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Trojan detected on Alibaba Cloud Website

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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I'm not sure if this is a false positive or what, but I'm having an alert when logging in to alibabacloud.com website.

Attached is the details of the report and here is the image.

Short history:

1. I'm a cloud developer, and I saw a suggested advertisement on Facebook about AlibabaCloud, offering free trainings and certifications. I'm sure it's legit because it has the verified icon in the name. Is it possible to get phishing / scam advertisement on Facebook?

2. I completed the registration but didn't continue because of the trojan alert. I'm also getting an email from alibaba-cloud.com. Upon checking their forum, emails should state the name of the receiver, but this email is using the generic "Hello all" as introduction. I also attached the email.



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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Porthos said:

This is a Browser Guard block.


Is it possible that it is a false positive? What's the reason for the block?

The original thread (1 year ago) is an actual trojan detected by Malwarebytes real-time. I just followed it up with an update today that it is still being blocked by Malwarebytes (this time, the Browser Guard)

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