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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. Oh no Apache! I'm sad to hear this as I have noticed how many times your name appears next to new malware samples - you bring HEAPS to the researchers here to look at, and I'm certain your contribution will be missed. :)

    This is bad news indeed. :)

    EDIT - Good luck in your future endeavours and THANK-YOU for the work you have done here on MBAM's forum.

  2. Mountaintree they took pictures of people's houses and streets ages ago - a year or two ago I think, and it created a bit of an uproar at the time. They did that for Google Maps. When you type an address into the map you can ask to see the house the address corresponds with - as well as who is playing in the yard, what car is parked outside and whatever else was happening at that house at the precise moment the Google van sloped down the road with it's four cameras snapping away. It's only public information anyone can get if they happen to be driving down your street and peering over your fence at the time, but you probably don't expect it to be published and searchable on line afterwards!!

    What this article is about is that they took details of your wi-fi at the same time, and didn't tell anyone they were doing so, let alone for what purpose. Read the whole article if you didn't. They say they don't publish the details of your wi-fi online, but that's not the point. They didn't ask if they could take it - a unique MAC address number which can be mapped to your house. From the article: ""If Google rang you up (or anyone else) and asked you to read out a serial number of your mobile phone, what would you say? I'd tell them it's none of their business. If I saw them on the street with binoculars trying to read it, I'd close the curtains." A fair point, I feel.

    There is another article about it today in relation to NZ: hxxp://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/3695625/Google-cars-gathered-home-internet-data-without-telling

    It irks me too! These things should be 'opt in' and a choice in my view. :)

  3. I don't know how accurate this report is, but I read the following rather horrifying article in the techonology section of one of our main news websites in NZ today: hxxp://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/3692659/Does-Google-want-your-Wi-Fi-data-too

    From the article (source: Sydney Morning Herald):

    Google Australia will today be sent a "please explain" letter from two privacy organisations demanding to know why the company has been collecting personal Wi-Fi network data from Australian homes alongside the images it takes with its Street View cameras.

    The letter comes in response to recent reports that the company has been quietly collecting Wi-Fi data around the world when taking pictures of streets and houses for its mapping service.

    Street View, which has already rolled out in a number of countries including Australia, displays panoramic street-level photos taken by specially equipped vans which are also equipped with Wi-Fi receivers that scan private network signals as it drives through neighbourhoods.

    :)!!! (see above link for the rest of the story)

  4. My father's computer room is WAAAY worse than that. For a start there is visible floor space in the above photo! The rest of Dad's house is as neat as a pin because my stepmother is very tidy, but she's not allowed to touch anything in Dad's office.

  5. Is he left handed? It sounds as though he has changed your mouse buttons around so left button clicking gives you a right cleck menu. Try double clicking with the RIGHT button to confirm this is the case.

    If he has changed your mouse buttons you can change them back (or get him to) by going start > control panel > mouse > buttons - and then you can select which function you want your right and left buttons to perform.

  6. I like my chocolate completely by itself and not tainted by anything else that might distract from chocolate perfection. :) I do like chocolatey things like hot chocolate, chocolate cake and chocolate ice-cream, but I tend to think of them as... not chocolate, because if I did think if them as chocolate I'd be disappointed. Much the same way as I don't mind instant coffee, but if I thought of it as 'coffee' (which I am quite fussy about) rather than a separate drink, then I'd think it was awful.

    I dislike milk chocolate, but I LOVE dark chocolate - especially Swiss and Belgian chocolate.... *drools*

  7. This is the first thing you'll see "Enumerating registry objects prior to scan" when running all scan options, once thats done the scan will proceed at neckbreak speed depending on your hardware. Not to worry. :blink:

    Yes sho-dan - that is the exact point at which I get my 3 seconds (and occasionally up to 30 seconds) pause too. Didn't make that clear in my comment above.

  8. My goodness ipl_001! I just read your reply to Buttons. I thought I did a lot of walking but it's nothing compared to the kms you are clocking up! I love walking too. Your icon is very fitting. :blink:

    Happy Birthday!

  9. Thanks exile. :blink: I just learned something there. I run vista on an admin account mainly because I've yet to figure out how to set up a limited account and then make all my pictures/documents etc on my current admin account accessible to a limited account. It's probably perfectly simple but I just haven't got around to figuring it out yet. I've always had UAC enabled so it's good to know it is protecting me as well as a limited account would. I'll probably just keep things as they are too.

  10. I am not surprised. I have a HP laptop and it came bundled with a TON of crapware. Mind you I think they pretty much all do from what I can see.

    My Canon MP970 printer/copier/scanner that I bought last year didn't have foistware or crapware though. :angry: It's the best and most reliable printer I've ever used by miles, in every respect.

  11. Makes you wonder if AVG is targeting other products so they'll stick with just one. If that's the case then that's very bad practice. Shame on them. :)

    I don't think so Buttons. In their canned instructions for cleaning an infected computer on the free forum they do recommend using Malwarebytes. :)

    It's not good how frequently they hose MBAM files though. :)

  12. More tools simply means more threats to the bad guys and their illegal income of scamming users out of their hard earned cash and private data.

    Any insinuation to the contrary is just, well, counterproductive :).

    Yes. It's malware that is the enemy - not other companies trying to fight it too. Just something to keep in mind. :)

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