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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. Hi forum. I'm just setting up a new Win 10x64 CU laptop. I'm keeping Windows Defender as my AV and running MBAM PRO alongside. I have found the Malwarebytes folders and files to add to Windows Defender Exclusions through a forum search, but I cannot find a list of the Windows Defender folders and files to add to MBAM's Exclusion list. Can anyone help? Thanks. :) 

  2. The "Edit" and "Remove" buttons appear to be greyed out in the "Manage Protected Applications" pop-up in the real-time protection settings. I could not see this listed in the known issues. I can add things and turn protection off and on (both with the slider and double clicking) but I cannot edit or remove anything. Not sure if this is something peculiar to my installation or not. MBAM 3.0.4 with Win 7 SP1 x64, Avast! free & ZAM. I did a clean installation when 3.0.4 went live.

    Exploit Protection Shields.PNG

  3. I was beta testing MBAM 3.0 and currently have version, component package version 1.0.39. Since I installed this when it was still beta software, do I need to uninstall it and reinstall the final release file? Or will it still behave as the final release and get component updates etc? Sorry if this seems like a dumb question; I've just seen notes for beta testers on other forums (for AV programmes) advising them to uninstall and do a clean install of the final release rather than try and upgrade, and just wondered if the same applied to MBAM 3.0. I hope my question makes sense!

  4. Just wanted to say beta version 3.0.4 pro version is running beautifully alongside avast! free & ZAM on my Win7 x64bit laptop.

    I've had big problems with the previous beta versions. Version 3.0.2 had none of the known issues, but I had problems with the scheduled scan. It would either fail to execute (with an error in the even viewer about mbam), or it would fail to complete the heuristics, or the system would lock up & become unresponsive either late in the file scanning section or early in the heuristics section. I could run manual scans just fine though. Version 3.0.3 had a plethora of issues: real time protection disabling itself, scans not completing or freezing partway through, errors relating to the tray icon & mbam service, and most problematic of all - massive system lock ups which required holding the power button down on each occasion to force a shutdown. When it wasn't completely frozen the system was so sluggish it was basically unusable. In the end all I could do was uninstall MBAM in safe mode and go back to version 2 temporarily. I should add that I had the whole MBAM folder from program files added as an exclusion to avast & ZAM, and both their folders added as exclusions in MBAM. The above issues were in spite of this.

    Version 3.0.4 isn't having any of these issues. I had one big freeze yesterday that required a forced shutdown but unsure if it related to MBAM as no error in the event viewer, and no problems all day today. 

    I'm so sorry that this is the first you've heard of my issues. I really did intend to be a good beta tester but have been somewhat distracted by the magnitude 7.8 earthquake we had here a few weeks ago, and the 7000 approx aftershocks since (& counting!). I live in an affected area and am one of the front-line health workers, so haven't been able to devote the time to troubleshooting & getting logs etc. Things are starting to settle now (*touch wood*) so if I have any further probs I'll post back & try & be of assistance.

    Oh, and I read someone was wanting to have the date on the dashboard & scheduler shown in a non-American format - this is easily achieved! Just go to settings and choose English (UK) as your preferred language in the language display setting (found under the Application tab).


  5. I'll keep it as it is with ChromeBrowser :) Thanks pbust.


    Spotify appears to be the only one of the many apps I have made a custom shield for to have had any sort of conflict /issue, so perhaps a dedicated FAQ for Spotify + MBAE would be a good idea. :)  Love the concept of this software, thanks so much!

  6. Ah that explanation makes sense. Thanks. Phew! I was worried I'd been launching something malicious for all of this time before I downloaded MBAE! OK here is a snipping tool capture of my taskmanager:



    Which process am I best to add?


    In my AppData\Roaming\Spotify folder there is a process called SpotifyLauncher.exe too, but that doesn't appear to show in my taskmanager.

  7. Yes I shielded spotify.exe. According to "properties" on the desktop shortcut for Spotify this is the process which launches spotify on the following path: C:\Users\[name of my PC]\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe


    Where would I find "Spotify webhelper/helper child processes"? May I take it that this block is a false positive then?

  8. Hi, as I explained above I did try the "chrome browser profile" and it gave the same result. The "other" profile will allow Spotify to launch, but that is the only one that will. (I tried browsers, media player & then chrome browser after reading the post I linked to above).


    I do have Hitman Pro but it is not in realtime (i.e. not HitmanPro Alert), It is an on-demand second opinion scanner which is not activated and uses no processes unless it is launched & running so I don't think it will be that causing this. I haven't run HMP in weeks.


    So does that mean it isn't actually malicious, but just a conflict or wrong profile selection issue? Is Spotify safe to launch? Thanks.


    EDIT - just tried Chrome broswer profile again and got the same result - MBAE blocks it.

  9. I downloaded MBAE today and am using the premium trial version. I created a custom shield for Spotify, and initially set it to the profile "browsers" as per the FAQ. I got a pop up from MBAE upon launching Spotify as per the pic below saying it had blocked a malicious exploit.

    I searched the forum re MBAE & Spotify and I found this post: https://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?/topic/170569-mbae-detecting-and-blocking-exploit-code-in-spotify/ > it would appear from the replies to the OP that this issue was resolved in version 1.07. I tried using "chrome browser" as per pbust's reply, but the problem still persists. I'm not sure if the block I am getting is the same as the poster in the other thread. It may be a completely separate issue. I find if I use "other" as a profile then Spotify launches OK (it is the only profile that allows Spotify to launch), but I'm worried that doing this is allowing an actual malicious process (i.e. not a FP / wrong choice of profile / conflict of some kind).

