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about malwarebytes..

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hi i"m a newbie when it comes to computer software I really don't know much but I've been trying to read forums like this one..Now I have a question..I've been wanting to install malwalwarebytes for quite sometime now however I'm not sure if I should..you see when I bought my computer it was already programmed..now I'm not really sure if the store installed a genuine set of Windows program (but if my intuition is right this is a pirated one) the one installed in my pc..now my question is: Will malwarebytes be affecting my pc if its a pirated copy of windows? Or is it ok to install malwarebytes? help me..I really want my pc to be protected..thanks!

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Hi dez -

Malwarebytes is just another protection program, so NO problems with a free install - You still need a good antivirus as well -

I trust you already have an Antivirus program installed or the seller installed one for you -

There are many good free A/V programs out there - If it is pirated you can't install Microsoft Security Essentials -

Click on MSE below in my signature and M/soft will check if the install is genuine -

Thank You - :)

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oh..I see..I have Avira as an anti virus..According to forums its also a good one..So can I still install Malwarebytes even if my copy of Windows is pirated? Well actually its not pirated (I think) but the copy of windows was distributed to their customer so its like 1 original copy and they just enter different license numbers (or something like that) so that makes your copy of Windows illegal right? Because only a few users are allowed to use it.... Or should I get a new Windows first before installing malwarebytes?

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thank you for answering my questions guys! =) I really appreciate it.. I already installed Malwarebytes in my PC and so far so good ( I think) =) here's the result of the quick scan..

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.45


Database version: 4049

Windows 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Internet Explorer 6.0.2900.2180

4/29/2010 11:02:41 AM

mbam-log-2010-04-29 (11-02-41).txt

Scan type: Quick scan

Objects scanned: 103304

Time elapsed: 3 minute(s), 29 second(s)

Memory Processes Infected: 0

Memory Modules Infected: 0

Registry Keys Infected: 0

Registry Values Infected: 0

Registry Data Items Infected: 0

Folders Infected: 0

Files Infected: 0

Memory Processes Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Memory Modules Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Keys Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Values Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data Items Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Folders Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

Files Infected:

(No malicious items detected)

This is ok right?

Nothing to be worried about?

Thank you Thank you thank you!

You guys are the best!

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Hi dez -

You should update to XP SP3 and IE 7 or 8 -

Click on XP SP3 and Internet Explorer in my signature to get the updates - Then go to Microsoft Update Site to make sure you get all the extras you need to go with them - XP Support and updates will end soon so the sooner you update the better -

Thank You - :)

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thanks exile360 and Noknojon..=)

I also want to follow your advice on using XPSP3 but then again the question of piracy is my priority..if I use the Microsoft Update site wont it corrupt my windows program? I remember a few months ago I tried updating my IE to the current one but the result failed..So now I seldom use IE anymore..I usually use Firefox and Google chrome..

And oh about Malwarebytes I only ran a quick scan..Pepole say I should run a deep scan..(does this mean performing a full scan?) I only downloaded the free one..

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Go to Control Panel and click on Add/Remove Programs, then look through the list and scroll down to the bottom and look for a program called Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130). If it is present in the list, and you have not been getting messages from your computer telling you that your copy of windows in not legit, then your copy of windows passed validation and is legit. You would not have any problems installing SP3.

As for your update to IE8 failing, it could have been other issues that caused it to fail, you could always try again after installing SP3.

Malwarebytes Quick Scan should be all you need to run, as it detects most if not all malware that gets installed in the most common areas. It does not hurt to run a full scan from time to time, it just takes longer to do a full scan.

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Thanks Firefox..

Sad to say I was right..I've always had the feeling that my copy of Windows was not legit..I cant seem to find Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130) I can only see

Windows Driver Package-Nokia (WUDFRd) WPD

Windows Driver Package - Nokia Modem )3.1)

Windows Driver Package - Nokia Modem (

Windows Installer 3.1 (KB893803)

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Well hold on a second.... Just because that tool is not installed on your computer, it does not necessarily mean your copy of windows in not legit. It just means it has not been installed.

I for one would want to know if my copy of windows is legit and fully updated so I would install the tool and the updates, but that is up to you. If I paid for my computer, I expect to get what I paid for and that would mean a legit copy of windows too.

Does your computer have a sticker that contains a COA (Certificate of Authentication) with a CD Key on it?

If you want to update your windows to Service Pack 3 you can download the file from MICROSOFT HERE. During the install of this update, it will check to see if your copy is legit.

Also you can install the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130) by going to WINDOWS UPDATES. To get more information on what this tool does go to Microsoft's web site and read about it Description of Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA)

IMPORTANT: By installing these, it will verify that you windows is legit or not. If it turns out you copy is not legit, you will have to call Microsoft for help getting it legit. They will ask you a series of questions like where you bought your computer, etc....

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