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Update Does Not Install

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I told a friend of mine to purchase this product since I love this product, she did, I installed it fine from the CD and then it went into to do the update, and when it did the update, the application will not come up. I uninstalled a few times and reinstalled from the CD and the same problem. Could it be a problem with the OS? What is the minimum OS needed to run the updated version sucessfully? Or is this a possisble bug with the update.

Thanks for any info


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Please provide following details, so that someone may be able to assist you:

  • What is your current version of windows (XP, Vista, or Win7)?
  • Is your windows OS 32-bit or 64-bit?
  • What is your OS Service Pack?
  • What version (if any) of MBAM are you running (current is and is it the Free or Pro version?
  • What MBAM database version do you have now (current is 8161)?
  • What brand and version of antivirus software do you have?
  • What firewall software do you use if any?
  • Has your computer been infected recently, or is it currently showing any other abnormal behavior (browser redirects, IP blocks, etc.) to suggest an infection?

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What you can try, and this is what I did, since I knew in advance that the install disc that I bought wasn't the latest version, was to download the latest version from File Hippo. Being that I buy most of my software from Newegg (when it's on sale), oftentimes they're 2 or more versions out of date. Sometimes, when installing from these discs, it'll require 2 or more updates, with a possible reboot after each. So installing the latest version seems to be the easiest & best way (for me).

If after that, you're having issues with updating (I have an open thread on this myself), there's another underlying issue somewhere.

Best of Luck,


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I told a friend of mine to purchase this product since I love this product, she did, I installed it fine from the CD and then it went into to do the update, and when it did the update, the application will not come up. I uninstalled a few times and reinstalled from the CD and the same problem. Could it be a problem with the OS? What is the minimum OS needed to run the updated version sucessfully? Or is this a possisble bug with the update.

Thanks for any info


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Windows XP SP3, has the Pro Version, uninstalled the CD version and d/l from the malwarebytes web site and after install, the app shows up in program menu, but when you click on the program, program does not run. Seesm to comeup only when install from cd but then update does someting to make it not work. D/L from website, and then nothing. I will tell you that OS is installed on Drive H instead of Drive C if that matters.

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I will tell you that OS is installed on Drive H instead of Drive C if that matters.


I am pretty sure it DOES matter.

There are many threads here at the forums about this.

Until Firefox or an MBAM staffer arrives, I think you might want to contact support directly via support@malwarebytes.org for assistance with this (I am pretty sure there is a fix, but I think you might need to get it from the support folks).



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The batch file that I received in a private message did the trick, the application seems to be functioning as designed; however when I ran the batch file that worked for me regarding the tooltip to appear when I went to iptest.malwarebytes.org, is not working on my friends computer, it does block the site but no popup after runing that batch file I received when I was having a similar issue. I want to thank everyone who has helped me and my friend to get this application up and running smoothly.

Thank You


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