    I hope I have done the logs and zip file right. I couldn't find anything called the "MBAE user data directory" as per the FAQ, so I just zipped up the entire contents of the MBAE folder on the file pathway provided. (NB I did unhide hidden folders). My system specs are all in my signature. Incidentally, Spotify.exe is located here: C:\Users\[name of my PC]\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Spotify.exe - with every other app I made a custom shield for the relevant exe file to launch the programme is in either program files or program files(x86), could that different pathway have something to do with it?

    Please could you advise if this is something to be concerned about, and if it is safe to use "other" profile in the custom shield for Spotify? Many thanks.


  10. Thanks daledoc & btmp. You know I thought I saw that bit about trying "browser" first, but then when I went back and tried to find it again I couldn't, so I decided I must have imagined that I read that. :P (Clearly going blind in my old age!)

    OK I will try "browser" first for all my custom shields and see how that goes. I will keep all settings at their defaults though, especially as it's new software for me and this laptop.

    Thanks for all the help everyone. Nice to pop in and see old familiar faces too. This is such a good forum - I've learned TONS here. :)

  11. Thanks gonzo. I am not running a trial version of MBAM Pro - I have had MBAM Pro for many years. Did mean MBAE in the second paragraph? In any case I'll remember not to turn the trial off.

    I fully expect to buy the premium version of MBAE after the trial is up unless I have any major unresolvable issues. I'll post in the support forum if there are any probs, but there are none so far. Thanks :)

  12. Ah thanks Maurice. I have downloaded it and ticked the option for the trialling the premium version. I think MBAE will come in handy for times I do not use Sandboxie when browsing, and for other apps like MS Office 2013 which Sandboxie will not work with. I saw the FAQ regarding the workaround for use with Sandboxie and have implemented this.


    What I didn't see though was anything about adding exclusions to other security apps. I have added the MBAE folder as an exclusion to both MBAM Pro & NOD32 - are these exclusions necessary? Do I need to exclude Nod 32 or MBAM Pro in MBAE?


    Thanks heaps, Cat :)

  13. I'm wanting to try MBAE just as an added layer to my current set up. I have three questions.


    1. My current security set up is shown in my signature. Is there any problem with compatibility with anything listed and MBAE? I might be trying Avira Pro after my NOD32 licence expires, so that can be added to the question too.


    2. I thought I would download the free version of MBAE first to see how it works before committing to the premium version. Is there an option to trial a the premium version in the free version download like with MBAM? 


    3. Is it possible to upgrade from the free to premium via the free programme, or do you have to download a completely different set up file if you want to upgrade?




    P.S. I feel like it's been a while since I posted here last, but hello!!! to anyone who was about the Malwarebytes forum a few years ago. :)

  14. Well I've found out the answer for myself - assuming last two days reflect what is normal. I ticked the option to receive notifications for when the database is updated and have 2 notifications in last 48hrs.

    The reason for my query is I was considering choosing the option to scan after updates, but wasn't sure if that meant the phone would be doing multiple scans a day (I know MBAM on my laptop updates multiple times a day) which is not what I want, or the other extreme if updates are very infrequent on an android. Question answered.

  15. Thumbs up from me MBAM! I like it. The only thing I'm not keen on is the smiley face, but it's a miniscule thing and certainly something I can live with. In every other respect it's definitely an improvement.


    It installed smoothly and appears to be running well. Thanks! :)

  16. Just as a follow up to my first comment in this thread - scheduled scans are launching and completing just fine. I suspect it was the bad definition update that came just prior to the scan that stuffed the other scan up (the one that disabled website protection). It just happened to be the first scheduled scan since updating the programme earlier in the day. ;)

    One thing though, and this is feedback not a complaint, my threat scans (manual or scheduled) are taking twice as long. Prior to the new programme version they took 10-11 mins and scanned 311700ish objects. Since the new version they are consistently taking 22-23mins. It would appear the scan is getting hung up on the last quarter of the heuristics scan. It takes 11mins to get to three quarters of the way through the heuristics scan, and then suddenly gets very sluggish at around 255000ish objects/the last quarter. It takes another 11mins to complete the last bit. This seems to be regardless of whether I am doing anything on the laptop/have other apps open, or whether the laptop is otherwise idle.


    As I said this is not a complaint and I don't even consider it an issue - I'm mentioning it simply because it's a bit strange and thought you might like to know about it.

  17. Updated to the latest version after the notification window of a new release. Thanks guys - it updated without hassles and is working well. :) However, I had a couple of glitches earlier which I'll bring to your attention - the first with the malicious website being disabled all by itself after an update, but this was resolved by manually updating the database version. I noticed all the posts on the forum about this - thanks for the extra prompt fix!


    I'm not sure if it is related to the bad update, but my scheduled scan failed. The bad update came through at 5.15pm (NZT) and my scheduled scan was set for 5.30pm. The manual update I did at 5.40pm re-enabled the malicious website scanning, but it did not stop the scanning progress bar on the Dashboard from showing the scan was working and "initialising", even though the scan had stopped itself and was reported to have failed. I tried a few things, and in the end this I solved the problem by manually starting a threat scan, which completed fine (though took twice as long as usual to do so?), and now the Dashboard now looks as it should.


    I will see what happens with my scheduled threat scan tomorrow. If works as it should then I guess I can assume the earlier failed scan and stuck scanning progress bar on the Dashboard was down to the bad update that came through just prior to it. I'll create a topic in the appropriate forum if it fails again.

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