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Plese stop updating every 2-4 weeks!!!

Guest claudiubotezatu

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Guest claudiubotezatu

October 22nd, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.30 released. __________6 days

October 16th, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.29 released. ___________36days

September 10th, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.28 released. _________2 days

September 8th, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.27 released.


Do you really think I have time to uninstall, reboot, download and install a new verion of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware every 2-4 weeks????



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Only 1.29 required removal and reinstall, others have succesfully been installed w/o reboots over the previous installation. What comes to the latest version I believe only the users of the commercial version with background protection are required to reboot.

All in all, I do think it's good to release improved versions, since they usually contain something relevant, such as the performance improvements in 1.29

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Guest claudiubotezatu


I do agree with you that is good to release improved version, but not that often; for me

1. (FIXED) Minor issues with protection module.

2. (FIXED) Miscellaneous problems with heuristics.

doesn't sound like "very" improved version..

and, yes, it seems like you have to follow uninstall-reboot-download-install again (the advice given by RubbeR DuckY)


Please uninstall the current version you have installed, restart your computer (very important), and install version 1.30 from here. "

Thank you for your answer,



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  • Root Admin


The problem with the latest version was that it affected multiple customers and that would have scarred our reputation. A new version was necessary to fix those minor, but important, glitches with the protection module. I'll be sure to make more fixes between each update then and add new features :) (unless it is an emergency of course).

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You could simply do some beta testing with users here on the forum when significant technology changes are made to help ensure such problems which required the rapid deployment of 1.30 in the first place. That's how MBAM started, a long trial of beta testing, but now there don't seem to be any betas, just new release versions, and if it breaks, then a new version must be pushed out.

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I don't mind updating all the time except when my reg does not work for some reason I have not figured out, maybe because I did not remove, restart, install like the above mentioned. Who knows I'm to tired to worry with it right now. I like updates, tells me the developers have an interest with us and their product.

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Hi All.

Beta testing does take place, however, their are many unique system configurations out there, and it's simply impossible for us to guess every situation the software may encounter. Not to mention decisions the user may make, for better or worse.

I am not trying to make excuses or anything like that, if I were, we'd take our time and not issue bug reports and updates as often. The updates are issued when needed, as the fight against malware is a chess game. Each side is always developing new ways to do things. When they change something, we must adapt. Sometimes, when we adapt, a piece of code breaks.. And it's not noticed right away and in some cases won't ever be noticed until and unless certain other conditions just happen to match by chance. We do our best to prevent this from happening, but it's going to on occasion, as a result, as soon as we find out something isn't right, we are quick to fix it. I am sorry it's inconvenient for you, but i'd rather know your running the most reliable version of software that we offer. Your security and safety online is important to us.

The update is relatively painless in most cases, and we are working on slight improvements to make it even easier.

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Again, I would like to say I like updates because of the reasons I stated earlier. There is one update I would like to see and that is a fix for the X64 protection issue. It would be nice if the button worked. Maybe instead of an Error 732 (0, 0) it could be changed to read something I and others understand like " It don't work on 64 bit OS's Big Dummy" and also play a tune like "You Big Dummy" by Baltimore Club music. Then when I hit the button and i see the message and hear the tune I'll say to self "Oh that's an Error Code 732 (0, 0). I'm only kidding. Maybe an error code list and probable causes on the site easy to find. Keep up the great work and keep those updates coming!

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Hi............I`m new to the forum but have been using Malwarebytes for awhile now. I love it. :)

I found it when I was working on my hubbys computer that was infected and liked it so well that I have since put it on mine and told all my friends that they should get it too. I don`t have any problems with the updates at all. I just use the update button on it and everything works fine. I agree as long as we`re protected then keep the updates coming. Thank you for making this available for us :)

Great program !!

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I think the frequent updates are a great way to keep the app current. If you frequent other forums for other apps, folks are always asking how long until the new release comes out. Myself included. Your way is better. :)

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  • Staff

With the rate at which infections change both in signature and ways of infecting ones computer, apps which don't update frequently to reflect those ever changing parameters will always be behind the curve.

The MBAM team work feverishly to keep up and do a bang up job at it.

Anyone who wants or thinks it's an inconvenience to click a couple of buttons to update is kidding themselves.

By seeing frequent updates the security community can see the team is reacting to the latest threats. Very few if any other apps update as often.

Keep it going guys.

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October 22nd, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.30 released. __________6 days

October 16th, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.29 released. ___________36days

September 10th, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.28 released. _________2 days

September 8th, 2008 Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware version 1.27 released.


Do you really think I have time to uninstall, reboot, download and install a new verion of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware every 2-4 weeks????



In your case, I would decide on how often to update, and refrain from clicking the update button before your chosen update day. :)

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With the rate at which infections change both in signature and ways of infecting ones computer, apps which don't update frequently to reflect those ever changing parameters will always be behind the curve.

The MBAM team work feverishly to keep up and do a bang up job at it.

Anyone who wants or thinks it's an inconvenience to click a couple of buttons to update is kidding themselves.

By seeing frequent updates the security community can see the team is reacting to the latest threats. Very few if any other apps update as often.

Keep it going guys.

A well thought out and a good read explanation for the frequent updates, hope everyone understands this now. Thanks TeMerc :)

Marcin and crew have an outstanding progam for us to use, most excellent job. :)

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You could simply do some beta testing with users here on the forum when significant technology changes are made to help ensure such problems which required the rapid deployment of 1.30 in the first place. That's how MBAM started, a long trial of beta testing, but now there don't seem to be any betas, just new release versions, and if it breaks, then a new version must be pushed out.

We did do beta testing. Beta testing has never stopped every new version has been tested. There were still bugs. Ermm we do know how MBAM started too. :)

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I guess more what I was referring to was public beta testing, hosted here on the forums where users such as myself and others who support the software and frequently do beta testing of software could try it out before it gets pushed out to everyone who uses the software. I know staying current is very important, but I think public beta testing where users with varying systems and OS environments could try it out and provide feedback on issues discovered (if any). Don't get me wrong here, I'm big on security and staying current, I update my drivers monthly and always do my MS updates on patch Tuesday, I just thought the testing could be helpful for you guys, I wasn't trying to insinuate anything negative here.

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How can anyone complain about new updates? The more the merrier. I would say if you do not like it use something else and from my experience this product actually works unlike most of the stuff out there.

I had a problem with a mates computer. His daughter had dowloaded something I think was from Facebook. I got rid of most of it by using hijackthis and trawling forums for answers. I tried all sorts of scanners and supposed zappers, but this damm icon with spyware warnings kept flashing up on the taskbar and I just could not get rid of it. Then I found your product, ran a scan and zap it was gone along with another load of crap that everything else had missed. Very impressed.... you can update every hour if thats what you produce....Thanks again Guys!!!



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