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Cannot Contact Malware Bytes Corporat

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At our company we use malware Bytes very heavily, as it has saved us many times over. Our corporate Symantex antivirus program just doesn't cut it. We have put our heads together lately and wish to discuss buying a corporate liscense through Malware Bytes. We are interested in installing it in initially around 50 computers, then if all goes well, around all 300 in our organization. The problem is, that everytime we submit an inquiry to the corporate liscensing system, nobody gets back to us. We have submitted over 5 detailed requests and have received nothing back so far. If there is an Admin in these forums that could maybe help me find a solution or point of contact I would greatly appreciate it.

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Hello and :P

Sorry you have had a hard time getting a response, I know they are very busy and they currently have hired some new folks to help with the backlog and are currently being trained.

I am not with the staff, but I know you can send a PM to AdvancedSetup HERE with all your contact information and details and he will make sure you get taken care of.

Oh by the way not sure if you knew, but Malwarebytes is not an Anti-Virus solution and is not intended to replace your current anti-virus software, it is designed to work along with your current anti-virus software to compliment it and detect what your anti-virus software fails to catch.

Hope this helps you....

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The corporate staff gets busy at times. Sorry for any delays! The same person above AdvancedSetup will get your email.

If you're a licensed reseller or affiliate, you can get support below:


edit: They can assist you in these matters. Please provide your corporate license information when requesting help.

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I agree with the other posters. We are having a similar issue that we would like to get resolved.

We would like to be able to sell your product to all our clients which would mean several orders but I do not feel comfortable selling this product when we cannot get answers to our emails, a phone number to call someone direct, or product when we purchase it. It is hard to tell a client that we can order a product for them but we don

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Hi -

Ensure you Do Not list a Gmail / Yahoo mail / Hotmail / or any other free similar email service, as those are put to the back of the line -

You MUST include a Company email and check your spam box , as our responses can be detected as unwanted advertising -

Thank You - ;)

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I do not work for Malwarebytes but I did just want to add, please ensure that @malwarebytes.org and @salesforce.com are not being blocked by your email server/provider. Oftentimes when people aren't hearing back from Malwarebytes, Corporate has found that their emails are being filtered into spam or are being blocked erroneously as spam.

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