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Portable version???


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[yes i think there would be a list of many technical people who would love to use this in a boot disk format or a portable mode, lets hope it may show up one day.

I know we (we being our servicing shop) would love a portable version , when and if it dose happen.

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  • 5 weeks later...
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As a IT Consultant it would be very helpful to have a Technician license that works from a bootable CD and/or a USB Flash drive. This would very helpful when working on a machine infected with crud and malware (mostly through careless browsing by the end user).

One other addition the the wish list would be a central management console that would allow for enterprise control of updates and installations to workstations. Central reporting/notification of issues as they are discovered.

A portable version would make an already amazing product even more amazing.

Keep up the good work. :lol:

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Greetings Z***Z and welcome to the forum :) .

Unfortunately because of the way MBAM is designed to work, the developers have stated that a portable version or offline bootable version are not in their plans at all, however, as far as central management goes, there are ways to accomplish this with a corporate license, and there are further developments on the horizon, although I'm not privy to the details. If you want more info on it please contact corporate [at] malwarebytes.org :lol: .

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Of course bootable and safe-mode programs don't detect all spyware because they can't detect behaviors that are not currently happening, or compare loaded registry values to real-life files and folders to make sure the values match!

Bootable programs are good at certain things, like removing boot viruses.

But I would love to see Malwarebytes come out with portable version. The chances I would need it for myself are very slim (but no less important). However, something like this is needed when you want to fix someone's computer which has slowed to a crawl or become unstable or frozen. I also would be willing to pay a reasonable fee for such a program, even though I don't do repair "professionally" yet -- just for people I know.

What do you think of this suggestion? After Malwarebytes has been re-written in C or whatever, you could take "advance subscriptions". If it would be yearly-based, throw in one or two free years after the additional year, to encourage everyone to invest ahead. Then perhaps you would be able to dedicate people to such development. You could do it credit card, PayPal, etc. Just set a well-padded estimate of the development timeframe, and if its ready earlier, great!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest victimized

To me, as a tech, it's nice to have an app that I can have on a CD or thumbdrive and run as standalone executable on a client PC and not have to install/uninstall something. Just a request, your product is great and it will continue to be a tool in my arsenal...
I suppose if you download the program with firefox you can save it to your cd/floppy disk because then you get an icon with all the contents or i think you can open it from the downloads window in firefox and save it from there.
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Guest victimized

i would say to download the program with firefox so you could save the parts of it that you have to run on a cd or floppy disk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can see many reasons why having a bootable version. I have seen several computers that were infected that disabled certain permissions. Executables were disabled and couldn't install programs such as MBAM and sometimes when going to the web to update is redirected so a bootable version with updated IDE's would make a world of difference. MBAM is one of the best products I have ever tested, I would expect a portable version.


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The number sites offering MBAM as a portable app, seems to be growing every month. BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE!

If you or anyone else chooses to use one of them, You do so with the following understandings:

1. We didn't write it, We have nothing to do with it; No support whatsoever from us.

2. If it messes up your computer, see 1 above.

3. These portable things are released against our wishes and do not enable full functionality of the software, no matter what the poster of the portable app claims.

If those are acceptable terms, then feel free.

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Just making note that these "portable version" seem to be popping up everywhere. Because of its small footprint, I carry the installation file on my USB toolkit, installing it on the computer I happen to be working on at the time. Normally, I will install it to a folder on the user's hard drive (after getting the user's consent), without a Start Menu folder. When it's done doing its thing, I simply hide the install folder, in case it's needed again, or uninstall it. I will definitely wait for a MBAM sanctioned portable release.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"...and there is no portable version in the works yet, but they are working on a special technician version (not portable).

I'll let him announce the details when he's ready, because I get the impression that it's not even ready for beta testing yet".

I understood that the technician's version is, in a sense. portable in that you install it on a cd or usb Key and use that on the infected computer. If you then want or need to unistall whatever files MBAM had installed on the target computer post infection clean-up then that is not difficult to do. Or am I mistaken here?

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  • 2 weeks later...
"...and there is no portable version in the works yet, but they are working on a special technician version (not portable).

I'll let him announce the details when he's ready, because I get the impression that it's not even ready for beta testing yet".

I understood that the technician's version is, in a sense. portable in that you install it on a cd or usb Key and use that on the infected computer. If you then want or need to unistall whatever files MBAM had installed on the target computer post infection clean-up then that is not difficult to do. Or am I mistaken here?

You are correct sir. And as I'm sure you've also been told, the technicians version really isn't for end users. :P For those who have interest in that version, we have a dept that can answer any questions they might have. Ok? This area is really for the version normal folk have access to and typically use. Thanks!

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  • Root Admin
I get the impression that it's not even ready for beta testing yet

sonnerie portable gratuite

You're impression is correct and this information has been posted all over the board. If and when there is any public beta we will post a notice, until then you're correct there is nothing available.

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Portable is needed. This is now the second time I got some hijacker crap on one of my PC's. MalWare is installed but the crap will not allow me to execute Malware program to do a scan/clean. Another time it prohibited me from getting updates to Malware....

So running it from a USB stick would be GREAT!!!

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If you can't execute the program already installed on a PC, then it won't execute from a flash drive either because it's being targeted by the malware itself, regardless of where it's installed. That's like saying it would run if installed to my D: drive, but not C: drive. Malware isn't targeting MBAM based on it's location. It wouldn't update run from a flash drive for the same reason, malware blocks access to the update website from that PC. You can grab the database from another PC of course, but that has nothing to do with the program being portable.

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@ exile360 thats why I edited my post, I thought for a min. he wanted mbam on a usb & was infected? But evilfantasy posted 1 min before I did....or I was going to suggest run HiJackLog & have him post in that forum...So will see if he needs what evilfantasy posted

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  • Root Admin

They're wanting to boot Windows XP/Vista PE from a USB stick that has MBAM fully functional on it. From my understanding there is work on a CD version but I don't think the USB will be initially supported at first. Though as said, when this will be ready or when a beta will be ready is not known at this time.

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  • 7 months later...
Portable is needed. This is now the second time I got some hijacker crap on one of my PC's. MalWare is installed but the crap will not allow me to execute Malware program to do a scan/clean. Another time it prohibited me from getting updates to Malware....

So running it from a USB stick would be GREAT!!!

I figured out a way around these hacker programs today. I booted to Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Then I could run anything I wanted from the command prompt. I was able to install Malwarebytes and run it. After cleaning over 100 infections I rebooted to Windows and it was able to run programs again. I should also mention that I had to rename the system registry hive under C:\windows\system32\config to system.old and copy the original system hive to there from c:\windows\repair. The virus had rendered Windows not bootable but I was able to get back into Windows using this method. I didn't want to just reinstall because I needed to recover the Office License Key or they would have had to buy Office again.

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