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Microsoft Free Windows Protection

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Are you using Windows Vista or Windows 7, and if so, is the Microsoft product you are referring to Microsoft Security Essentials?  If the answer to either of those question is no, then I suspect you may have inadvertently come across a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) imitating Microsoft software which would explain the detection from Malwarebytes.  If you would, please post the report showing the detection from Malwarebytes.  You should be able to find it by clicking on the Detection History area and selecting the History tab then locating the relevant report and using the Export function to export it to a text file to attach here or to copy/paste it into your next reply.  You may also post the source of the Microsoft Protection program you tried to install, though please do so by either placing it within code tags using the forum editor to prevent it from being clickable or by writing it into a text file and attaching the text file to your post (I don't want anyone visiting the site if it is potentially unsafe, assuming it isn't from Microsoft.com directly).

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Hello exile360

It's a long time since we spoke.

It's Windows 10 and the "promotion" was repeatedly on the home page of my Internet provider AOL. (but has gone now)

I have the link but it is clickable and I can't do anything about that.

It was quarantined as a PUP.

I wasn't going to have it, just curious what it was.  It said there had been thousands of downloads and I would guess that AOL has removed it.

Thanks as always




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44 minutes ago, exile360 said:

If you can open Notepad and paste the link there, then attach the text file with the URL in it to your reply we can get the link for Research to take a look at without the URL being clickable.

The delay is I can't find Notepad in Windows 10 !!

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Hello @mygoose   

Please read the information about this "Total AV" on the Malwarebytes Threat Center



If I may put it bluntly, Total AV is a scam.

Now then, it must be pointed out that Windows 10 does come with the pre-built-in Windows 10 "Windows Defender" antivirus , which is a full-on antivirus.

This Windows Defender was first included with Windows 8 / 8.1   and improved going forward to Windows 10.

This is not the "mini anti-malware" that used to come with XP, Vista, Windows 7.

I just wished more people were aware that Windows 10 includes a antivirus, Windows Defender.

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I am sure that exile360  (and you)  know more than I do  (most than all of us really)  but what puzzles me is that this being a scam  I don't understand why Microsoft is giving out thousands of these from their premises (millions even) and thousands qeueing to grab them.

I attach another copy of the PDF.


PUP promotion.pdf

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It's not actually Microsoft giving it out, the entire post looks like a fake to me; there is nothing in the image they posted indicating where that is or why those people are there, they just expect the reader to insert their own context and assume the image reflects the claims being made in the text, however I am confident that it does not and that it is in fact an image from some other event such as an XBOX release, a new Windows version or something else.

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The whole article is a made up scam.  They can write and make up all kinds of assertions.  It is still a scam.

As to the image at the top, I would not be surprised if that were really a busy urban bus  stop, with a few super-imposed Microsoft looking images / logos.

I just wished more people were aware that Windows 10 includes a antivirus, Windows Defender.  That is the free protection built in.

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This is the home page of my AOL. Why doesn't someone remove it?

I wasn't going to have it,   just curious about what is was and as soon as I opened it my MBAM Premium zapped it.

Yes, I have Windows Defender included in my Windows 10.  You'll be pleased to know that I am aware of it and I do keep it updated.

Thanks for help.


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36 minutes ago, Porthos said:

Someone got PAID to place it there. That is why it wont get removed. $$$$$

Unfortunately malvertisements (ads hosting malware such as exploits and the like) as well as scams and PUPs are unfortunately frequently found being advertised by such rotating ad services (including those run by Google and Yahoo among others).  Malwarebytes and others get them taken down all the time, however new ones are constantly springing up to take their places.  It is an unfortunate reality on the modern web and one of the reasons I strongly advise the use of at least one good ad blocker along with Malwarebytes Browser Guard (and there are further tools available for those who are more aggressive about stopping ads, trackers and the like).

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Malwarebytes Browser guard & use of Brave browser is a good way to be free of malvertising & other adverts.

Brave browser - - >  https://brave.com

Brave browser accepts the Malwarebytes Browser Guard for Chrome


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1 hour ago, mygoose said:

It wasn't just an ad it was the whole of the AOL home page

Of it was. They need to make income since you can use the services for free except those who have to pay now to use the cruddy software on the computer to be able to use email with that aforementioned cruddy software(AOL Gold)


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On 2/2/2020 at 6:17 PM, Maurice Naggar said:

Malwarebytes Browser guard & use of Brave browser is a good way to be free of malvertising & other adverts.

Brave browser - - >  https://brave.com

Brave browser accepts the Malwarebytes Browser Guard for Chrome



I installed Brave browser and that was OK but I  couldn't understand what to do with Malwarebytes Browser Guard for Chrome so I had to uninstall it.

Talking to others I was told that Malwarebytes Premium will conflict with Defender and turn Defender off.    Will it?

My Defender has always been showing n the Notification Area in the bottom right of my PC. Now it's gone. Should it be there and how do I get it back?


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