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Heavy disk usage, mostly at startup

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my hard drive goes berserk during start-up. According to the Resource Monitor, it's mbamservice.exe scanning hundreds of weird DLLs like in the hidden system volume folders, SysWOW64 folder and so on. Every fricking boot it does the same thing and it slows down my system until it's done. Is this a normal thing?

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Hello Blessy: :welcome:

Open MBAM and go to the "Settings" tab and then the "Scheduler Settings" tab.

Under "Frequency" see if you have any scan scheduled to run "On reboot".

If you do, you can edit the scan to be scheduled at a different time.

HTH :)

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Hello Blessy:

What anti-virus application do you have installed? Name and version please.

For your particular anti-virus application, please check the corresponding entry in the FAQ and confirm that the exclusions for MBAM and your anti-virus application are entered and correct.

Thank you. :)

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Hi 1PW,

I used to use Microsoft security essentials with mbam but now I just use it on it's own. Bought it almost 3 years ago and hasn't let me down since! Well worth the money :D

Im wondering if either Catalyst Control Centre or maybe VMWare could cause a problem. Both installed fairly recently.

The other thing I've noticed recently is my pc is using more ram now and I can't seem to find what's using the extra gig of ram. Processes dont add up even close. Its Windows 7 Ult 64bit btw

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  • Root Admin

Please uninstall MBAM using this utility. Temporarily for now do not reinstall it.


Once you've uninstalled it and have rebooted then run the following scanner and post back the logs please.

and save it to your desktop

Disable any script blocker if your Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware has it.

Once downloaded you can disconnect from the Internet and disable your Ant-Virus temporarily if needed.

Then double click
to run the tool.

When done, the
will open.

Click Yes at the next prompt for Optional Scan.

    When done, DDS will open two (2) logs:

  1. DDS.txt

  2. Attach.txt

  • Save both reports to your desktop
  • Please include the following logs in your next reply:

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  • 3 weeks later...

In the interest of helping other people who get annoyed when they read forums and never find the outcome of a problem: The mbam-clean.exe thing worked, there might have been an invisible schedule or something which caused it to scan on startup. I also doubled my RAM to 8GB at the same time but I don't think that was the problem.

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You are quite welcome, I appreciate the follow-up to let me know everything is working well for you.

If you have any other questions or issues arise in the future please do not hesitate to create a new topic describing your issue in detail. A friendly forum helper will be glad to assist you.

Thank you very much! :)

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