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SuperAntispyware - Is this a genuine software

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What Buttons said.

Yes it is compatible with MBAM free. Free version is nice addition, it offers basically same functionality as MBAM free, that is manual updating and scanning and fully functional threat removal.

Besides that it does have some repair functions too to help restore system functions after malware attack.

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SuperAntispyware - Is this a genuine software? Have you used it? Is it compatible to run along Malware Free version.

Thanks for your views

VERY good at what it does.. Using it ALONG WITH a antivirus program, many free, and the free/paid version of Online Armor firewall and free/paid MBAM will do a GREAT job at protecting you!


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Absolutely its for real :)

I've used it just twice so far, but its another great tool out there and has a paid, realtime version as well as a free scanner.

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Hi -

SAS removes tracking cookies etc, that MBAM will not look at, as they are not considered Malware -

In many scans they are almost equal , but MBAM is more dedicated to "worse" infections -

If I check someones computer, I will always use MBAM first and then SAS followed by a scan with their A/V -

Then you do CheckDisk scans and finally sfc /scannow if needed -

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