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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. I want more suggestions so that we can include it in the list.

    It would be good to add posting your email on publicly viewable spaces on the internet. Search engines record it and before you know you'll be getting spammed to death.

    Also with point number one - for anyone who doesn't know about this - yahoo allow you to create disposable addresses that you can use with people/places where you are concerned that spamming could be an issue. If you start getting spam you can simply delete the address, while keeping the MAIN yahoo email address active. I can't remember exactly how many disposable adresses you can create under your main yahoo address - but it is at least ten. The disposable addresses can be completely different to your main email adress too, so your main email address can't be guessed. It's good to still have email accounts with other providers though as you've suggested, in case one of the accounts is compromised.

  2. Thanks exile. If I buy a new PC (as opposed to get Windows 7 disks and upgrade) then I would consider 64bit after learning a little more about it here. My question was really about if all the crapware that came with my pre-installed Vista HP would be preserved if I upgraded the same computer to Windows 7.

  3. OK. Thanks Yardbird :blink: If I do upgrade I'll definitely play it safe and make sure I've copied all my files to a disc or external hard drive or something. Murphy's law will no doubt apply if I didn't.

    Interestingly I went window shopping for laptops the other day, as I'm looking to buy a new one soon-ish (depending on how that money tree grows), and I was really disappointed to find out that it is impossible to buy a laptop without crapware! So whether I buy a new PC or upgrade, I shall be back to ask if anyone would be so kind to assist me removing the unwanted stuff.

    EDIT - re your edit. Yup, I'd considered the 32 bit to 64bit issue. Will be getting a 32bit again probably.

  4. I have many emails but the main two I use I use through thunderbird and AVG scans those, the rest are yahoo and gmail, weird thing is though thunderbird marks all my mail as having attachments then after i open those and close them the little paper clip disapears!

    I still have not got round to asking mozilla why.

    I suspect (although I'm not positive) that the attachment will be the AVG signature to say that it's been scanned and no viruses are found. I don't get the signature as an attachment in my outlook emails, but I do when I forward the email to one of my webmail accounts (the original signature that appeared in outlook is sent as an attachment).

  5. I formated 2 pc's - last month or July, anyway it defaults back to the original OS... which means I had to load (on an XP home box) SP2 & 3, all the ms patches, hotfixs, the crapware" that is bundled with computers -- I did not have to reload... Thing like the address book (unless you have backups) are gone.. Spell checker for OE was gone. On the other box I went from XP home to Pro.. pretty much the same.. always back up your documents, that you intend to put on your next pc.... does this help in part? upgrading from win95 to 98 all my data was gone..don't you love windows :blink:

    Thanks for replying yardbird. :D Just to make sure we're on the same page - if I upgrade to Windows 7 with discs, are you saying I'll lose all the software I've downloaded and all the files etc I've created since the PC left the store with Vista and all the crapware pre-installed? I can live with having to re-download software (considering I want to change a lot of it anyway), and I am happy to back up my files and re-load them, but I don't want the crapware at all. How annoying is it that the only thing you DON'T want is preserved?! Oh well... yes, gotta love Windows. :D

  6. This is an excellent post srtools. Thank-you.

    Number 7 - Yes yes yes!!!! I'm so careful who I give my email address to, and it annoys me SO much when I receive an email where my address is in the CC column of an email going to goodness knows who else. I've asked people not to send me chain type emails (no matter how cute or funny), and I've asked them to not to put my name in the CC column.... but unfortunately both things still happen a lot. Grrrr! :D

  7. I was just reading the thread in the Updates & Alerts forum, and I have a question. I have never upgraded an OS before, and I'm curious to know if you lose all your non-windows applications when you update the OS? Do you have to uninstall your other programmes beforehand, and then reinstall them after upgrading (provided they are compatible, of course). What about the unwanted "crapware" that is bundled with computers when you buy them - does it preseve those things if you upgrade? Or you you end up with a clean install of Windows?

    (Apologies for not knowing such basic things...)

  8. Hi DanielHendrycks. Welcome to the MBAM forum.

    Thanks for posting your ideas! You've put a lot of time and thought in. :blink: The MBAM staff are very receptive to ideas and suggestions, so feel free to offer any you have.

    I personally prefer clean and simple, and "no frills, bells and whistles" myself, but each to their own. :D The main thing for me is that MBAM does an outstanding job, the support for using the product and dealing with malware is also outstanding, and the application is simple for a non-tech orientated person like me to navigate and use. Looks are not a priority for me, but each to their own for sure.

    Also, I don't believe that non-malicious clickable links are against the rules, but I'll stand corrected if I'm wrong.

  9. Different types of malware do different things, but the bottom line for it is to make money (be it through stealing your identity, turning your computer into a zombie, stealing your passwords, getting into your bank accounts etc etc).

    Edit - oops, exile360 beat me to it with a more comprehensive explanation. :D Welcome to the MBAM forum, by the way.

  10. @ Exile360

    I didn't see the edit to your post when I posted my reply (about what a CLSID is). Thanks for going to so much trouble to find an explanation that's a little easier for a non-tech person to get to grips with. I've just checked that out, and have a better understanding now. (Though I will still be sticking to my day job! :D)

  11. Is it a site where you search a process name and it tells you what the process is?

    Yes that is exactly what it is (or was), and along with explaining what each process is and who the publisher is, it went into a lot of depth explaining where you should find it in each OS, and it included the file size & MD5 checksum too. It was a wicked site!

    WOW! Thank-you for going to so much trouble! I was nervous to just click on any old sites in google in case they were malicious. I appreciate the help exile, thanks. B)

  12. Hi MBAM community. B) I last used programchecker.com around six weeks ago, and sometime between then and about 1-2 weeks ago the website appears to be inaccessible. I've tried numerous times on different browsers and PCs (clearing the cache in between) and it won't load. I'm now wondering if it is "no longer" as opposed to a broken webpage. Anyone know anything about this?

    I know there are other process checker sites, but I'm not sure which ones in the search results are OK to visit and use. Does anyone have any tried and tested suggestions?

    Thanks. B)

  13. You should also sell something that keep a watch on those pesky backdoors trojans etc, to get them before they arrive, because it seem like those antivirus software are not doing their job properly...

    Greetings Fignolin B) Welcome to the MBAM forum.

    When you get the paid version of MBAM you will have "real-time" protection, not just an on demand scanner like the free version is. The rel-time protection should help to stop anything getting on your hard drive.

    Yes MBAM is a very effective tool, but it does need to be run with a good antivirus programme as well.

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