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Posts posted by catscomputer

  1. This is the first time I've heard of the memory leak with FF. I had to consult google to know what it was and what would happen in a memory leak. I don't think I've had anything like that, but I hope I just haven't gone and jinxed myself now. *touches wood*

    I love FF too, mainly because of NS & Adblock+, but also because it's so easy for a computer dummy like me to configure! :D

    BTW Having disabled my WPF plugin I now see it has a red exclamation by it indicating that it is blocked for my protection.

  2. Each week I work a mixture of different shifts starting anywhere between 6am and 10.30pm. It's REALLY hard on the body. I've never fallen asleep at work yet, but if I was to and was caught, I would be sacked on the spot (according to our organisational policies).

    I love these excuses though :)

  3. @ AdvancedSetup

    That looks impressive. :) I confess a lot of the terminology doesn't mean much to me though (EDIT - though it obviously does to exile! :)). My laptop was just a cheapie - much less than that processor on Newegg if my maths is right (converting from US to NZ $).


    Oh I see! Sorry for not knowing these things. That must be what is happening when the computer has been idle for an hour or two and then it randomly starts making noises and the lights flicker as if it is doing something big. I've often wondered about that. I asked my father what that was about once, and he said it could be "indexing", is that the same thing?

  4. @ exile

    Ah OK. Mine will be on then I should think. These are the specs of my machine: HP dv700 Notebook, 160GB HD with 77GB free space, 2GB RAM, AMD Turion 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-62 2.10GHz. Not sure if that would cast any light on it? Or maybe it's my A/S or A/V holding up the works.

    I'm not too worried. :) As I said, it's Grease Lightning compared to the insufferable relics I use at work (five to ten minutes is normal for those!)

  5. Is this reply for me exile? Yep I have vista, but I haven't touched anything called ReadyBoost. This is the first time I've heard the term and I wouldn't know where to find it... is it enabled by default? If it is then I should be all good. Never heard of SuperFetch either.

    I do do disk cleans rather obsessively (just the one found in system tools), but I'm not sure if that would have any effect.

  6. I thought my computer was fast, until I read this thread! I guess I'm comparing it with the old dunger I used to have that took flippping ages, and our work machines which are out of the ark and aren't any better. Paint dries faster than they boot up.

    Mine takes 55 secs from pressing "on" to the login/password page, and then another 15 secs for the desktop to appear after that, and a further 60 secs before all the taskbar icons and the vista side bar have fully loaded.... 2mins & 10 secs in total.

    I'm also of the "as long as the thing DOES boot up" mindset.

  7. One of the shop assistants in my local electronics shop is a dedicated Mac fan. He said if I'd approached him for assistance when I was shopping for my current laptop then he would have convinced me to buy a Mac instead of a PC (for security reasons). His arguments for Macs sounded pretty good, I have to say. But since that conversation I've heard so many people (who know seem to what they are talking about) say that OSX is actually relatively easy to exploit compared to Vista and Windows 7, but the reason there are so few malware issues with Macs is because PCs dominate the market by a substantial amount. So I can't help wondering what is going to happen when XP support stops, and XP users migrate to Windows 7. When the majority of PC users are using Vista or Windows 7, I wonder if the malware targetting Macs will start drastically increasing?

  8. Argh! Marcin I will have skewed your results! I accidentally pressed "no" instead of "yes" for the last question. Yes I DO think there is a difference between an anti-virus and an anti-malware product (please correct me if I'm wrong about that though). Isn't "malware" a sort of umbrella term for basically anything unwanted and malicious? (Which would include viruses, of course).

    As for the other two questions:

    1. I had a mobile computer repair man visit when my laptop was doing some strange things. He thought the problem could be malware and ran his CD of MBAM. (It came back all clear, thankfully. The problem was an application that had got itself into a tangle and needed uninstalling and re-installing.) Before he left he installed MBAM on my system.

    2. Actually I wasn't looking for a new solution at that time, the repair man installed MBAM without discussion. I'm VERY pleased he did though because I'm very impressed with it indeed; and I've learned an awful lot about security, malware and computers in general since joining this forum. I've recommended MBAM to colleagues, friends, and family since learning of it.

    As it happens - now I'm starting to learn more - I'm not happy with my current other security programmes, but I didn't know much about this stuff when I got my laptop,and I just installed what my father recommended to me. When I get a new computer I plan to ditch AVG-free for either Avira or Avast! 5; and I plan to switch Ad-aware AE for Super AntiSpyware, and possibly another one like Spybot. I also fully intend to purchase MBAM then too. :lol:

    Sorry for messing up your poll.

  9. Mountaintree

    isn't WildTangent kinda considered spyware or something?

    Wouldn't surprise me, but I don't know. I think WildTangent has something to do with the games that came with the PC but I never use the games, so I doubt it's doing much on my system.

  10. No problem Mountaintree.

    Crapware is all the (mostly unwanted) software you get pre-installed when you buy a computer that has the OS loaded on already. Examples are Norton or McAffee trials, MS Office 60 day trials, Wild Tangent, Lightscribe, GetOpenOffice.org, AIM... I can't remember all of them but they are some of the things that came with mine.

    It is actually impossible to buy a computer in NZ that comes with ONLY Windows, and also you can't buy one that comes with separate OS disks - everything is pre-installed and you have to make your own recovery disks (which my computer repair man tells me only work 50% of the time). I got the repair man to make an image of my computer to an external HD using some particular software. just in case of a disaster that requires reformatting.

  11. Mine hasn't changed. I still have the MS .NET Framework Assistant in FF 3.5.3 as an add-on, not a plugin. I have it disabled though, and have had for several months. That way if I do happen to need it for something (and I haven't yet) I can just enable it rather than go through the arduous process of having to reinstall it.

    I noticed last week when I updated Windows Live Messenger (and a few other Live Essentials things I already had installed) it included an update to .NET something or other. (I forget the exact name now, but I did go check FF afterwards to make sure it hadn't sneakily re-enabled the MS .NET add-on and it had not).

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