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Entrees to ignore list

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Can someone explain how you enter an object to be ignored into the "Ignore List"? As a newbie to MBAM I can't figure out how it's done. There's no option at the scan window that I can find, and none at the Ignore list window other than how to remove an entree. Thanks in advance :P

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Can someone explain how you enter an object to be ignored into the "Ignore List"? As a newbie to MBAM I can't figure out how it's done. There's no option at the scan window that I can find, and none at the Ignore list window other than how to remove an entree. Thanks in advance ;)

Never mind, I figured it out. :P

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Hehe. That's OK we are here to answer as best we can. A note about how the forum works, you don't have to quote every post using the "Reply button. Look just a bit farther and you will see two reply options, Fast Reply and Add Reply Those will allow a post without quoting the entire previous post.

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I've seen a lot of people who use the quotation button out of habit, and I suspect it come from participating in forums with high traffic - you're almost always forced to use the quotation button, primarily because there may be a few or several posts in between the one you are replying to and the your current post, but also because it makes it easier to keep track of which post you are replying to when you reply to multiple posts.

I have seen people do this at CoU, at shemes.com, at NeoWin, heck, every single forum I have ever visited, participated in, moderated, and been an admin at - and this goes back to FIDO net BBS systems on dialup....

It's just one of those things.

@twl845 - BTW, one of the kewl features of this board software is that you an tick multiple posts to be quoted, and then reply to them all in one post....unfortunately, one of the limitations is that you cannot use the quote button in conjunction with the "Fast Reply" function, you must use the 'Add Reply" function.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm new too. I'm glad you figured it out. Could you share w/ me? I can't figure it out. Can you put items in the ignore list in the free version? HOW?


Hi Volvogirl and welcome to Malwarebytes. First what is it you want to ignore? MBAM is fairly good at not flagging anything period unless it is actually malware. Second I think it's a matter of right click and choose add to ignore list. I've never actually had the occasion to use the feature. My concern is your wanting to ignore something you shouldn't. B)

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Hi Volvogirl and welcome to Malwarebytes. First what is it you want to ignore? MBAM is fairly good at not flagging anything period unless it is actually malware. Second I think it's a matter of right click and choose add to ignore list. I've never actually had the occasion to use the feature. My concern is your wanting to ignore something you shouldn't. B)

The only thing it finds is for The Weather Channel, the ad.hotbar. I want to ignore this. I like having the temp on my taskbar by the clock and getting weather alerts. Still haven't figured it out. Right click does nothing. Maybe I'm not clicking in the right spot? Maybe it's not available in the free version?


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The only thing it finds is for The Weather Channel, the ad.hotbar. I want to ignore this. I like having the temp on my taskbar by the clock and getting weather alerts. Still haven't figured it out. Right click does nothing. Maybe I'm not clicking in the right spot? Maybe it's not available in the free version?


From the name alone it looks like MBAM is just doing it's job. ad = adware, hotbar is a key term is lots of malware, I would have to see exactly what the program is but I'm positive you can get one that isn't flagged. What browser do you use?

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I know it's adware, adware.hotbar, but it comes from THE WEATHER CHANNEL DESKTOP which I want to use. It doesn't seem to be hurting anything. CAN'T ANYONE JUST TELL ME HOW TO ADD IT TO THE IGNORE LIST, PLEASE!! When it finds it and if I quarentine or delete it, I have to re download The Weather Channel again.


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I know it's adware, adware.hotbar, but it comes from THE WEATHER CHANNEL DESKTOP which I want to use. It doesn't seem to be hurting anything. CAN'T ANYONE JUST TELL ME HOW TO ADD IT TO THE IGNORE LIST, PLEASE!! When it finds it and if I quarentine or delete it, I have to re download The Weather Channel again.


Yes you have been told twice now.

Second I think it's a matter of right click and choose add to ignore list.

and here

When the results list is displayed, right click on any given item and click Add to Ignore List.

There is no need to use all caps or an adware program to get what you want. It doesn't seem to be hurting anything, is exactly how things do get hurt.

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Sorry for shouting. I'm in several forumns and this is the first time I ever used caps. I know it's rude, but I'm frustrated. As I said...When I right click nothing happens, I don't get any choices. I bet it's not available in the FREE version. Unless you can tell me exactly where to right click.


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There is no difference between free and paid when it comes to ignore .

You have to complete a scan and click show results first .

Next right click the entries you want to ignore next time and select "add to ignore list" .

If you do not see a list of options when you click then you are using left click , make sure to use the right mouse button .

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And, since the Weather Channel Desktop Edition seems to want to use a malicious adware in their program, perhaps you should consider an alternative - like Weather Watcher - which uses the same data from the Weather Channel but contains no adware nor spyware nor any other sort of Malware. Oh, and did I mention it is being actively developed?

Use hte link I provided - if you go to the main home page Mike Singer is advertising more his newer product, Weather Watcher Live, which uses data from Weatherbug, which can be more accurate but at teh same time can also be more inaccurate - and on top of that the Weatherbug site, which the program links to, tends to less judicious in their advertising....

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It looks like the picture attached .

As you can see this is the free version .

Yes is it the free one because it has the red purchase underlined? BUT yours also says [Developer Mode Enabled] on the title bar. Mine doesn't. I don't get any list showing when I right click. (yes I do know right from left, been using computers since dos early 80s.) I like to figure things out, but I guess I'll give up on this one. Thanks for the picture, at least I know what I'm missing and what it should look like.


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Developer mode is because I have it turned on.

That has nothing to do with ignore , that only shows more info on what is detected .

I need you to post a screen shot of what happens when you right click a scan result just like I did in the picture .

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OK Just to let you know.....I was running the quick scans. So I ran the full scan (took over 1hr) and when the list came up then I was able to right click and get the choices. Right Click doesn't seem to work after doing a Quick scan.



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Ignoe is not attached to any mode or versio . It is for ignoring scan results , it does not care how you got the scan results .

I need to know something , does right click work for other things ?

If you right click your desktop do you get a list of options with properties at the bottom ?

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