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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. Ah relief, not just me. At least I hope it's the same issue? I thought I'd caused an error with my account by refreshing the website when I was already signed in & viewing the subscriptions page. On refresh it loaded an error message saying "something went wrong with your session" with a reload button, which only results in the same error when reloaded. I've tried clearing cache & rebooting etc, different browsers, different computers & even a second internet line we have here >>  same error. In addition - the UI of the new version of malwarebytes no longer shows my other devices (including after refreshing) on any of our ten devices we have attached to the email (we two separate licenses attached to the account). That field on the UI is blank.

    If it helps, I can log into malwarebytes.com OK, enter the verification code from the email (which it accepts), but the error is thrown when it tries to load the overview page & I can't go any further. I have tried accessing it via malwarebytes.com, & also by clicking on the link in the UI to manage my account.

    Is the above error "something went wrong with your session" after logging the same error as others are getting?


  2. This is being detected on my machines with Google Drive installed this afternoon. I'd say it relates to an update that occurred sometime between 5.5hrs ago and 30mins ago, as it was not picked up on a machine that has a scheduled scan at 1100hrs NZ time, but was picked up on a machine that is scheduled for a 1600hrs NZ time scan. A repeat scan on the 1100hrs machine now detects it too. Virustotal had a 0/67 detection report.





    Google Drive File FP.txt

  3. Ok thanks @exile360 Just one final question remaining - am I best to do the Intel MEI Driver or the Intel ME firmware first? And definitely doesn't matter which order the BIOS is done in relation to MEI stuff? (OK that was two. :P)

    Really appreciate your input. I'm setting this one up for someone else, so I want to be extra careful I avoid borkage.

  4. Thanks so much @exile360 That's a really comprehensive reply! I appreciate the effort and time that must have taken to post. :)

    That's interesting about the order of audio and graphics drivers. I didn't know that. This one has both integrated Intel UHD graphics and discreet Nvidea Quadro graphics (it's basically a workstation). There's updates for both, from memory.

    So if I understand you correctly I need to do anything related to the chipset first. There are actually a few in my list that relate to the chipsets I think - definitely the Intel Chipset Installation and Utility Driver, Intel Serial I0 Driver. Will I do those tow first (in the order typed) and then the MEI stuff? Would you recommend I do the Intel MEI Driver or the Intel ME firmware first?

    Good to know I can do the BIOS at any stage, and yup! I'm very aware of the risk with BIOS updates- thankfully I've never been bitten yet with any BIOS updates going bad (at least not HP ones). Before doing so I unplug all peripherals and switch off all security software, and also run a SFC and DISM RestoreHealth first. My whole reason for posting this was because I'm sure I read somewhere that it's vital to get the MEI firmware and BIOS updates in the right order (this was back in 2017 when the first spectre/meltdown vulnerabilities came to light), as one might undo the changes of the other if done in the wrong order (from a spectre/meltdown point of view - not the other BIOS fixes). Of course I can't find that post or article for looking now! It's an 8th gen Intel chip, so will definitely need security updates.

    I'm not sure what brand the SSD is. I've a sneaky feeling it's a Toshiba, or maybe a Seagate... I haven't got my hands on the machine yet. The product datasheet simply says: 1TB M.2 PCIe® NVMe™ TLC Solid State Drive.

    I also forgot to ask, would I be best to do any Windows Updates before anything else?

    Thanks again exile. :)

  5. Hey forum. Wondering which is the best order to install drivers from the device manufacturer for a PC I'll be setting up. It's a 2018 HP Zbook 15v.

    The five I'm concerned about doing in the correct order are: a BIOS update (which has a  microcode and security components as well as general fixes, so definitely wants doing), Intel MEI Driver, Intel ME firmware, Intel Chipset Installation and Utility Driver, Intel Serial I0 Driver.

    The rest is run of the mill stuff: audio driver, graphics driver, thunderbolt controller driver, synaptics fingerprint driver, IR camera update, WLAN and gigabit ethernet drivers, bluetooth, HP wireless button driver, card reader driver, and Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver.

    Been a while since I set one up, esp one already 2yrs old! Thanks.

  6. 2 hours ago, exile360 said:


    Yes, you should be able to activate Malwarebytes on your Android device; it's just a bundle deal, the two products still use their own separate keys/licenses.

    I hope that helps, and if there is anything else we might assist with please let us know.


    Hey exile. :) Thanks, that's good to know. Will go ahead with my purchase. 

