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Infection issue during install

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2 minutes ago, Billy9494 said:

Please help. I've been trying to install Malwarebytes , however just as the installation is about to finish it says "an error has occurred." I have attached the zip below as instructed. Can anyone help me understand why this keeps happening? Many thanks!

mbst-grab-results.zip 244.28 kB · 0 downloads

Uninstall and reinstall using the Malwarebytes Support Tool

Let me know if that clears up the issue or not.

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14 minutes ago, Billy9494 said:

Thank you for your quick reply. I just tried your suggestion and I still got the same message "an error has occurred" :(

Please fully disable the following program.


Internet Download Manager (HKLM-x32\...\Internet Download Manager) (Version:  - Tonec Inc.)

Then try the full stand alone installer from here. the offline Installer

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