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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. Hey Mark. :) Your explanation about the low spec processors and insufficient RAM certainly explains a lot. Many old XP rigs had only 512MB or 1GB RAM. I think my old XP box had only 256MB RAM, but the less said about that POS old computer the better! It crashed and froze constantly. My Vista laptop had 2GB RAM and an old AMD Turion processor which was very low spec by todays standards, but gave me no issue running Vista HP. My new laptop is a beast in comparison though, hehe.


    I love Win7 and am in no hurry to upgrade. I'll only do so when this computer bites the dust or Win7 isn't well supported anymore. I think it'll be the former scenario rather than the latter. :)

  2. Interesting topic. I have laptop running Vista and laptop running Windows 7. I'm just a home user and I don't know if it's just me, but I find there is very little difference between the to two OS. My Win7 is tons faster than my Vista laptop but the specs of the Win 7 laptop are a lot better, and so you'd kind of expect that. Also my Vista laptop is 8 years old. I admit I only came to use Vista right after SP1 had been released, so not sure what it was like before then, but I've not had a single problem with it to date. Serious question - why do people hate Vista so much? Have I just been lucky to have never had a problem with it? I preferred Vista to XP, truth be told. I've yet to use Win 8/8.1.

  3. Got the update a few days ago (from version 1.75) and just wanted to say thanks and let you know I like the changes in this new version. I don't find the colours or interface too garish or 'too much' in the least; in fact I think you've struck a nice balance between making the UI look a little flasher than it used to and being functional and practical to use. It's just right IMO.


    I'd like to see a pop up for update notifications returned too, and also malicious website blocking pop ups if these have also been removed (I think I read in a thread somewhere they had been).


    Nice work Marcin and co! :)


    ETA Forgot to mention that it's running very smoothly here. I've not come across any bugs.

  4. That sounds excellent Marcin! Very belt and braces. I like the sound of the shim server thing. I can't imagine how false positives on system files could bypass such a set up. This has completely put my mind at ease.

    I hope things are starting to settle down at Malwarebytes now so you can all be back to 'business as usual' (perhaps after a well deserved rest!!), and put these nightmare last few days behind you. I noticed updates have still been coming through thick and fast in spite of the overwhelming demands for support and the work involved in setting things up to prevent similar occurrences.

    Thanks again for your honesty and transparency throughout, and for taking the action that you have as a result. You are an awesome company and your product has just got even better with these changes. :) MBAM PRO will be one of the very first things going on my next lap top!

  5. I've used and recommended Malwarebytes for several years now, and have great faith in the product and the integrity of the company behind it. I have really appreciated the advice I've received from knowledgeable and trustworthy people here on the forum (trusted advisors, experts and MBAM staff especially) and thanks to this place I've learned an enormous amount about safe computing, and computers in general. I also recognise that you provide an excellent product for free, help on the forums and through the support desk for free (not always related to infections or malwarebytes issues either), and the paid product is extremely good value considering it's a lifetime transferable license. You also own your mistakes which is another thing I value.

    That said, the reason I am not in the same boat as many people who received the bad update yesterday is because I have disallowed automatic quarantining, and, when I got the first (of many, many) pop ups yesterday, my default reaction was to not trust Malwarebytes and allow the process(es). Why? Because this is the forth realtime detection I've had from MBAM since December 2012, and all four of them have been false positives. That, and it came within seconds of an update. I was also caught up in these two FPs in February: local host , Trojan.Backdoor.MRX and this one in December: notepad.exe. All of these FPs (with perhaps the exception of the uninstallers detected as Trojan.Backdoor.MRX, except that it detected so many different uninstallers that it would be unusual not to have at least one or two of them on a system) were system files and things found on all windows computers, and I can't help but ask the question how any of these four bad updates made it out onto your update servers in the first place. Surely they are tested before they are released?? Please understand - my issue is not so much the number of FPs but rather what they were. This is what has moved me to post. I FULLY accept that FPs happen, and I have always been impressed with the very swift action by MBAM to correct them, but when they happen with everyday files found on all machines I am left feeling untrusting of MBAMs pop-ups notifying me of a malicious processes, and it really shouldn't be that way around. It should be that I trust MBAM and treat detections as malware until proven otherwise.

    I continue to have utmost faith in your product in it's detection and cleaning of real malware, and the skills and integrity of the people in your company - it remains 'must have' software for me, but I really sincerely hope that these new measures you're putting in place ensure thorough testing on all OS' before updates are released? I want to be able to trust pop ups from MBAM again. I know FPs will still happen even with this, but not on such common place system files like these ones were and the ones in the links above.

    Thanks for the transparency Marcin, and also for allowing feedback from your userbase.

    I really feel for MBAMs crew having to deal with the aftermath of this. I really hope the fall out is as minimal as possible.

  6. Me too - it began within a minute of 2013.04.15.12 being dowmloaded. Multiple pop ups one after the other asking me to quarantine various system files (I have it set to ask). I have disabled realtime protection until investigated as I am certain these are FPs. I'm about to upload some to Virustotal but just thought I'd stop by to check if it was just me:

    2013/04/16 10:43:11 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Scheduled update executed successfully: database updated from version v2013.04.15.11 to version v2013.04.15.12

    2013/04/16 10:43:11 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Starting database refresh

    2013/04/16 10:43:11 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Stopping IP protection

    2013/04/16 10:43:11 +1200 name removed MESSAGE IP Protection stopped successfully

    2013/04/16 10:43:15 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Database refreshed successfully

    2013/04/16 10:43:15 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Starting IP protection

    2013/04/16 10:43:17 +1200 name removed MESSAGE IP Protection started successfully

    2013/04/16 10:44:19 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:44:28 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\SynCOM.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:44:39 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\netcfgx.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:44:57 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\SynTPAPI.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:45:04 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Program Files\KeyScrambler\KeyScramblerIE.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:45:28 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\shsvcs.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:45:31 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Program Files\KeyScrambler\KeyScramblerIE.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:45:34 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\btosif.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:45:37 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:04 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\puiobj.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:05 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:10 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Program Files\KeyScrambler\KeyScramblerIE.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:22 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:24 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:25 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Program Files\KeyScrambler\KeyScramblerIE.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:27 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\wpcsvc.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:29 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:30 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:32 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\msutb.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:46:33 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\nvd3dum.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:47:03 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\shlwapi.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:47:04 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Program Files\KeyScrambler\KeyScramblerIE.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:47:10 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Stopping protection

    2013/04/16 10:47:10 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Protection stopped successfully

    2013/04/16 10:47:13 +1200 name removed DETECTION C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll Trojan.Downloader.ED ALLOW

    2013/04/16 10:47:45 +1200 name removed MESSAGE Stopping IP protection

    2013/04/16 10:47:46 +1200 name removed MESSAGE IP Protection stopped successfully

  7. Woah!!! Those are amazing images. I am lucky enough to never get sea sick even when sailing in storms; in fact I actually quite enjoy being on rough seas but that looks simply TERRIFYING!! What an amazing captain!

  8. I installed the free version of avast! several months ago and I am extremely impressed with it in every regard - efficacy, ease of use, configurability, and it includes many things usually only found on paid versions. It works beautifully with the PRO version of Malwarebytes too and it's the lightest AV on resources I've tried (and I've tried quite a few!)

    Like firefox said - you'll get a lot of different opinions. The above combination suits me and my system/other software very well.

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