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Malwarebytes Partners with Support.com

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While we all agree that constructive criticism is worthwhile, I feel that this is you taking a jab at both Malwarebytes and Support.com
Please note that I was misquoted by TeMerc in his reply, and 1PW was not canned for asking about India from his research - :)

I use/update MBAM every day and tell every person to install it (most likely sold 10 or 15 Pro versions, plus added 20 to 25 free versions{only to friends}) -

Thanks for the program :) Ron knows I have needed it and used it for years - I do not know Support.com - :)

Thank You for Malwarebytes program - :)

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Thank you for your last statement, Marcin :)

Especially this part:

This isn't some toolbar we are pushing down our user's throats (nor would we ever!) :).

That is one reason why I love Malwarebytes :)

Also, slightly off topic, support.com is blocked in my hosts file for some reason, I'll have to make an exception for that so I can visit the website sometime :)

Edit: Unblocked :)

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Guest garybear

I apologize if I was aggressive in my reply or if I singled you out, noknojon. I just wanted to inform you that we truly have done our due diligence on the companies we work with. This isn't some toolbar we are pushing down our user's throats (nor would we ever!) :).

Hello sir!!

It takes a good man to apologize. I think some members were in doubt about all this and were just stating their opnions.

I had a good feeling that this would all work out and I really believe it has.

Even though I'm not a older member, I'm really old (72) and I know a lot about life and people.

We have some good people on this forum. Lets not lose any of them.

I think we can all agree to disagree on some things.

MBAM is No1 and I want even more.

I have a feeling we have already lost some good people and I hope that stops!!!!

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Lol - relax. I was making a joke about it.

If you talk to me on the phone you'd never know I was of Indian origin. Heck, I do a great Southern drawl if you want me to....

While I understand well and good the frustration of trying to communicate with users who are sticklers about going by their play-by-play script with a poor command of the English language, I do get slightly miffed when people try to blame the operators at the other end of the phone instead of blaming their favorite company instead.

You, obviously, are not doing that, as your post says, so we'll just let it go a ta joke, K?

TBH, It'd be awesome if I were able to start an interpreter company to interpret what they are saying for normal American folks. After all, I've lived with hearing that accent for 39+ years now from my folks - my father has a Ph. D. and my mom has a bit of college under her belt - so I understand them more readily than most....

However, there are times when even I get lost in trying to follow them.

My solution? I just say: "please elevate me to the next level - I've already done more than you can try to help me do."

Had one guy try to keep me on the phone with him, and I listed the 19 steps I had performed in trying to troubleshoot my issue with a router- I then said "And the last three steps are not even in your script - so I'm obviously past what you can do to help."

2 minute later I had an "engineer" on the phone (perhaps not, but he definitely knew more than that guy did, and he helped me solve my problem, so...) :blink:

That is not a solution, nor is it very nice to the person you're talking to. Support.com is unlike any other tech support company you call. When you call you're already speaking to a solutions engineer, and they will do their best to help you i'm sure, not only that, but there is no one for them to transfer you too, there is no 2nd level.

Also, there is no script, they don't follow one, nor are they told to say certain things past "be nice to the customer".

What you did is make an ass of yourself until the tech you were talking to couldn't deal with you, and passed it to another tech so he could bang his head against the wall.

Way to go.

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Hello All:

My previous concerns were elevated when my research showed a Support.com presence in Bangalore, India:


Of course this is not a guarantee that a call center exists there nor does it guarantee that some/any/all present/future MBAM telephone support would be made there.

However, Marcin's statement shows that present MBAM telephone support would be performed by PTE's in Canada and the U.S.

As I understand it, even though they do have a presence in india, its not a call center, and ALL of their call center staff are US/Canada based, so, you're right.

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As I understand it, even though they do have a presence in India, its not a call center, and ALL of their call center staff are US/Canada based, so, you're right.

Hello kezlastef:

Although this thread should have been mercifully put to rest awhile back, your post should be further explained.

Exactly what formed your understanding? The web page above, that we read, or authoritative verifiable facts heretofore not otherwise sited? How do we logically prove a negative?

Thank you.

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