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a folder with all its contents called "RemoveJava" on an external TOSHIBA hard disk won’t let me to move it to my device’s desktop , an padlock is appear on all of my files within that folder . right click on that folder and then go to Properties and I’ve check all setting on each tabs and they have been changed by something and its not by me . this is an external TOSHIBA hard disk have been offline since a long time and I’ve just have it connected to my device to in order continued to cleaning all storage media . this TOSHIBA hard disk is almost a 3 year old since I bought it . and I have no idea to how I fix the permission issue for RemoveJava folder

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If you haven't done so already, you may tray adding the 'Take Ownership' context menu entry to Explorer and using that to attempt to gain full control over the folder in question.  You'll find instructions on how to do so here.

If that doesn't work, please let us know and we'll try additional measures.

Please let us know how it goes.


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I have to download the reg.file and the Take ownership option have been add to the context menu  and right click on that folder and I see the commend prompt to doing its task but this unfortunately have not correct the problem   

I have almost the same errors messages here from this link

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this is not working either ,  more then 3 errors messages are pops up when I want to move out this folder to my desktop .

that folder is contains of PNG files and FBM files and I can not to open any of them .

It looks like you don't have permission to view this file. Check the permissions and try again


I run a sfc /scannow and it wrongly reporting error ? I have the same bug here https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-sfc-scannow-cant-fix-corrupted-files-after-update/

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19 minutes ago, exile360 said:

What does it show in the properties for the folder in the Security tab, and if you click Advanced what does it show under Permission Entries: in the list there?

here’s what it shows in the screens grabs



also here is a screenshot of what the files are seems like




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OK, I would suggest clicking on the Change option in blue at the top with the security shield next to it then click on your user name for the current computer, assuming that's one of the user accounts listed there, and clicking the Enable inheritance button then clicking the checkbox next to the option just below that button then clicking Apply then OK, and if that doesn't work or your current user name is not listed then access that page again and click Add and add your user account and make it the owner of the folder with full control.  If that still doesn't work then I'm not sure what to do.

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16 hours ago, exile360 said:

OK, I would suggest clicking on the Change option in blue at the top with the security shield next to it then click on your user name for the current computer, assuming that's one of the user accounts listed there, and clicking the Enable inheritance button then clicking the checkbox next to the option just below that button then clicking Apply then OK, and if that doesn't work or your current user name is not listed then access that page again and click Add and add your user account and make it the owner of the folder with full control.  If that still doesn't work then I'm not sure what to do.

I’ve go with this but still not fix it even by creating a new user account unfortunately . anyway I still Googling this problem and I have now a tool called "lockHunter"and it report the cause of this problem and why this folder got locked-up is because the Microsoft’s Explorer.exe 



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11 hours ago, exile360 said:

Have you tried just copying/pasting the folder rather than trying to move it?  Does that work or does it still give you an error?

sure I’ve already tried it so many time but however when I have to copy then paste this folder somewhere else then the windows is throws out so many different error’s messages for the folder locked /permissions issue/or hard disk permissions or even a locked problem as lockHunter is also report that hard disk is locked out by another Microsoft processes  . while I also have to use "Send to Desktop (create Shortcut)" but even this folder has the same issue .

I’ve done so many SFC / SCANNOW and CHKDSK CMD and the problem is still haven’t been fixed yet . even though this is the first time I’ve got such a problem on Windows 10 ! on my others Windows XP and 7 devices I’ve never seen of such issue :) so look like Windows 10 is a full of the bugs :P since sfc scan is reports a corruption   (even my device yet again has a Compatibility/faulty drivers issues with the HP drivers and windows 10 version1903 but HP have to release a new audio driver (for windows 1903) for my device make and model almost since a 3 days) although I will go back to earlier release of the windows 10 version 1803 which is seems to be the only best version for my device (since I can to see all HP’S software and drivers installed on there "Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features")

once again I had right now to run another chkdsk on the external hard disk and I’m going to run another one for My device’s hard drive (C) .

all others folders and files were moved successfully to a safe places expect this one which is called RemoveJave .

still Googling of this problem and still no any luck :(

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By the way, you might also try using Task Manager; just press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on your keyboard to open Task Manager then click Show processes from all users then go to the Processes tab and sort the list by name, then find explorer.exe in the list and terminate it, then in Task Manager click File>New Task (Run...) then check the box next to Create this task with administrative privileges. then click Browse... and go to where the folder is located and right-click on the folder and select Copy then browse to your desktop and right-click and select Paste (all through the browse dialog in Task Manager; you obviously won't be able to use explorer since it won't be running at this point), and once that's done or if it fails, go ahead and launch explorer again by first closing the browse dialog box in Task Manager, then once again clicking File>New Task (Run...) and this time do NOT check the box to launch the process with administrative privileges and type explorer and press Enter to launch explorer.exe again.

