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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. I put them into the same basket as people who break into your home, damage your property, rifle through and steal your personal belongings, and leave you feeling vulnerable and invaded. UGH!! (Yes, I have been burgled before). :)

    Worse thing is malware writers/distibutors (or whatever the correct term for these scumbags is) mainly operate on a large scale, and don't just do the street or the neighbourhood, they infect millions of people's computers - many of which you don't have a lot of control over. You can choose what you do and don't do on your own PC, and who uses it, and what kind of security you apply - but you can't do that with computers belonging to companies that have your information stored. Even with careful use, it is still possible to get stung.

    So yeah, they do STINK. But they are also a reality of life today, and you just have to be sensible and cautious, and try and minimise your risk of getting infected as much as is practical. MBAM is a big part of that for me, and I'm grateful I found this product and this community. :)

  2. Hi. I plan on uninstalling my current AV, and then installing MSE. It is not clear on the MSE website whether when you download MSE if it runs and installs the product straightaway - or if you can download an executable file to somewhere on your computer and then run it separately to invoke the installation wizard (like with most applications you download of the internet).

    The reason I'd like to know is because I'd rather not use the internet for even a short period of time with no AV installed, but it would be sensible to uninstall AVG before installing MSE.

    Can anyone shed some light? Thanks. ;)

    (by the way I am aware there is an installation video on the MSE site that you can watch, but it requires silverlight to view it).

    EDIT- Argh! Sorry Moderators - I posted this in the wrong forum by accident. Please can you move it to the General forum, or the PC help forum if more appropriate.)

  3. Hi Elizabeth9

    I use AVG free version 8.5. I am plagued with pop ups to upgrade to version 9, but I will not be doing so, partly because the free forum is so full of posts about teething problems people are having with this new version (one comon problem does seem to be VERY sluggish internet since changing to version 9), and partly because I personally have not been happy with AVG for a while. According to the latest pop up, AVG 8.5 support ends on December 1st 2009. I shall be uninstalling AVG and changing to either Avira, Avast or MSE then (still can't make my mind up!). Anyway the reason I'm commenting here is to let you know that this seems to be a known issue with AVG 9, regardless of whether you are using paid or free versions. I hope AVG are able to sort this out for their users soon. I would advise you contact AVG support too, as the more people who do, the more they are likely to act on it.

    It is also possible as others have said, that malware may be causing or contributing to the issue. Mountaintree has provided the links to the proper forum on MBAM for getting your system checked out and cleaned up if it needs to be.

    Best of luck. ;)

    EDIT - Just to clarify - I am not "diagnosing" the problem as being related to AVG, just letting you know that I've noted other new version 9 users having some internet surfing issues. It would definitely be prudent to exclude malware.

  4. Not a ? holiday / celebration much down here (Australia) - I think catscomputer (from New Zealand) would most likely agree -

    Never really followed its meaning or history ?? Just seems to be a US thing as far as I can figure -

    Anyway - I hope you have a Great Time doing your thing - <_<

    Yeah I do agree. It's like Valentines Day here. People know about it, and there is usually the odd kid about going 'trick or treating', but it is nowhere near as big as it is in the US. It seems to have got a little bigger here in the last five or ten years, but most people still don't do much (if anything) to mark the occasion. (I certainly didn't!)

  5. Thanks for the responses from those of you using MSE. B) That's handy to know. I'd like a web shield, which is one thing that makes me keen to try Avast! 5 when it's out, though I also really like what I'm hearing about MSE in terms of detectability, ease of use, and also in terms of malware removal in the av-comparitives test. MSE did very well in that test.

    The MSE quick scan sounds good (i.e. quick). MBAM takes 7.5mins to do a quick scan on my PC, so if it's comparitive, that's probably what I'll be looking at. By contrast a full scan set to automatic speed with AVG 8.5 free takes almost three hours and consumes so much CPU that you can't really do much when it's scanning. EDIT - also, there is no "quick scan" with AVG free. You can select a fast speed setting, but it still takes over two hours and consumes 100% CPU for most of the scan.

  6. Basically that is what I do mean - Not all are as proactive as MBAM -

    EDIT -

    We see more infections "beating the system" every day - They are getting smarter so we all need to keep finding ways to outsmart them -

    MSE is new on the block and can still grab many items that some others can have trouble with - That is why we have the HJT logs area -

    Gotcha. Thanks. :) I hope MS doesn't start getting complacent with MSE, and yes, malware is getting more and more clever for sure.

    I have two questions for you noknojon, if that's OK. I know there will be much variance depending on individual systems etc, but can I ask you how long quick scans and full scans take with MSE? Also, does MSE have any kind of web shield? I've looked around the microsft pages and I can't see that it does, only a resident shield (which I'm not sure will scan actual web pages).

  7. I think we will find that soon MSE will not detect some infections once it has been around for a year or so - :)

    Why do you say that? I'm not disagreeing with you, I just don't understand why that might happen.

  8. Yup mountaintree - a popsicle is an iceblock. A popsicle is just a brand of iceblock here. Like Frujus are a brand of iceblock, if you get what I mean.

    Some time I shall have to provide a list of Kiwi-isms. We speak British English here, but there are words that are uniquely ours too. And words that are uniquely Australasian. I had a very interesting time in the US confusing people with words that mean one thing here and COMPLETELY another thing there. :blink: I like languages.

  9. I don't really snack, but there is nothing as refreshing or that hits the spot quite like a Pineapple Fruju on a hot day! Mmmmmm. :blink: For those not in NZ (which is everyone except me probably!) they are an iceblock made out of pineapple juice. I think you call iceblocks "ice lollies" in North America.

    I never outgrew iceblocks. Lemonade ones are also good. ;)

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