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I have tried to get in touch with Malwarebytes but next to impossible..... 
Last week I downloaded and paid for my subscription but have since discovered that the Malwarebytes subscription only covers desktops and not iPad/iPhone in Australia, therefore, I would like to get a refund as I need protection on 2 iMacs, 2 iPads & 2 iPhones. Their product only seems to cover me for the 2 iMacs. 
Any advice on how I can obtain a refund. I have lodged help tickets but no responses at all....


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It's the weekend before a holiday week, so at best you will have to wait on the customer support staff to get to your help tickets, no sooner than 12 hours from now. Nobody in this Forum will be able to help you with any subscription issues. Perhaps if you can post the ticket numbers here, someone from the staff can help expedite things.

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1 hour ago, Angela0009 said:

. I have lodged help tickets but no responses at all....

It can take over a week to get a response other the automated ticket number. If you submitted more tickets, The que starts over with the last ticket.

Thanks for the ticket number. Please do not submit any new tickets.

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