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ReImage is NOT Malware

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For one they use scam websites in a kind of malicious advertisement ( aka; malvertisement ) called FakeAlerts that masquerade as Microsoft.  The site may present a fake anti malware scan that falsely states your computer is infected with "viruses" and tells the victim they need to "download and repair windows" which leads to the web site ReimagePlus.Com .

It is flagged as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) because of the malicious activity around it.

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Thanks for your reply Dave. I was not referring to the website but the application reimagerepair which I have installed on my computer.

Malwarebytes quarantined all the files effectively removing the application from my computer.

I do not understand why it is deemed 'Unwanted' as it appears to be serving a very useful purpose,  if it were dangerous that would be another matter. Furthermore it appears to be doing a reasonable job.



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Anything that is predicated on a fraud can't be good.

If they are willing to have their software promoted by fraud or are directly promoting it through fraud is a good reason for the software to be declared as a PUP.

As for the actual software, I have not analyzed it and based upon my own observations, I believe any PUP detection is a prima facie validation. 


Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and grammar
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Unfortunately due to the aggressive and often deceptive advertising tactics used by ReImage and its affiliates, Malwarebytes has chosen to categorize the software as PUP due to feedback from users and the many reports around the web of this software/company being malicious/unwanted.

In order to continue using the software alongside Malwarebytes you have a few options.  First, you may change how Malwarebytes handles PUPs.  The setting to control this can be found in the Security tab of Malwarebytes' settings under the Potentially unwanted items section.  There is a drop-down where you may select how items classified as PUP are handled by Malwarebytes, including an option to ask you what to do with them so that you will be prompted to make a decision before anything PUP is removed (this also means any PUPs detected by scans will still show up in the detections list, however the checkboxes next to PUP detections will not be pre-checked as they are for actual malware).

Additionally, you may reinstall the application, making sure to either disable PUP detection temporarily in Malwarebytes or by temporarily disabling Malware Protection so that Malwarebytes does not detect it, then perform a Threat Scan with Malwarebytes (the default scan type), and once the scan completes, check the results to ensure that the only items that have been detected are components and traces of the application you wish to exclude, then click the checkbox at the top of the list of results in the column header on the upper left to clear all of the checkboxes then click Next and when prompted on what to do with the remaining detections click Always Ignore and they will be added to your exclusions, ensuring that they will no longer be detected by Malwarebytes in either scans or by real-time protection.

However do bear in mind that this will only apply to those specific items which you have excluded, so if you ever download a new version of the application you will need to temporarily disable Malware Protection again in order to install it, then repeat the process of scanning to ensure that no new items and/or locations will require excluding.

With regards to disputes of PUP detections, Malwarebytes accepts requests to review PUP detections if contacted directly by the developers/vendors of the detected software themselves.  Further information as well as who to contact can be found on this page.

I hope this helps, and if there is anything else we might assist you with please let us know.


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Thank you all!

I am however,...quite angry because I downloaded Reimage because it was recommended on a Microsoft windows website (forum) as a possible answer to some problems that I have been experiencing, and indeed still have, on my computer.

I am not an expert and with the vast number of problems that I have been getting with this new laptop I need help which, unfortunately, is not always forthcoming from the large companies like, in this instance,  Microsoft and Dell. This is NOT a criticism of some the respondents per se but, in Microsoft's case particularly, the quality of advise from 'experts' is very poor.

I think I have learnt enough now to probably uninstall Reimage and get Windows Defender back online and then perhaps re-install Malwarebytes if it will indeed work with WD as opposed to against it.



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55 minutes ago, sman said:

@I_hate_W10 David has clearly stated that it's a PUP giing fake alerts to scam the user. so better to stay away from it. check out https://www.symantec.com/security-center/writeup/2014-121809-5439-99 ..

Hello Sman,

I have been downloading this Symantec document for the past 45 minutes or so and still it is downloading. Is it a particularly large file or should I restart the download and try again?



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If you are having issues with your system and suspect that you might be infected, then please read and follow the instructions in this topic and then create a new topic in our malware removal area by clicking here and one of our malware removal specialists will assist you in checking and cleaning the system of any remaining threats which may end up also resolving the various issues you are experiencing with your system assuming an infection is the cause.

If you do decide to seek help there, please only work with them for the time being and don't make any further changes to the system until they are able to take a look and advise you on what steps to take next.

Regarding Windows 10, I definitely feel your pain.  I plan on sticking with 7 myself and likely eventually migrating to Linux down the road also once 7 is no longer a viable option.

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