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This is detected by our MachineLearning engine, which helps to protect even better against 0day threats. Unfortunately, as this is a heuristic engine, it's possible False Positives happen. Also see here for more explanation: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/238670-machinelearninganomalous-detections-and-explanation/
Thanks for reporting these, as this helps to finetune the engine, so these won't be detected in the future anymore.

This should be fixed by now. Please give it some time (max 10 minutes) in order to have it populate, so detection won't happen anymore.


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I already read that post before I created a new post.

Thanks for your help!

Hey! Since MalwareBytes didn't detect anything, I'm also going to try SpyHunter and Spybot. Are there any other big malware scanners I should try as well, before I give up?

There used to be a forum to help people track down malware back in the day. Does anything like that still exist today?

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3 hours ago, crogonint said:

There used to be a forum to help people track down malware back in the day. Does anything like that still exist today?

If you want to be certain that the system is clean, we do offer free assistance by trained and vetted malware removal specialists.  If you wish they can analyze your system for you and guide you in removing any threats that might be present as well as help to troubleshoot the issues you're experiencing.  To work with them, simply read and follow the instructions in this topic, skipping any steps you are unable to complete, then creating a new topic in our malware removal area by clicking here and one of our malware removal specialists will assist you as soon as one is available.

Edited by Porthos
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Please just use one link. Might as well stay here. simply read and follow the instructions in this topic, skipping any steps you are unable to complete, then creating a new topic in our malware removal area by clicking here and one of our malware removal specialists will assist you as soon as one is available.

1 hour ago, crogonint said:

so I'll be following up with those links you guys shared.


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