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Yes I did  to tried that in the safe mode as well and the folder is still locked even though I was using the safe mode and some software are not working in safe mode just like lockHunter and other program as well. OK then I’m going to try Kaspersky Rescue disk to see how it goes then I will try other live CD.


3 minutes ago, exile360 said:

By the way, you might also try using Task Manager; just press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on your keyboard to open Task Manager then click Show processes from all users then go to the Processes tab and sort the list by name, then find explorer.exe in the list and terminate it, then in Task Manager click File>New Task (Run...) then check the box next to Create this task with administrative privileges. then click Browse... and go to where the folder is located and right-click on the folder and select Copy then browse to your desktop and right-click and select Paste (all through the browse dialog in Task Manager; you obviously won't be able to use explorer since it won't be running at this point), and once that's done or if it fails, go ahead and launch explorer again by first closing the browse dialog box in Task Manager, then once again clicking File>New Task (Run...) and this time do NOT check the box to launch the process with administrative privileges and type explorer and press Enter to launch explorer.exe again.

I will do this after others tasks are done . thanks  :P

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hello @exile360 and @AdvancedSetup

I wish if I have the chance to use your own FRST script but I Stupidly had to do a disk format and a  delete of partition ( an external TOSHIBA hard disk here)  both for two times already and that because of so many recovery software’s are unable to find the wiped files and folders . the GetDataback pro software is have my files found at the search stage but at the end of search the files are not Recognized to be recovered and I think they have the BIOS thing is not supported if I am right on this  https://www.runtime.org/data-recovery-faq.htm

however , I was able only to have another external hard disk recovered with GetDataback pro software because that drive with allocated space and haven’t been formatted or partitioned yet so Data have been recovered from that hard disk .

Q. Can I use GetDataBack to recover data if my hard drive is not recognized by the BIOS of my computer?

A. No, if the BIOS is not recognizing the hard drive, our software is not able to perform a recovery. Please make sure that the connections, jumper settings and controllers are okay. If the hard drive is still not recognized, try to connect it to another computer and see if it gets recognized there. 

also , an recovery software have my files found but it says files already been encrypted and however this is not a free software to use and their website seem to be outdated since 2009 .

this software is awesome and its very fast  and more faster then GetDataback pro software at searching and it can recover all your files even though if you do a disk format or by deleting the partition . this software called diskgetor :) but in my case not sure if this software will be able to recovery the encrypted files or not . this software is to have the original files name for you !

another software called R-studio but its very slow at searching and however its great to shows the original file’s and folder’s names

other utilities from cgsecurity.org are pretty cool :) I’ve give them a try and they able to recovery most of encrypted files and folder but however I had a new issue when I select another hard disk’s drive to have the files recovered on it then I’ve been noticed an disk error on that disk which is an external hard disk , then I had to select another path which is to my desktop as a destination lactation and after this my device’s hard drive (C:) start errors out and not sure what is the cause behind this .

right-click on a drive Properties > tool tab > error checking performed and NO any errors found on any of all of the external hard disk’s , but however when I use the commend prompt for a chkdsk it showing an drive’s error for almost all of them ? Repeating this more then once have the problem confirmed .

their utilities will get you your files back but without your file’s original names so your files name will be changed on a recovery .

unfortunately this utilities from cgsecurity.org are not able find some file format which is a records file by the BB FLASH back software which is the format of this file should be like this (FBR)



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Honestly at this point it probably isn't worth it to keep taking such drastic measures to attempt to copy what is no doubt nothing more than an unnecessary data folder from either the official Java Uninstall Tool, or simply data from a third party tool developed for the same purpose (or possibly even simply leftover data from a past Java installation itself).  Either way, I doubt it's worth all the heroic efforts you're going to in attempting to copy or move it.  I doubt it will break anything significant (if anything at all) if you aren't able to replicate it on your new drive so it might be best to just skip it and get the remainder of your data moved over if any remains then deal with that leftover folder by formatting the drive, assuming that's what you plan to do with the drive once you're done, as that will definitely get rid of it.