  7. Hi. Could someone from Malwarebytes staff please tell me if I purchase the Premium + Privacy for 5 devices, if I will be able to use the license key for this product on my Android phone to activate Malwarebytes Antimalware for Android?

    I realise the privacy component is not yet available for Android, which is fine, but my question is if I will be able to use the activation key for this option to activate the normal Malwarebytes Android app. I have a two device Premium license which is about to expire, which I'm using on my Android phone and one of my computers. I'm trialling the Malwarebytes VPN on the computer which has the about-to-expire license and think I'd like to keep it. What I don't want though is to purchase the Premium and Privacy license and find out I can't activate my Android phone with it, as it's essential I have real-time protection on my phone too. (I'd be better going for the 5 license of just antimalware and forgoing privacy in that case). 

    Thanks in advance!

  8. I came on here to see if others were reporting this issue. I manually checked for updates on one of my four machines today and got the update to 4.2. After the programme restarted it had reverted my premium product to a free version on a 14 day trial. I tried restarting the machine to see if it would right itself but it didn't. Fortunately I was able to simply reactivate it with the same licence. I've deliberately not checked for for updates on my other three machines yet, which are also all running premium versions. 

    Since you asked the OP @exile360 the machine in question is the only one I have running a non-lifetime license. It's a license that is shared with my android phone (which appears to still be activated) and has 67 days remaining. It is a two year/two device license.

    I have no idea what email was used for some of my older lifetime licenses, which might make reactivating difficult if it they get rejected when I try an activate.

  9. That's so bizarre! There must be something else that loads intermittently on that login page that MB browser guard doesn't like... I can't think of another reason, can you? I load the page via a bookmark, so it's not like I'm mistyping anything and visiting a counterfeit site in error.

    If it happens again I'll just keep trying and come back if it doesn't seem to resolve itself with repeated efforts (with clearing browser history between tries of course).

  10. 2 hours ago, gonzo said:

    I followed the link you provided using both Firefox and Chrome browsers in Windows 10.  I successfully reach the page where I am asked for my login details.  I obviously have none, so I cannot proceed further.  I verified the site with VirusTotal, and it appears safe.  What version of Browser Guard are you using?  (three dots in upper right corner of Browser Guard screen -> Support -> Version Information)

    I tried again this morning with FF and got the same result as I posted - blocked. Broswer guard version was 2.2.5. I then checked for add-on updates in FF and this extension received an update to 2.2.6 (which was not available yesterday AM when I checked then). I can now navigate to the site with no problems on FF with version 2.2.6.

    I then tried on Chrome and that works fine also (I didn't check that yesterday as I assumed the extensions would block the same sites on both browsers). Interestingly Chrome is still on 2.2.5. It seems something has changed in version 2.2.6 for FF to allow this site (at least on my end...)

  11. Hi. Just tried to visit the payroll site my work uses to download my latest payslip but Malwarebytes browser guard blocks it because the site may contain malware. This is the first time it has done this, as I have visted this site every fortnight either via FF or Chrome, today happened to be with FF.

    The page I was trying to visit is this: https://secure2.ipayroll.co.nz/login

    Could someone take a look at this? Thanks. I chose not to proceed just incase ipayroll has been compromised.


    MBAM FP ipayroll.PNG

  12. Hi. I recently installed MB browser extension and it's flagging some sites I have used on a regular basis for years, and have never had any problems with. It's the smart catalogue search for a group of public libraries in the greater Wellington region (NZ). Thanks.





    I haven't tested them in FF with the FF MB browser extension enabled but I imagine the result would be the same. 

  13. Hi. I'm having the same issue with all 4 laptops here. Version 7.4 will open for a matter of seconds and then crash, and this keeps happening. Restarting doesn't help. I've eventually managed to get it open to long enough on 3 machines to go to dashboard and choose the "remove" option, then I've downloaded a fresh copy of 7.4.1, which launches OK so far.

    On this machine though I'm having no such luck. Am I able just to install 7.4.1 over the top of 7.4? ( I don't mean via the GUI - that isn't possible because the app keeps crashing). If not, how do I make the programme in "compatibility mode"? 

    I'm on Win 10 Pro 1903, 18362.329 & have MBAM premium + Windows Defender also. Many thanks! :)

  14. Thanks exile, that explains the differences perfectly. I already run ublock orig (a chrome extension) which includes some malware domains, and also tracking protection and ads. I'm not sure about clickbaits though... I think the main benefit for me would be the behavioural detection offered by the extension. Would you think there'd be any problems running ublock orig and the malwarebytes extension together? 

