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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. You're welcome Mountaintree. Just one thing though, if you are using Firefox and you have QuickTime applications in that browser, then you *will* be using QuickTime, if you see what I mean. You can check what you are using QuickTime for by opening FF > Tools > Options > Applications (wait a few secs for it to load) and then you can see what QuickTime is set as a default to do in FF. In my FF it is quite a bit. :P

    Yeah Bonjour is a pest (imho). My father installed it unwittingly along with my camera software. And yes, Apple updates are flipping monstrous! The last one just for iTunes was 98MB or something hideous.

  2. Hi Mountaintree

    I launch the "Apple Software Update" weekly (found via start > search) and it will check all the Apple software on your computer. I've notived that iTunes and QuickTime are always lumped together in a single update. I never use iTunes or Safari (though I appear to have them installed), but I use QuickTime applications in FF too. You definitely want your QuickTime kept up to date because that has fallen victim to exploits several in the past (or so I've read).

    Glad you're all sorted. :)

    EDIT - Woohoo - Just noticed that I made it to "Advanced Member!" One must flick to that after 100 posts....

  3. Edit: They apparently just finished and I need to restart.

    Does this mean I need to uninstall and re-install QuickTime? :/

    Mine updated without error from the Apple Installer after I checked for updates yesterday (I read on US-Cert that iTunes updates were out). After you have re-started check for updates via the Apple Update, and it should tell you if you have the latest version or need to update. If it says you have the latest version you should be OK and can assume you installlation was successful.

  4. Whoops! Reminds me of when I accidentally paged the on-call anaesthetist at 2.30am instead of the duty house surgeon (junior dr) for my ward one night. He was very annoyed to be woken and gave me a right ear full. I never heard more about it though, thankfully.

  5. I can't connect to programchecker either, it appears their site is down. The reason you couldn't see the details of csrss originally is because the Task Manager wasn't running as Admin, and it's a System level process, so you'd need to click Show processes from all users to see it.

    If you want a closer look at Rundll32.exe processes and how to research them take a look at this article as it breaks it down pretty well :) .

    Thanks for explaining about the difference taskmanager details in normal view versus show processes from all users, and for that very useful link about rundll32.exe. I've learned something.

  6. Chimpy I have two rundll.32.exes processes too. Both are Windows host processes according to the Description Column. Both of mine have command lines as follows:

    1) C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe

    2) rundll32 NVSVC.DLL,nvsvcInitialize (I think this has something to do with nvidea)

    I can't tell how many csrss.exe I have as it jumps around too much to check. I noted that the one I did see didn't have a command line by it, however when I clicked "show processes from all users" a command line appeared next to csrss.exe then.

    (I tried to do a process check from the website I usually use (programchecker.com) but I cannot seem to connect with it in FF or IE, which is a bit bizarre... )

  7. It's not the firewall that's the problem, notice she said all are running Internet Security which is the paid version, which means its AV engine would include more advanced rootkit detection than the free version, regardless of whether or not the firewall component is installed. The free version simply lacks the ability to detect the hidden driver, otherwise it would be having the same false positive.

    Whoops, sorry exile, my bad. I mentioned the wrong comment number. :) I meant comment 21 by robinb. The pro version will detect rootkits too, but the problem isn't happening in that version either. The difference between the AVG versions is shown on this page: http://free.avg.com/download-avg-anti-virus-free-edition

  8. I suspect you just nailed it. One of MBAM's drivers uses what would be considered a rootkit driver to load and scan. Kaspersky always detects it on installation and I have to ignore it. It's not uncommon for modern security programs to use this technique both to protect themselves from being deleted by malware as well as being able to detect, of all things, rootkits :) . You may have found the culprit.

    Nah I just gave you the clues - it looks like you just nailed it exile360! :)

    Only bit that does not make sense is why there is so much apparent inconsistency in who is having a problem and who isn't (see comment 30 by robinbb). Perhaps some people missed a critical virus definitions file when they updated? Though you would think (or hope rather) that the AVG update manager would give you all the updates you are missing, not just the latest one.

  9. This could also be caused by different heuristics in the two versions or different DB versions being downloaded (paid vs free).