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thanks but this is not the Java and nor a folder by Java either , but this folder name "RemoveJava" is created by a tool called JavaRA

I’ve never install the Jave on this laptop and yes I’ve now have 2 of the external hard disk both are totally emptied for back up purpose for my device and  for other date .

will check again and get back here .

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Ah, I see.  I remember JavaRa.  I used to use it years ago back when using Java was still commonplace (these days it's seldom used and I generally recommend people do without it if they can given its unending string of vulnerabilities and exploits throughout the years).  Also bear in mind that Oracle is planning to kill off the Java browser plugin (assuming they haven't already), though the standalone desktop version is still available/functional for the handful of applications that still rely on it (for example, UL's 3DMark benchmark suite last I checked).

That said, you shouldn't need that folder for JavaRa to function.  In fact, as I recall it's basically portable so it should recreate any data that it needs once you download and run it again on your current system/drive.

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that’s OK @exile360 since I’ve been looking for the original  source of all those files which is inside the "RemoveJave folder" but I am unable to find them on the other External-Hard Disk’s , one of them is previously damaged and fully got out of functionally since a few years back and thus make me wondering whether the source of all those files was stored on that (External-Hard Disk 160 GB ) or not .

as of risky plugins as a JAVA , I even do not use the Flash player on this device and I’ve never install of Adobe’s Flash player but however I just check on this path Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features\Installed Updates  and I noticed that an update for Adobe’s Flash player were installed ? how this update got on my device ? via windows update ? :(

also . I do not think the Java RA can not be use on windows 10 system , I’ve not tried myself yet but just a thought here  this External-Hard Disk was originally bought for all other windows 7 PC’s devices not for windows 10 as of yet . and there is also was an portable windows 7 on it I’ve make it as an Emergency disk as a backup to moving all other files from a non boot-able  device :)

@AdvancedSetup as of this moment I was able to fully recovering the whole folder with the encrypted files :) so I’d be happy to go with your script . :P

folder path changed after recovering to one below :

C:\Users\user\Pictures\1 NTFS\LostFiles\RemoveJava


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Yes, in Windows 10 Adobe Flash Player is built into MS Edge, so it gets updated every Patch Tuesday along with the other Windows Updates that Microsoft roles out.  Adobe has been updating Flash Player on the same monthly schedule that MS roles out their updates for several years now, at least as long as Flash Player has been integrated into MS Edge, and I believe even longer than that; it's why I always update Flash if I have it installed every Patch Tuesday when I do my Windows Updates and that's also why I created this post sometime back to remind others to do the same, especially since Flash was much more popular back then and still required for many commonly used sites like YouTube etc.

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5 minutes ago, exile360 said:

Yes, in Windows 10 Adobe Flash Player is built into MS Edge, so it gets updated every Patch Tuesday along with the other Windows Updates that Microsoft roles out.  Adobe has been updating Flash Player on the same monthly schedule that MS roles out their updates for several years now, at least as long as Flash Player has been integrated into MS Edge, and I believe even longer than that; it's why I always update Flash if I have it installed every Patch Tuesday when I do my Windows Updates and that's also why I created this post sometime back to remind others to do the same, especially since Flash was much more popular back then and still required for many commonly used sites like YouTube etc.

thanks exile360 for the information for the flash player for windows 10 :P going to read your topic later today :)

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  • Root Admin

I see no need to use FRST to remove a JavaRA folder as it should no longer be locked if it was restored

If you really want to all you need to do is create a FIXLIST.TXT file in notepad and put just the path in the file and save it. Then with that file in the same folder as FRST click the Fix button and it will run and remove it.


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3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

I see no need to use FRST to remove a JavaRA folder as it should no longer be locked if it was restored

If you really want to all you need to do is create a FIXLIST.TXT file in notepad and put just the path in the file and save it. Then with that file in the same folder as FRST click the Fix button and it will run and remove it.


 the contents in that folder is still locked even after that software able to recovery it . this folder contain some of older portable tools and PNG files and FBR files (recording file) which is by BB flash back software , meanwhile I need to have the encrypted files by the windows to be unlocked because I no longer have the access to that hard disk . they are just a files were heavily been edited for the gaming project .

if there no way then this topic can be close as unresolved .

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