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Vista 64bit

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The realtime protection module in the pro version does not currently work with 64 bit. I believe they are working on it though, but I have no idea when it will be finished.

Quite correct. There are some interesting hurtles to overcome trying to get it to work in x64, and I have not heard of any time table for completion.

If you have purchased a licence for MBAM for a 64-bit version of Windows, you at least can get scheduled updates. If you want a refund, Marcin will usually issue one for x64 users.

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Yeah, a lot of the issues probably have to do with driver signing and Microsofts somewhat bizarr (did I spell that right?) implementation of 64 bit with all the registry virtualization and dual system folders (one for 32 bit programs and one for 64 bit) as well as having 2 program files directories for the same reason. The good thing is that, at least in Vista 64, this breaks most rootkits (at least ones that use drivers) so they won't be able to infect you.

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Yeah, a lot of the issues probably have to do with driver signing and Microsofts somewhat bizarr (did I spell that right?) implementation of 64 bit with all the registry virtualization and dual system folders (one for 32 bit programs and one for 64 bit) as well as having 2 program files directories for the same reason. The good thing is that, at least in Vista 64, this breaks most rootkits (at least ones that use drivers) so they won't be able to infect you.

Partly. The big issue (or at least no one has mentioned finding a way around it) is that kernel hooks are almost impossible. Microsoft has added a measure to x64 editions of Windows that prevents them.

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  • Root Admin

Having a 64 Bit driver that worked the same way as it does in 32 Bit Windows is not going to happen if Microsoft has anything to say about it.

Checklist for 64-bit Microsoft Windows Drivers

Patching Policy for x64-Based Systems

Kernel Patch Protection: Frequently Asked Questions

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64bit resident support is in the works, as best as we can achieve. MS has really made some serious changes with the way you can interact with the system kernel. As such, many things that were possible on 32bit either are outright not possible, or very difficult and not stable.

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Having a 64 Bit driver that worked the same way as it does in 32 Bit Windows is not going to happen if Microsoft has anything to say about it.

Checklist for 64-bit Microsoft Windows Drivers

Patching Policy for x64-Based Systems

Kernel Patch Protection: Frequently Asked Questions

Yeah, they are certainly 2 different animals, but 2 of the articles you showed are pretty old (one from 06 and one from early 07 when Vista was first released). What I was referring to was kernel patch protection which microsoft opened up (somewhat) with service pack 1 for Vista. I'm not saying it makes it a flawless transition from 32 to 64 or anything, I'm sure it's far more complex than just kernel patching and I'm sure MS still has plenty of limitations in place but I just thought that MS was forced (due to complaints from my 2 least favorite AV vendors) to open up the kernel to secured patching by software makers trying to protect it. I'm sure there are plenty of other hurdles I'm not even aware of and since I'm not a programmer or anything I don't want to assume anything, but SP1 should help you guys out at least a little bit I would think. But who knows, there's still the requirement of digitally $igned drivers which devs have to pay MS for and their very different api's in x64 and probably countless other hurdles that I'm not even aware of. I would think one of the toughest things would be getting a scanner to work with both 64bit processes and 32bit ones, of course there probably aren't that many 64bit specific infections out there, at least none that I'm aware of.

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