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no vista full scan

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Hi, Malwarebytes is my absolute front end offence in the virus wars.

I keep it on flash drive in event of mbam being blocked from use on harddrive by infection.

But i always have the same curious issue. I cannot do a full scan on vista, only quick scan. full scan always stops partway through. any ideas?



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Hi Wolf! -

Malwarebytes is not actually designed to use via flash drive, except in emergencies -

The data base is updated 1-3 times every day so you may not have full versions and you do not list the version that is on the flash -

My update this morning (3 hours ago) gave me - 1.42 / Version 3441 - Anything earlier is outdated now -

Keep it on your desktop, and update prior to a scan, unless there are any problems - :)

Follow the instructions at item #7 at the link below - Ignore the items for paid versions if they do not apply -This will give a fresh new version -


Thank You - :)


As well as that please follow item #4 at the same shortcut link I left - It mentions loading to a flash or cutting a CD -

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i may not have explained myself well. keeping an emergency copy on flash was exaulting the virtues of malwarebytes. it just got me out of a bluescreen, that refused safemode. and is a great trick for troublesome troubles, where the culprit won't let one use or download directly. i can download to a drive on the infected machine and run it from the flash.

the problem however, is that i cannot do a full scan with the regular desktop installation (or the flash for that matter).

the quick scan works either way.

I have windows basic on a toshiba satellite a135 laptop.



Hi Wolf! -

Malwarebytes is not actually designed to use via flash drive, except in emergencies -

The data base is updated 1-3 times every day so you may not have full versions and you do not list the version that is on the flash -

My update this morning (3 hours ago) gave me - 1.42 / Version 3441 - Anything earlier is outdated now -

Keep it on your desktop, and update prior to a scan, unless there are any problems - ;)

Follow the instructions at item #7 at the link below - Ignore the items for paid versions if they do not apply -This will give a fresh new version -


Thank You - :rolleyes:


As well as that please follow item #4 at the same shortcut link I left - It mentions loading to a flash or cutting a CD -

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Hi again -

Yes I am aware that the problem you are asking about is the Full Scan option only on flash - That is why I pointed you to item # 4 in the same section just to ensure that you had installed on a flash or CD as per Malwarebytes options - Is the computer infected at this time ?? Can you update and do a full scan now directly from the program Icon ? - Item #7 was to ensure you had a clean new current copy of the program - It can get corrupted -

When a flash has been used on an infected computer you can clean it - That is why I cut a clean CD if needed -

Is your antivirus blocking the program in any way,(what A/V do you use) as this can also create a problem ? - Malwarebytes is not an antivirus program - If you think there may be any other problems I can only refer you to our experts area where they will fully review it - Below are directions to have them review it -

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available -

Unless other experts have a quick idea then please use theirs -

Thank You - :)

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If running portable (ie directly from a flash drive) then that is unsupported at this time so we can't, and honestly wouldn't know how, to troubleshoot the issue.

If the same issue happens with the installed product then it could be due to many factors, not limited to the need to disable resident AV protection or at least exclude all of Malwarebytes' files from it or perhaps hard disk corruption which would require the use of a tool such as chkdsk to resolve.

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Um, no.

I have the problem of windows window opening saying tat 'a problem stopped the program from working".

this happens whenever i do a full scan. it happens :

from regular installation

and from flash.

but lets forget about the flash drive, i'm sorry i mentioned it because it seems to have caused confusion, and is not particularly relevant to the problem.

lets just focus on the full scan does not work on my windows vista basic.

I believe the computer has no infection right now.

I can update normally.

I have AVG free 8.5 antivirus. I tried disabling the resident shield, it does not help.



Hi again -

Yes I am aware that the problem you are asking about is the Full Scan option only on flash - That is why I pointed you to item # 4 in the same section just to ensure that you had installed on a flash or CD as per Malwarebytes options - Is the computer infected at this time ?? Can you update and do a full scan now directly from the program Icon ? - Item #7 was to ensure you had a clean new current copy of the program - It can get corrupted -

When a flash has been used on an infected computer you can clean it - That is why I cut a clean CD if needed -

Is your antivirus blocking the program in any way,(what A/V do you use) as this can also create a problem ? - Malwarebytes is not an antivirus program - If you think there may be any other problems I can only refer you to our experts area where they will fully review it - Below are directions to have them review it -

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available -

Unless other experts have a quick idea then please use theirs -

Thank You - ;)

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OK I tried that stuff, and came up the same, and OK.

but now i have bigger problems. :lol:

It appears a latent virus has activated. and however i try malwarebytes I get "704"

normal boot gives a blue screen, and a warning that i have netsky. both i believe are fakes.

I can sometimes get a safe mode, sometimes not.

I've tried everything i can find on the net, but they all seem 15 minutes too late, as if the virus retards are watching them and blocking fixes on a regular basis.

can't open any antivirus, or task manager etc..

if anybody has any ideas, pls send personal before onlist..

thanks again.


I would recommend running a FULL disk check as well to verify there is nothing wrong with the disk structure causing this issue.

How to Run Check Disk at Startup in Vista

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Welcome again wolf! -

The real prpblem of a latent infection now seems to be the problem and we can fix that for you -

As we don't work on detailed Malware removal in the general forums I will leave directions below -

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available -

Thank You - :)

EDIT - Even if you only have safe mode please continue as an expert can work around this -

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