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I currenly am using ca iss 2008. I was advised by my isp that it will no longer get updates on no v30. My isp told me to update to ca iss 2010. It has antispam and anti phishing built in with no way to disable it. I am thinking of d/l microsoft securities essentials. What are your views on it? Also can it be used with any firewall other than windows?

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its can be used with any other firewall and i would not recommend it if you have an old ish system as it is a bit system resource heavy but avira antivir personal that is free to use and download is better and it has better dection rates to and comes with its own firewall also i would recommend comodo as thats what i use and its the hole sweet i use not just the firewall hope that helps

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Hi - As to views on M.S.E. - I use on my XP SP3 without any issues and without any other firewall -

Depending on your system you can choose from M.S.E. , Avira , Avast , as these are all good free or paid (except MSE) anti virus programs -

Try a for a week or so , and see which one suits you better is basically the final word on these -

If you ask for one over the other you will always get many opinions depending on each persons own preferred option -

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let me elaborate a bit further ...

there was no typo .

running two antivirus programs concurrently will cause grief and slow downs as will be the case for two firewall programs ... "redundancy in action" .

it is known to a degree that this is the case ... and i do forget that this is not common knowledge (low caffiene levels and lack of sleep asides) .

in light of this and in more specific detail as to the reference to AVG 2011 ...

when installing 2011 it will make the comment in a pop-up window (along the lines of) ; "there is another antivirus or firewall program installed ... bla bla bla ... you need to remove it before continuing with the installation" .

this is what i really call "does not play well with others" (remember those remarks on your report cards ?) .

also , there is a notification with version 9.xx to this effect and if it is ok to disable the windows firewall (etc) .

as for MSE and other "anti" programs playing together , i cannot say as i have not had the occasion to deal with other programs .

knowledge of the full version of MB and other "anti" programs "playing together" is mentioned elsewhere in these forums ... including AVG 2011 .

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A lot of programs seem to be going that way and telling people to remove their other protection. Not sure why this is.

It's really irritating when the AV program will tell you to remove Mbam upon install... I dunno if McAfee still does this or not. I think TM does this or did in the past anyway. (Please correct me if I am wrong, anyone).

When I last used AVG, I do not recall it asking me to remove Mbam, but then again I believe I temporarily disabled AVG when I installed Mbam.

I don't believe that KAV does, but I typically temporarily disable KAV anyway when installing MBAM.

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@ buttons :

there are a couple of reasons why AV/M developers are requiring a user to remove any other "anti" programs (or certain ones) .

satisfaction of performance for the average consumer might be at the top of the list ...

by average consumer i mean the type that know nothing beyond hitting the "go button" on their machine :

(1) if you try to explain to the average user that they have to go through a bunch of steps to make their product and another one "play together" , that user is not going to be too keen on the idea . they may just go over to another product (competitor) .

(2) a majority of the average users will require "technical assistance/support" in order to accomplish the above task . this translates into money (gotta pay those people that say "may i help you ?") . this money has to come from somewhere and it is found in a higher up-front price for the product .

(3) some of these users will wind up (at and by their own hand) with a screwed up machine ... the customer then will have to pay someone to straighten it out and then will attempt to get a refund .

(4) loss of further revenue to the developer will result ; "bad news travels like wildfire , good news travels slow" . (5 bonus points for naming the song that line is from)

(5) it takes money to develop software ... the more other stuff you have to be compatible with , the more money it takes .

there are more reasons and permutations/depth to those above but it is a rough outline of some of the "whys" .

in actuality , there are more/many products out there (including those other than software) that require you to use ; "only those items as specified by and in a manner consistent with , as outlined/stated by the manufacturer" , in order to avoid voiding any and all warranties .

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I will be completletlety removing ca. and I do not use the windows firewall with ca .

I have been on the CA forum several times in the last week and found them fairly useless - They did not care about my problems (I was helping someone else) and said they would not help people with "general problems" - Even though I was not a paying customer I was told to contact customer support and see if they can help -

I have also found similar problems with Comodo lately (that was also removed from another system) -

If other forums responded promptly like we do , and offered constructive free support the industry would be a lot better off -

Just my latest views on some of the other programs - Not all are bad ,but a few just do not want to help -

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