably see that your connection has been lost, and it will show you how many seconds it is before msn tries to sign you in again. Wait until your DSL light is lit with a solid light and your internet light is on again before you attempt to sign back on. Then you should be good to go and you can resend the messages MSN said your chat buddy didn't get.

    If it appears your internet connection is fine when it is happening, then it's an MSN issue probably and you might have to go back to the drawing board. MSN itself does go down from time to time, but it's not that often.

    You said you are using a wireless modem. You could maybe try running the ethernet from the modem to the computer instead and see if that makes a difference. Some people do have problems with maintaining reliable wireless connections, if you can narrow it down to happening only when you are using a wireless connection, then I'm sure someone on this forum could troubleshoot possible reasons for that. :)

  2. Yes I have that frequently when I am chatting with someone because I have an unstable internet connection. It happens when your internet goes offline, or when you have been knocked off MSN for some other reason. Usually MSN will try and sign in automatically within a minute or two and then you can re-send the messages - - providing your internet is back-up and MSN itself is not down of course.

  3. hehe np :) (I'm British btw, so am used to the British spelling of stuffage :))

    *feels even sillier in that case*

    I notice you have to "chosse" the items instead of choose them too! Shocking!! Rogue software and scam emails sometimes have better English than this!

  4. My quick scan times take anywhere between 7 mins and 9 mins depending on whether I have rebooted the computer since the last scan, whether or not I've cleared out temp files etc, and what else my computer is doing at the time (behind the scenes, or any applications I have running).

    I have not found the times vary any since moving from 1.44 to 1.45, however I'm very pleased to hear that 1.45 employs a new engine that detects malware better. As a user that matters a lot more to me than how quickly the engine scans, particularly when MBAM quick scans are so "quick" (minutes rather than hours).

    I don't mean to invalidate anyone in this thread, I'm just trying to put the change into perspective a little. Sometimes new things need a little tweaking too, so please can we give the MBAMs guys a bit of a break eh?

  5. Out of my league too, but could there be remnants of other AVs on the system? Uninstalling AVs using the normal method (i.e. via the control panel/uninstall a programme) does not always FULLY remove them and even remnants of other AV software can effect the function of your current AV and system environment. I would suggest you run the removal tool for avast! and any other AV software that has been on the computer before (most PCs come bundled with something like Norton or McAffee). I'll see if I can find a list of AV removal tools for you. If they don't work or you have already run them before installing MSE then you'll need to consult a brain bigger than mine....

    EDIT Here ya go. I got this link from exile360: hxxp://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=233421 It has a list of uninstallers for various AVs.

    and here is a link for the MSE forum (the section you'll need for your question in this case) : hxxp://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/msestart/threads

  6. If you can see sent emails in your sent folder, then I would be concerned that your account could have been hacked somehow. You may need to change your password and security questions - if you did this and it didn't work, then you may have malware that logs passwords or keystrokes.

    If you were simply told by friends that they had received mail appearing to be sent by you, but you can find no evidence of your hotmail acccount being accessed, then it's possible your email address was spoofed. I have that problem with one of my accounts. I get emails sent to my own email address that appear to be sent by my account, but aren't.

    It might be worth getting one of the experts that help out on the foum (in the HJT section) to make absolutely sure you are clean, as someone else has suggested. With what you've described, I really think that would be the best course of action.

  7. Funny joke :)

    BUT not such a bad idea perhaps! Computer keyboards are meant to be about the buggiest things one comes in contact with apparently (according to my esteemed microbiology prof). Right up there with the handles of supermarket trollies. Nasty stuff! :)

  8. Woah! She is quite a relic Buttons!

    I still have a bunch of floppy disks with all my university assignments on them, but they are probably only useful as coasters now (the actual disks AND my assignments). Don't know why I've hung onto them.

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