    One interesting thing though - I read a response to a post in the old AVG free forum where someone actually from AVG Technologies (as opposed to the free users who moderate the forum but do not work for AVG) stated that the free and paid versions of AVG use exactly the same scanning engines, and the same virus definition files. The free version does not have a full web shield, a firewall, and some rootkits won't get detected. I don't have enough knowledge to figure out the ins and outs of it all personally, and the comment she/he made might have been oversimplified for us novice users out there.

  10. Thanks guys :)

    The team work extremely hard on resolving those reported to us, and it's great to know it's appreciated :)

    I haven't had a FP for ages either, but personally I don't think it's the number of false positives that occur that count; it's how quickly they are checked out and fixed, and you guys at MBAM do a brilliant job of correcting things speedily. I've also never had problems removing FPs from quarantine either (unlike with some other programmes I use).

    Thanks heaps guys :)

  11. Interesting though, it seems to be only happening in the Internet Security Version

    I did a test on the avg free and avg pro verisons with malwarebytes installed and this doesn't happen.


    That's interesting, and explains why I didn't encounter this problem when updating or performing a MBAM scan today or yesterday, as I have the free version of AVG 8.5.

    Strange though, as AVG say that the free and paid versions use the same virus definition base and the same scanning engine, so I don't understand why the free version's Resident Shield wouldn't kick off too... Maybe they just mean the pro version and not the other paid versions...

    AVG corrected their recent FP with iTunes and iPod within 24hrs, so hopefully if this isn't fixed already, it will be very soon.

  12. I've just run a full scan with MBAM (free version), as opposed to the usual quick scan. It was nice and clean, thankfully. I usually do a quick scan each day, which I believe will pick up 99% of what MBAM scans for anyway?

    Roughly how often would you recommend I do a MBAM full scan if I'm doing daily quick scans?

    Thanks. :unsure:

  13. avast!'s forum is very helpful and has many friendly people there:


    Thank-you YoKenny :( I've heard others say the same the Avast! forum is good. I'm planning on changing several of my applications with my next computer, not just security programmes, but they are my main concern.

    Hey I've just read your signature and I'm curious about something. You've got Avast! and MS Security Essentials listed - are you running two AV programmes, or is that you just happen to have tried both or recommend both? I ask because I thought running two AVs (even when only one is "real-time" as oppposed to an on-demand scanner) is a no no and can cause false negatives and stuff. How did you find MS Security Essentials? (if you don't mind me asking).

    EDIT - I appear to have posted this comment twice, sorry! Not sure how to delete one.

  14. avast!'s forum is very helpful and has many friendly people there:


    Thank-you YoKenny :( I've heard others say the same the Avast! forum is good. I'm planning on changing several of my applications with my next computer, not just security programmes, but they are my main concern.

    Hey I've just read your signature and I'm curious about something. You've got Avast! and MS Security Essentials listed - are you running two AV programmes, or is that you just happen to have tried both or recommend both? I ask because I thought running two AVs (even when only one is "real-time" as oppposed to an on-demand scanner) is a no no and can cause false negatives and stuff. How did you find MS Security Essentials? (if you don't mind me asking).

  15. you are right about the drag on resources and also there is a conflict with Windows Firewall or Defender that shows sometimes the AVG is off when in fact it is on, And so you have too DL a patch from AVG to fix this which does not always work!

    Heh I am really selling AVG to people here arent I :(

    I use AVG free 8.5 too. I do have to agree with you and prairie dog that AVG is HUGELY resource-heavy, especially when it scans, no matter what scan speed priority you choose. It consumes 100% of CPU for some files even when it is set on automatic and absolutely no other applications are loaded. The same files scanned with MBAM, Ad-aware-AE and Windows Defender consume no more than 50%, ever (even when doing other stuff on the computer). It is also very slow. I've not had any problems with it apart from that though. Oh yeah I did - I quarantined some iTunes files not realising they were a FP and then the stupid virus vault wouldn't let me un-quarantine them.

    I've had the Windows Security Centre report that AVG protection is switched off when I boot up too, not very often though. Personally I think that is because AVG takes an awful long time to load sometimes. Usually when it says that the AVG interface is showing all things working just fine, and I find rebooting fixes it every time. I haven't had to use the patch.

    Based on what I've read since making an effort to become more knowledgeable in these matters, I've decided that I won't get AVG again in future. I'm going to go for either Avira, Avast, or ESET (with MBAM & SAS to compliment it). I think. MBAM definitely anyway! :(

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