    Oooh and just noticing your signature I see there's one for FF too. Cool, I use both Chrome and FF pretty evenly these days. I also run ublock orig on FF too. (Not sure why my signature isn't showing up anymore....) < ignore, signature showed up in my above post after I'd submitted this one.

  15. Hi. I run MBAM Premium on my computers and chrome is my main browser. I have all real-time shields enabled, which includes website protection. I have seen people on Wilders talk about the Malwarebytes Browser Protection extension for chrome, but I'm not clear if this is just providing the website protection component for free users that MBAM Premium users already have, or if it does other clever things that MBAM Premium doesn't.  I saw someone asked the same question in the support section of the extension on the Chrome webstore, but they did not receive a reply. Hence my posting here where hopefully a developer can clarify. Thanks.

    Basically just wanting to know what/if any benefit having the extension has if you already run the premium version of MBAM.

  16. On 8/30/2018 at 9:29 AM, 1776blues said:

    Thanks, I will as usual have to wait until I'm done doing normal everyday stuff! Once I have updated MWB I will monitor the program and post if it works or doesn't work.

    Any feedback about whether the latest MBAM version (1.0.441) fixes the conflict between MBAM & the latest programme update for avast?  I  have update MBAM (via install application updates) but don't wish to update avast until I have confirmation from someone that the issue as described by the original poster on this thread have been resolved. Would rather avoid the described workarounds if possible. Thanks.

  17. 1 hour ago, exile360 said:

    It sounds more complicated than it actually is, but for the Developers they will understand what I'm saying and should act upon it accordingly.


    Well I'm glad about that!! It's a bit over my head lol. Though I do get the gist. :)

    I hope Malwarebytes will either correct these FPs, or, build in a function to whitelist such entries.

    Until then I shall do as you've suggested and check the registry and make sure any detected entries are showing a 4 as per the picture. If they are I will add them to exclusions. I can definitely manage that. 

    Thanks for the advice exile, the pictures you've included to go with the explanation are really helpful. :)

  18. Thanks for the reply exile. That all Iooks very complicated in the links you posted. 

    I'm not quite sure what I'm to do to prevent this from happening again. I feel like this is something Malwarebytes should address and create whitelists for rather than us users, surely?

    I don't want to have to constantly create exclusions, or be in a position where I'm having to decide if something is a  legitimate detection or part of something like SpywareBlaster. 

  19. Hi. Version detected 42 items on one of my laptops last night. Interestingly, I saw the exact same detections in a post on Wilders here: hxxps://www.wilderssecurity.com/threads/adwcleaner-updates-and-discussion-thread.345634/page-19#post-2769246 

    I then scanned a second Win 10 laptop with AdwCleaner version 7.2.1 and it came back clean. So I immediately downloaded, installed and ran version on the second machine, and lo and behold - the exact same 42 detections came up on that computer too.

    I then checked the registry of a third computer (not yet scanned with AdwCleaner) and all of those same keys were present on that computer too, along with a lot of other seedy looking keys referencing adult material, so I wondered if these were part of some kind of blocklist that was supposed to be there and actually protecting my computers.

    I then checked SpywareBlaster on all three computers, and protection was only partially enabled under the "Restricted Sites" on the two computers I had scanned with version and allowed the programme to clean. There were exactly 42 unprotected sites on both those computers -  the same number of detections in AdwCleaner. On the third computer that had not been scanned  - SpywareBlaster showed all protection as fully enabled.

    To confirm my suspicions I ran on the 2 machines with partially enabled protection and they came up clean, but as soon as I enabled all protection in SpywareBlaster on the "Restricted Sites" field, and then re-ran AdwCleaner version, those same 42 detections appeared again.  So it would seem that AdwCleaner is detecting stuff from SpywareBlaster's blocklists.

    Here is the log file from computer number 1. Computer 2 is identical except it's running Win 10 Home not Pro. Thanks.


  20. Thank-you porthos. I already found that FAQ and added MBAM folders and files to the Windows Defender exclusions, but the question was for the other way around - which folders and files belonging to Windows Defender to I add to MBAMs exclusions section. I gather from replies above I don't need to worry, however this is not what my understanding used to be from info on this forum about running MBAM  Pro & an AV both in realtime. You had to add exclusions to both programmes, not just one.

  21. Thanks nikhils, I have already enabled that option to let Windows Action Centre Choose which to register, but that's not quite what I mean. I thought there were files I needed to add to MBAM Exclusion list to prevent conflicts, as both software are running with realtime shields enabled. This was always the recommendation on my past installations when running and AV + AM together - has this changed now? 

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