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I get a lot of spam and many have links to drive by malware sites and "text" , "pdf" etc... flies attached that contain viruse and malware. I want to know how can I safely send these to Malwarebytes. Do I just forward the emails to you? I really dont want to download the file from the email to my pc to send it to Malwarebytes. Let me know what to do to help.

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Do an Anti Virus Scan - and a Malwarebytes quick scan ( make sure the AV & Malwarebytes is up to date 1st) then post back the results of the scans. Don't post logs. Just let us know if you see an infection? anything out of the Ordinary... do you get alot of spam every day? Or was this 1 or 2 days? Then someone will get back to you. At this point "settings" may need to be looked over? regards...

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Do an Anti Virus Scan - and a Malwarebytes quick scan ( make sure the AV & Malwarebytes is up to date 1st) then post back the results of the scans. Don't post logs. Just let us know if you see an infection? anything out of the Ordinary... do you get alot of spam every day? Or was this 1 or 2 days? Then someone will get back to you. At this point "settings" may need to be looked over? regards...

I dont think you understand what I am saying. I dont have malware on my pc. But I get emails from places that are obviously trying to sucker me into downloading their malware or cliocking on links that will take me to infected drive by sites.. I want to know how to take the files in the emails I get and send them to Malwarebytes so that you guys can examine them. Should I just forward the emails to you?

I do get a lot of spam because we run many businesses and our email addresses are all over the internet. I just figured instead of deleting the messages , I could send Malwarebytes the ones that I suspect have malware attached.

I just want to know the best way to do it?

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Hi dank, and thank you for your interest in providing samples and links to Malwarebytes :)

Depending on the type of malware/infection, there are one of two places to report the nasties at the Research Center:


You may report items in one of those two forums there.

If you are trained and know what you are doing, you may also zip up samples of infections to your posts there & attach them to your post.

I hope this answered your question and if you have any further questions about this please post it in one of those two forums so that someone may better answer your question on how to submit files.

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button located at the bottom of the page.

Thank you :)

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