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Confusion Regarding Malwarebtes Free Version

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Malware Bytes Free Version

Please answer each question separately.

I have always used the free version of this software.

In the past, the Dashboard 'Scan Status' section always showed how long ago the last scan was completed (in my case, 12 hours ago, today, May 1/19) and the month and date that the next scan is scheduled (it used to show 6/1/19 5am, since I had it scheduled for the first of each month at 5am).

However, the current free version still shows how long ago the last scan was (12 hours ago, today, May 1/19 at 5am) and 'Settings->Scan Schedule' shows the next scan is set to repeat each month at 5am but the 'next scan' information is not listed under 'Scan Schedule.'

1. Since the free version does not allow a user to change the scan schedule, how was I able to set it for the 1st of the month in the first place unless something has changed with the free version?

2. Why is the software still automatically scanning on the 1st of each month even though I cannot change it?

3. This forum is titled 'Malwarebytes 3 Support Forum':

a) If the software is now Malwarebytes 3, why does it still show as Malwarebytes Free on my computer?

b) Am I asking these questions in the right category?





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It is my understanding that the free version doesn't actually include scheduled scanning which is why you cannot modify this setting, so the default scheduled scans shouldn't actually continue to run after the free trial has ended.  A member of the staff may correct me if I am wrong on that point, but that is my understanding of how it works.  If it continues to scan once the trial has ended on your system then I suspect it is a bug, though obviously a rather beneficial one in your case :) .

The official product name is now just Malwarebytes; the forum is named that way to clarify that it is referring to the current version rather than the past 1.x/2.x versions.  For a while both 2.x and 3.x were still supported/active so a separate 2.x support forum existed.  The naming of the current support forum is just an artifact from that time, however as long as the current version is still 3.x the naming makes sense.

The window title you see that states Malwarebytes Free is just the product name along with the current license type/feature set you're using (Premium, Premium Trial or Free).

If you wish to eliminate the continued scheduled scanning we can help you to correct that, but I suspect you'd rather keep it functioning as-is so just let us know if you do wish for the scheduled scans to stop and we will guide you on steps which will likely 'fix' it but that's up to you.

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There is still a point that I am unclear about:

Since the default scheduled scanning are not supposed to work on a monthly basis (even though they do) and since the real-time protection options are turned off by default, what is the point of having the 'update' option (I check updates daily and there is always one to be installed) enabled?

If scheduled scans are unavailable and the software is not offering real-time protection, what benefit does having the latest update provide?




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It doesn't update automatically either.  That too is a feature of the Premium version.  You can check for updates manually or you can simply allow it to download definition updates any time you perform a scan (it automatically checks for database/signature updates at the start of a scan if the system is connected to the internet).

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I apologize for being unclear.

Since the default monthly scheduled scanning is not supposed to work on a monthly basis (even though it does) and since the real-time protection options are turned off by default, what is the point of having the 'update' option enabled (I manually check updates daily and there is always one to be installed)?

If scheduled scans are unavailable and the software is not offering real-time protection, what benefit does having the latest update provide?


I am 'obviously' missing something!

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Do I have this info correct then:

All of the Real-Time Protection options on the Dashboard are disabled by default.

A monthly scheduled scan is still available by default in the free version for the 1st of the month at 5am but the trade-off is that this date and time schedule cannot be changed?

The reason that updates can be manually checked and installed is because of the default monthly scheduled scan. Even though malware cannot be detected in real-time, the monthly scheduled scan will detect it as long as the latest updates are installed?


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The option to update manually is there just because it's a normal thing even for free/on-demand scanners to include such an option (particularly since most don't check for updates as a part of every scan the way that Malwarebytes does; that function in the scans for Malwarebytes does pretty much render this function obsolete but it is still useful for any user that does want to keep their databases up to date even when they aren't scanning for whatever reason).  If you take a look at other programs like the free versions of Spybot, SUPERAnti-Spyware, HitmanPro or Ad-Aware, they generally offer something similar, allowing the user to update databases manually even though there is no active protection.  Most just don't update prior to each scan so that's why this feature stands out a bit in Malwarebytes.  It isn't as useful as in those other products because of this, but it does no harm in keeping it there either.

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I apologize but I am still confused.

Since there is no active (real-time) protection in the free version and since the monthly scheduled scan option is supposed to be disabled by default (so there must be a glitch that automatically scanned my system yesterday), there is no benefit to installing updates because there is no real-time or on-demand scanning anyway?

If all of that is true, why install the free version in the first place?



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There is on-demand scanning.  You can scan with the product whenever you wish (this is what I mean by on-demand scanning; I wasn't referring to the scheduled scans at all).

The features of the free version are on-demand (i.e. user initiated; not automatic through the scheduler) scans where it will check for updates, scan for threats and allow the user to quarantine any threats that are detected.  This is a big deal and very useful because many products either do not allow this unless you pay or they limit how many times you can scan/update the product.  Malwarebytes doesn't limit those things so if you just want to keep the free version around as a second opinion scanner to check for any threats and PUPs that may have been missed by your resident AV you can.

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Ohh-I was getting confused between on-demand scanning and the scheduled scan.

Updates are available to be installed in the free version so that on-demand scanning for malware can be performed as often as the user wants.

Real-Time Protection is disabled (and the automatic monthly scheduled scan should also be disabled) but there is either a glitch (which is allowing users to view results, either though the date and time settings cannot be changed) or the programmers have decided to include automatic scheduled scans in this version but it might not be available after the next program update.


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15 hours ago, Firefox said:

If my memory serves me right, at one point and after the trial period expired, MB3 was performing a  monthly scan even in the FREE version.  There was talk that it was going to be removed and not sure if that has happened. 

It was supposedly removed with the update to version 3.6


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