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Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami


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Guest BlairWitch

Well i live in Finland myself and i heard that the radiation have allready reached Russia and because the great Russia is Finlands neighbour country i wonder when the radiation will spread to Finland and what is worst is that some people in Finland bought all the Jodi tablets so there arent any left if there is not some in the secret government storages under the finnish capital Helsinki. Many people by the way dont know that under the Finnish capital Helsinki is a totally hidden city of biological warfare and maybe even nuclear... So many countries think that Finland does not have any good weapons but in fact there is... I am not a finland fan though even though i live here and my roots i quess are in finland but i was orn in sweden and when my family moved back to finland many guys bullied me at school because they thought that i am swedish just because i lived the five first years of my life in sweden but when time went by they learned to accept me allthough they called me gay and all sorts of things just because they thought that i was swedish... and yeah some of my relatives are actually swedish but they are allready dead just my ancestors and also americans and germans.

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Well i live in Finland myself and i heard that the radiation have allready reached Russia

What... Where did you hear that? It barely reached Tokyo, and the wind is blowing to the Pacific. By the time the radioactive steam would get to Russia - IF the wind was blowing to the west, and IF there is any of it at all actually, it'd take a good week or two to reach Europe, and it'd lose most, if not all of its radioactivity. Europe is the last part of the world to worry about this on a biological basis. Even the US is unaffected yet, and it's almost sure to stay that way.

The media loves to overhype everything, just to get more publicity. I know that very well.

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Guest BlairWitch

Here is the link to the news were i read that the radiation have reached russia, Radiation shuts Japan plant, reaches Russia http://indiatoday.intoday.in/site/Story/132546/top-stories/radiation-levels-rise-in-russia-after-fukushima-nuclear-plant-leak-in-japan.html

Also i read from some news that now all the nuclear reactors in that nuclear plant are in somekind of emergency situation. I just wonder what will happen if all the reactors would melt down? I am not any nuclear expert but i just thought that aint there just like a switch to turn the whole plant off like there is in computers...

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Guest BlairWitch

In my professional opinion they should drop wet sand over the plant so much that it would become buried like so deep and a mountain of sand and rocks would cover the nuclear plant that would solve the problem.

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It is just amazing what "Mother Nature" could do to this earth. One day a city is there, next day almost everything is destroyed. :(

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Guest BlairWitch

Hmm i read from news that the engineers in Japan have stated that the only way to plug the radioactive leak at this point might be to bury the reactors to a sand and cement like they did in tshernobyl because the cooling have failed but also there is hope because they restored the power to the second reactor or something like that. Still i am not sure if the sand and cement solution will work. They should just make it a nuclear tomb like a pyramid. There is a risk of explosion in the sand and cement solution i think that they must use very much sand and cement. Also i am not an expert but i am sure that there are a substance that will make the radioactive material harmless.

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Hmm i read from news that the engineers in Japan have stated that the only way to plug the radioactive leak at this point might be to bury the reactors to a sand and cement like they did in tshernobyl because the cooling have failed but also there is hope because they restored the power to the second reactor or something like that. Still i am not sure if the sand and cement solution will work. They should just make it a nuclear tomb like a pyramid. There is a risk of explosion in the sand and cement solution i think that they must use very much sand and cement. Also i am not an expert but i am sure that there are a substance that will make the radioactive material harmless.

I have heard the same thing.... If I understand correctly that is what they ended up doing at the chernobyl accident way back when.....

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Apparently electricity has been restored now and the situation is stabilising. If there is one country that knows how to deal with this kind of stuff, it's Japan...

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Guest BlairWitch

Contaminated Tokyo tap water is 'unfit for babies' as Japan radiation 'heads to Britain' from Fukushima plant


I think that the problem is that even though they got the power lines attached to the plant the electronical components might be so damaged that they could cause problems.

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