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Malwarebytes incompatibles

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some are known to cause problems from time to time depending on the definition updates and program updates....

The ones I have notice the most is:

McAfee Corp Edition


Norton with Addon Pac

But if you follow the instructions and enter the right settings and exclusions we can make them work together

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How do you know you have a proper configuration when you need to use a large font for posts. :)

You might miss important details. :)

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Hi haider,

I just asked for the incompatible ones because by design malwarebytes is made to work with most antivirus programs therefore,as common sense suggests the programs that doesn`t go along with it would be lesser than the ones that go with it.

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Thanks for clarification... but my system is no different from loads of computer that other folks have with maybe one exception proper configuration as opposed to those having problem(s)!

Not sure what your are getting at, I was pretty clear, that most will work so long as you have them configured correctly. If you have them configured on YOUR system correctly then power to you, I am just replying to the question the user posted....

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I haven't tested it yet, but I believe the issue with Viper has finally been resolved. I also believe that Symantec is looking into the issue with their Add-On Pack (which is not a default component of Norton products, but a separate download).

Trend Micro sometimes has performance issues with Malwarebytes, but these are usually resolved by adding exclusions for MBAM's files. The same applies to Microsoft Security Essentials and AVG.

I've heard of issues with Computer Associates (CA), but I've run it side by side with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware in realtime myself, at least with version 2009 of CA, and had no problems at all between the two.

There were some issues with Webroot Antivirus at one point but it was long ago and I believe they've since been resolved.

McAfee sometimes has issues with MBAM, but not on all systems.

I currently know of no antivirus or internet security suite that has an incompatibility with Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware that cannot be worked around to make them work well together, at least in most cases.

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No offense, now according to your perspective I know that I have Proper Configuration as this post is in smaller font size, and if I reduce it further then I should be Dead Sure. Well it was simple as I am using both with real-time protection enabled for a while absolutely without any issue(s)

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@ Haider -

I think a lot of incompatibility has to do with other programs also running at the same time -

These can be, out of date Java, mixing Firewalls with other A/V programs, and just any combination of software that causes minor problems -

I have never had update or error problems as I make sure I keep updating required software and do not overload my system -

As long as my internet is OK and I update MBAM at least once every day all seems good for me -

Thank You - ;)

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