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Amazing what search engines can do..


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I had just watched the last 45 minutes of Casino Royale , a James Bond film I've seen a couple of times on TV over the years, and this time noticed one of the nicest villas on a lake I've seen in a long time. The initial camera view was looking from above and from a land location at the villa building and grounds and on past, the lake, as the last villain drove in - home safe (or so he thought. )

My curiosity got the best of me - I just HAD to know where that villa/shot was. It took 20 minutes of inputting search terms and then following links to another and then another to finally find it. It was Villa_del_Balbianello.. Of course, in the movie it was freshly painted and the grounds all gussied up and shot from a different angle, but I can't find a picture, yet, on the web that shows it EXACTLY like the view from the film. Here's a shot from a different angle with its age showing. Villa del Balbianello is located next to Lake Como, Italy. In the spring of 2006, the movie Casino Royale was filmed in front of the villa. (about a 180 degree turn)

Just an example of what perseverance can do these days. :D


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Hollywood works in mysterious ways. :D The only thing I can thing of is, taking a shot via helicopter or another flying machine.:)

Just found out I was accepted for Geek U on the 18th; for some reason the PM never forwarded through my regular email - gonna pass, I think. Not enough energy :) :)

Hey; is there a software program where I can pull a "frame" off the movie DVD??? I don't run video software; no experience; I'm just a PaintShopPro-junkie for still pix. :)

BTW; the Aa pull-down we discussed yesterday (for subscript/strikeover/etc/et al) on MY editor (I use FireFox is the type of browser matters) has a red X across it - doesn't work for me. THAT'S why I could never strike-thru before. Any ideas?? :) What; no answer to the POLL question?? :)


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What!? You better not pass... :) Just kidding.:)

Not sure. Rarely watch movies, plus I'm not sure what you mean.:)

I use Firefox too, which has never happened to me. Do you have java installed/updated or NoScript? Unfortunately, that's all the ideas I have.:) Did vote now.:D

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Just found out I was accepted for Geek U on the 18th; for some reason the PM never forwarded through my regular email - gonna pass, I think. Not enough energy

It takes a while for the youngsters to complete this course -

Guys like us have experience to call on - Not something that can always be taught -

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I discovered it afterwards (even posted about it here in the tailwaggers and jokes area). I also discovered that my handle is somewhat popular around the net. I've found at least 5 or 6 other "me's" out there that aren't actually me.

Was back when, I picked ShyWriter as a handle when I was writing on the web - maybe '96-'97 time frame. In the beginning it was just me. Later on, several years, when I tried to log on a new Forum or Website somewhere, I got a That User Name is Taken.. I shrugged it off the first couple times. It began happening more and more over the years and when I finally DID do a search, found at least seven different ShyWriters in use - I even found one was a lesbian woman of color.. :D :D I changed to OrigShyWriter for a time but figured ShyWriter was mine and anybody, with half a brain, searching would see that there were different ShyWriters so I came back to being me.

So if you find one you don't like; that one's not me; if you love 'em, that's ME!! :) :)


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I make complex, time consuming searches all the time :D. Research and my ability to search for things is one of my few strong suits. [...]

Hey; ME TOO!! I've often thought I would have made a hell of a fact-checker or researcher for some newspaper or company that deals in data, etc. The only thing that stopped me was/is I'm a "look-at-the-keyboard", four-finger typist at maybe 20 wpm when most people in that line of work can type 80-100wpm. :D

It takes a while for the youngsters to complete this course -

Guys like us have experience to call on - Not something that can always be taught -

That's true - but my experience is more "real world" and electro-mechanical than practical malware/software removal and/or repair. :)


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That's hilarious exile!! :D Did you know you were a restaurant when you chose your name, or did you discover that fact afterwards?

Hey; you can always try to make a reservation there and tell 'em you know the owner. :D


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I make complex, time consuming searches all the time :D. Research and my ability to search for things is one of my few strong suits. By the way, for the curious, I am a restaurant in Belize :).

Yeah but your restaurant is incognito from the contact page evidently - "Of thee they know not well; write 'em; ring their bell!" :) :)

Contact Info

Foster Farm, Toledo

Punta Gorda, Belize

(501) 122-2718

As you can see, our information about Exile 360 is very limited.


Here's what I found out about YOUR restaurant Exile360:

Restaurants and Nightlife

Exile 360. This new option in a thatch palapa serves tasty chicken, fish and other mainly Creole dishes. You can have dinner and a beer for around US$10. Just off Front St. north of the Sea Front Inn near TC’s by the Sea; tel. 501-7-22718.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Buttons, if I need some buttons, I know where to go! From a quick look, they have some quite awesome buttons to boot! :) Like this really cool Apple button:


Oh and fishy:



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